Forest Sangha Newsletter January 1997

On Making a Mistake; Ajahn Brahmavamso
Bodhinyanarama Impressions; Aj. Sucitto interviews Aj. Vajiro
Timeless Teachings; Luang Por Chah's Death Anniversary
Cultivating the Perfections; Sister Jitindriya
Microcosmic Challenges; Ajahn Candasiri
Observance days
Signs of Change:

Sangha Notices:
Winter Retreat:
Up till the end of February each of the monastic communities are observing a silent retreat. Visitors are welcome to come to offer dana, to help out with other kitchen duties or to join in the evening puja (please telephone on the day to confirm it is on) - particularly on the weekly Observance Days (always on).
Magha Puja:
The actual Magha Puja full moon is on 21st February but the annual Sangha gathering will be at Amaravati from 14th - 23rd March. Any lay people interested in coming for the full ten days to help - in the kitchen, etc. - please contact the Amaravati Secretary. The Upasika gathering will be later in the year.

Forest Weekends:
Please contact the monastery for details.
  • Sunday 9th March; tree planting.
  • Saturday 5th April; clearing birch.

  • Lay Forums:
  • 30th March
  • 27th April
  • 26th May
  • 29th June (provisional)

  • Upasika Events:
    There will be a national Upasika weekend retreat at Amaravati on 25th - 27th of April. Please contact Nick Carroll for details. Tel or Fax: 0181 740 9748
    Study Days:
    A full day of Dhamma at Amaravati, joining the community for the meal. There will be both large and small group formats with times for questions and discussion.
  • June 14th &
  • September 13th

  • Themes to be announced.

    Family Events:
  • Rainbows Weekend 23-26 May
  • Family Weekend 13-15 June
  • Family Camp 16-24 Aug
  • Family Weekend 26-28 Sept
  • Young Persons' Retreat 5- 7 Dec.

  • Sunday Classes: Last Sunday of each month, 12:30 (for ages 5+).
    Each event has a different 'feel' to it. For details contact: Dan Jones, 144 Catherine St., Cambridge, CB1 3AR Tel: (01223) 246-257

    Retreating Builder:
    Is there anyone out there with building skills who would like to help convert stone farm buildings to a retreat centre in a beautiful, rural location in Ireland? Work would be in return for board, keep and modest pay (to be negotiated) and the opportunity to practice daily meditation with a Buddhist family. Work to start in early Spring '97. Please contact: Stan de Freitas, Sunyata, Belvoir Cross, Sixmilebridge, Co. Claire, EIRE Tel: (from UK) 00-353-61-367073