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ISSN 1076-9005
Volume 3 1996


  1. Opening Statement by Charles Prebish

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  2. Cutting the Roots of Virtue by Dan Cozort

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  3. Buddhism and Suicide: The Case of Channa by Damien Keown

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  4. Ethical Particularism in TheravĀda Buddhism by Charles Hallisey

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  5. Are There Seventeen MahĀyĀna Ethics?" by David W. Chappell

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  6. Response: Visions and Revisions in Buddhist Ethics" by Christopher Ives

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Two Notions of Poverty in the Pali Canon" by Mavis Fenn.

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Good or Skillful? Kusala in Canon and Commentary" by L. S. Cousins

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Continuity and Change in the Economic Ethics of Buddhism--Evidence From the History of Buddhism in India, China and Japan by Gregory K. Ornatowski

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Book Reviews

Ocean of Nectar: Wisdom and Compassion in MahĀyĀna Buddhism by Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. Reviewed by John Powers.

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Zen and the Way of the Sword: Arming the Samurai Psyche by Winston L. King. Reviewed by Charles B. Jones.

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Buddhism and Bioethics by Damien Keown. Reviewed by James P. McDermott.

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Desire, Death, and Goodness: The Conflict of Ultimate Values in TheravĀda Buddhism by Grace G. Burford. Reviewed by Mavis Fenn.

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The Five Aggregates: Understanding TheravĀda Psychology and Soteriology by Mathieu Boisver. Reviewed by Peter Harvey.

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Visions of SukhĀvatii: Shan-tao's Commentary on the Kuan Wu-Liang-Shou-Fo Ching by Julian F. Pas. Reviewed by Charles B. Jones.

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The Experience of Buddhism: Sources and Interpretations by John S. Strong. Reviewed by Roger Corless.

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Commentary on the Thirty Seven Practices of a Bodhisattva by HH the Dalai Lama. Reviewed by Jay L. Garfield.

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Buddhism and Language: A Study of Indo-Tibetan Scholasticism by Jose Ignacion Cabezon (Foreword by Frank E. Reynolds). Reviewed by Mark Siderits.

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The Presence of the Past: Chronicles, Politics and Culture in Sinhala Life by Steven Kemper. Reviewed by Nirmala S. Salgado.

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The Buddhists in Australia by Enid Adam and Philip J. Hughes, Buddhism in Western Australia: Alienation or Integration? by Enid Adam. Reviewed by Helen Waterhouse.

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Sexuality in Ancient India: A Study Based on the Pali Vinayapi.taka by L.P.N. Perera. Reviewed by Tessa Bartholomeusz.

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Ethics in Early Buddhism by David J. Kalupahana. Reviewed by Peter Harvey.

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Old Wisdom in the New World by Paul Numrich. Reviewed by Martin Baumann.

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Buddhism in a Foreign Land: Essays on Meditation by Robert Mann. Reviewed by Amadeo Solé-Leris.

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The Awakening of the West: The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture.By Stephen Batchelor. Reviewed by Adriano Lanza.

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