The Kathina season follows immediately after the Vassa (Rains Retreat). The following monasteries will be holding alms-giving ceremonies. If you would like to make offerings or help please telephone the coordinators listed.
Amaravati: 23rd October. Contact Kuljira Sujirot (wrk. 071-589-5111 ext. 56731, res. 071-370-1003)
Cittaviveka: 30th October. Contact Barry Durrant (0730 821 479)
Ratanagiri: 6th November. Contact Dr. Kahakachchi (091 386 7600) or Dr. Panditaratne (0282 690 634)
Dhammapala: 6th November at 'Kipferhaus' Hinterkapallen. Contact Mrs. Jaree Keller (034 220072)
Devon: 13th November. contact David Austin (0823 324 436)
Teaching Tapes
Whilst there is a wealth of teaching material in the Amaravati Tape Library deived from the many desanas given over the years by senior members of the Sangha, an additional 'core' of tapes specifically discussing such topics as Dukkha, the Four Noble Truths, the Five Hindrances, the Three Refuges, the Five Precepts, etc., would enhance and complement the Dhamma treasury.
In order that we might start to build up such a resource, please could those listening to these tapes forward any comment on their subject matter, style and ease of understanding to Barry Durrant, at Chittaviveka.
Sangha Movements
Tan Ajahn Anek will be joining the Amaravati community. He is the Abbot of Wat Sai Ngam in Ubon, a bhikkhu of 27 vassa, and long-time disciple of Luang Por Chah. He intends to stay at least one year and possibly up to five years. Venerable Kusalo has left New Zealand and taken up residence at Amaravati as well. He will be a member of the community for at least a year.
Tan Chao Khun Rajaviriyabharana, the abbot of Wat Buddhapadipa since its establishment in Wimbledonm, passed away at Wat Mahadhatu on May 21st. Luang Por Sumedho and Ajahn Sucitto were among the bhikkhus invitred for the seventh day of the memorial chanting.
Tan Chao Khun, a much-loved and central figure, will be greatly missed.
Reumah (Roma) Dwarkasingh Bernard died on the 18th June 1994. She came to Buddhism in the early 70's and was devoted supporter of the Sangha. Her greatest joy was to give dana to the monks and nuns. We will remember her deviotion to the Buddha, her compassion to all, but most of all her distince lack of piousness and her sense of fun.
Temple at Amaravati
Discussion have resumed between the architect and the Sangha to finalise the design of the building. Preparatory work, including the construction of a new workshop, are likely to begin in 1995, with the temple itself hopefully beginning construction in 1996.