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Journal of Buddhist Ethics Book Reviews

Book Review Editor

Review copies should be directed to the Review Editor:

James Mark Shields

at the following address:

James Mark Shields
Journal of Buddhist Ethics Book Review Editor
c/o Lakeland College
6-27-45 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku
Tokyo 160-0022

Area Book Review Editors

Buddhism and Art
Galit Aviman (Kyoto University)

South/East Asia, Theravaada Buddhism 
Jeffrey Samuels (Western Kentucky University)

East Asia - China/Japan
Eric Reinders (Emory University)

Inner Asia/Tibet 
Alan B. Chipetine, (PhD Candidate, Columbia University)


If you have any suggestions concerning books for review, contact either the editor of the relevant section or the General Editor, Damien Keown,

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Book Review Policy

Book Review Policy

The Journal of Buddhist Ethics publishes reviews of books on all aspects of Buddhist Studies.  Our intent is to provide fast, informative, and thorough reviews of recently published work in Buddhist Studies by specialists from diverse disciplines including anthropology, history, philosophy, and religion.

Online publishing can eliminate the often lengthy delays that occur between submission of a review and its publication. The Journal of Buddhist Ethics publishes on an ongoing basis rather than once or twice a year, making it possible for a review to appear soon after the reviewer completes it.

Subscription to the Journal of Buddhist Ethics is free, an advantage for readers since many libraries are cutting back on journal subscriptions and rising publication costs make subscription to print journals increasingly expensive for individuals.

If you have been asked to review a book for the Journal of Buddhist Ethics, or if you are interested in knowing more about our book review policy and procedures, please click here.

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