Forest Sangha Newsletter January 1997

On Making a Mistake; Ajahn Brahmavamso
Bodhinyanarama Impressions; Aj. Sucitto interviews Aj. Vajiro
Timeless Teachings; Luang Por Chah's Death Anniversary
Cultivating the Perfections; Sister Jitindriya
Microcosmic Challenges; Ajahn Candasiri
Observance days
Signs of Change:
John Wake: 1905 - 1996
On the 8th of October Farmer Wake, our neighbour and landlord at Ratanagiri, passed away at the age of 91. Our heartfelt thanks go to John for all his kindness and generosity over the years, and for the many lessons he has taught us. After so many years on Harnham Hill, his passing signals the end of an era.

Walter Stangl: 1914 - 1996
A regular helper in the major garden, grounds' clearing and drive construction in the early days at Cittaviveka, died peacefully in his sleep on the 27th of November 1996. Walter served (reluctantly) in the Austrian army during World War II and spent about four years in a concentration camp in Siberia as a result. He was fortunate to survive. After being released he was a Buddhist monk for a while in Thailand and a gardener at Kew. After his initial work, Walter generally spent a week or so at Cittaviveka every year, pruning and planting with boundless vigour. In the last years of his life he visited Russia and Mongolia on personal goodwill missions, bringing special food and treats with him as his way of paying off any bad kamma. One of his happiest recollections was of bringing chocolate to a woman in St. Petersburg who had lost her husband in the war. She forgave him, saying that everyone made mistakes and the war was over.

We are maintaining a register of people interested helping in the area of 'Youth Education'. This can be either direct involvement with students (school visits, assemblies, etc.) or the inception, development or maintenance of educational resources. Please reply to: 'School Visits' c/o Amaravati Retreat Centre.

Monastery Name:
Now that the Devon Vihara is well established on the Hartridge it has been decided to rename it: 'Hartridge Buddhist Monastery'.

New Groups:
An informal, eclectic Buddhist Meditation group meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month at Wingrave. Tel: (01296) 681161 or 668727
Meets fortnightly for silent meditation. Tea and discussion after. Tel: (0151) 220-960

Psychotherapy Seminar:
Nick Carroll would like to hear from anyone in the psychotherapy or counselling professions who would be interested in helping to set up some kind of seminar or weekend workshop at Amaravati. Tel. Nick on (0181) 740-9748

Buddhist-Christian Retreat:
3rd - 5th of October at Turvey Abbey; led by Sister Lucy Brydon O.S.B. and Ajahn Candasiri; on the theme of 'Meditation and Mindfulness'. Please contact: The Retreat Secretary, Priory of Our Lady of Peace, Turvey Abbey, Bedford, MK43 8DE

Monastery On-line:
The Forest Sangha newsletter is available on the internet: This site is now receiving just under a thousand visits a month which is fast approaching our 'paper' distribution figure. Certainly a 'Sign of Change' in the world.