Forest Sangha Newsletter October 2002

Suffering Should Be Welcomed; Luang Por Sumedho
Reading the Heart; Upasika Kee Nanayon
Mudita: Shared Enjoyment; Ajahn Sucitto
Reflections; Ajahn Pannasaro
Mt. Kailash; Luang Por Sumedho
Nourishing our Hearts; Sister Thaniya
Observance days

Annual Gratitude to Parents Day:
To be held on Sunday 13th October at Amaravati. All welcome. 11.00am arrival for 11.30 meal offering. For further details contact Amaravati on 01442 842 455 or Mr Chandi Perera 0208 977 7642 (after 6pm).

Community Work Weekend: Saturday 30th November - Sunday 1st December. Can you join us to help with grounds work and cleaning on the above dates? If you would like to come for either a day or the whole weekend, please write enclosing a s.a.e. or telephone Venerable Revato at Amaravati.

Winter Retreat January - March:
As in previous years we are looking to have a small group of lay people staying at the monastery to help with the kitchen etc. We will only accept people who have stayed before, and ask for a minimum stay of a month. Please write to the secretary before the end of October.

Lay Residential opportunity:
We will be looking for help to look after the gardens from spring 2003. Please contact the Secretary as soon as possible for information.

Kathina 2002 at Harnham:
This will be held on Sunday 27th October. This year's festival is being sponsored by the Thai community, which can be contacted through the monastery. We will be welcoming many senior monks and nuns from the other monasteries to this year's gathering and are hoping that as many friends of the monastery as possible will join in the occasion. Anyone wishing to help with the preparations please contact - Committee:
Monastery E-mail:

From the Magha Bhavaka Trust:
Harnham Buddhist Monastery is in the process of re-organising its office and its computers. It urgently needs 2 or 3 licences for Windows 2000 and for MS Office Professional. Copies of the media are not essential. An up-to-date printer is also needed.
If anyone has a valid licence for either Windows 2000 or Office 2000 Professional which they could donate to the Monastery it would be much appreciated. Please send any licence to the Hon Treasurer at the Monastery or e-mail

Cittaviveka Winter Retreat
Applications are welcome from experienced self-supporting men (we have enough women) to be part of the support team. Preferred length of stay is one month (minimum). Write to the Guest Monk.

Lay Forums:
The venue of these discussions is the monastery's Reception Room, the time 2:00pm
  • October 13th - 'The Reality of Suffering'.
  • Nov. 24th - 'The Buddha can point the way'.
  • December 15th - to be decided.

  • Forest Days:
  • Saturday, 12th October.
  • Saturday, 26th October.
  • Sunday, 17th November.
  • These afternoons will be spent helping the Sangha in ongoing work in Hammer Wood. Meet at the monastery at 1.00pm. If you'd like overnight accommodation write to the guest monk/nun.

    Garden Day: Sunday 8th December.

    Cittaviveka Forest Work Month will be over three weeks, 7th - 28th October. Any men who would like to join the group of monastics doing conservation work in the forest for all or part of it should contact Samanera Suddhano at Chithurst.

    Teaching Weekend:
    Ajahn Vajiro will be leading the teaching weekend November 30th - December 1st, including a Saturday meditation workshop at 1.30pm and puja and Dhamma talk on Sunday evening at 7.30pm.

    End of Year Ceremonies:
    At the end of December it is intended for 2 or 3 Sangha members to lead the End of Year ceremonies at the monastery. There are no Sangha visits organised for October but a meditation weekend may be organised by the lay supporters. November 16 -17 Ajahn Gandhasilo will be visiting for the Tree Tending weekend with Rob Whittle, who has overseen the planting and tending of trees for more than 10 years. For an update on the October weekend, or information concerning any of the other events, please contact the monastery. Also, we are pleased to announce that Diana Jones is the newly appointed Resident Manager for Hartridge.

    Young People's Retreat 13th - 15th December
    For Young People's Retreat please contact: Ray Glover, 36 Ottersfield, Greet, Gloucestershire GL54 5PN Tel: 01242 604129

  • Rainbow Weekend 2nd - 5th May
  • Family Weekend 13th - 15th June
  • Summer Camp 16th - 24th August
  • Young People's Retreat 28th - 30th Nov.
  • For Young People's Retreat please contact: Ray Glover, 36 Ottersfield Greet, Gloucestershire GL54 5PN Tel: 01242 604129 All other enquiries please contact: Emily Tomalin, 147 Whytelady Lane, Cookham, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 9LF, Tel: 01628 810083, E-mail:

    Dhammapala - all the retreats are taught in German unless otherwise stated. Contact: Dhammapala Monastery.
  • October 5 - 6, Weekend Retreat (in English)
  • November 30 - Dec 1, Weekend Retreat
  • December 26 - Jan 2, New Year Retreat
