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ISSN 1076-9005
Volume 7, 2000


The Ethics of Esteem By Maria Hibbets.
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Selflessness: Toward a Buddhist Vision of Social Justice. By Sungtaek Cho.
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Family Matters: Dramatic Interdependence and the Intimate Realization of Buddhist Liberation. By Peter D. Hershock.
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We Are All Gzhan stong pas: Reflections on The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence. By Paul Williams. A Review Article by Matthew T. Kapstein.
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Nature, Nurture, and No-Self: Bioengineering and Buddhist Values. By Michael G. Barnhart.
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Saving the Rainforest of Ethics: Society, Urgency, and the Study of Asia. By William R. LaFleur.
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How to Reform a Serial Killer: The Buddhist Approach to Restorative Justice. By David R. Loy.
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Abhidhamma Studies: Buddhist Explorations of Consciousness and Time. By Ven. Nyanaponika Thera, edited by Bhikkhu Bodhi. Reviewed by Rupert Gethin.
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Dreaming in the Lotus: Buddhist Dream Narrative, Imagery, and Practice. By Serinity Young. Reviewed by James Gollnick.
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Imaging Wisdom: Seeing and Knowing in the Art of Indian Buddhism. By Jacob N. Kinnard. Reviewed by Kevin Trainor.
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The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet. By Toni Huber. Reviewed by Alex McKay.
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Emptiness Appraised: A Critical Study of NĀgĀrjuna's Philosophy. By David F. Burton. Reviewed by Paul J. Griffiths.
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Mental Culture in Burmese Crisis Politics. By GustĀf Houtman. Reviewed by Karen Derris.
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Tashi Jong: A Traditional Tibetan Community in Exile [video]. Reviewed by Dan Cozort.
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Buddhism and Africa. Edited by Michel Clasquin and Jacobus S. Krueger. Reviewed by Martin Baumann.
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Many Petals of the Lotus: Five Asian Buddhist Communities in Toronto. By Janet McLellan. Reviewed by Lionel Obadia.
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Buddhism: A Very Short Introduction. By Damien Keown. Reviewed by James G. Mullens.
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The Zen Works of Stonehouse: Poems and Talks of a Fourteenth-Century Chinese Hermit. Translated by Red Pine. Reviewed by Eric Reinders.
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Practically Religious: Worldly Benefits and the Common Religion of Japan. By Ian Reader and George J. Tanabe, Jr. Reviewed by Fabio Rambelli.
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Recognizing Reality: Dharmakiirti's Philosophy and Its Tibetan Interpretationt. By Georges B. J. Dreyfus. Reviewed by Pascale Hugon.
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Environmental Philosophy and Ethics in Buddhism. By Padmasiri de Silva. Reviewed by Pragati Sahni.
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Socially Engaged Buddhism for the New Millennium: Essays in honor of the Ven. Phra Dhammapitaka (Bhikkhu P. A. Payutto) on his 60th birthday anniversary. Edited by Pipob Udomittipong and Chris Walker. Reviewed by Donald K. Swearer.
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Buddhism in America. By Richard Hughes Seager. Reviewed by Alioune Koné-el-Adji.
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Global Healing: Essays and Interviews on Structural Violence, Social Development, and Spiritual Transformation. By Sulak Sivaraksa. Reviewed by Donald K. Swearer.
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The Glorious Deeds of A Translation and Study of the Puur.nĀvadĀna. By Joel Tatelman. Reviewed by Jonathan S. Walters.
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Bodhisattva Archetypes: Classic Buddhist Guides to Awakening and their Modern Expressions. By Taigen Daniel Leighton. Reviewed by Franz Aubrey Metcalf.
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