A brick hall at Nádiká (Ńátiká). The Buddha stayed there on various occasions during his visits to Nádiká. It was during one of these visits that Ambapáli presented her park to the Buddha and the Order (Vin.i.232).

In the Gińjakávasatha the Buddha preached the Cúlagosinga Sutta (M.i.205), the Janavasabha Sutta (D.ii.200) and several discourses on marana-sati (E.g., A.iii.303f; 306f; 391f; iv.320f); also the sermons to the Elder Sandha of the Kaccánagotta (A.v.322f) and the Elder Kaccáyana (S.ii.153f; see also S.ii.74; iv.90).

Both in the Janavasabha Sutta and the Gińjakávasatha Sutta (S.v.356f), which was preached at the same place, the Buddha is represented as having answered questions regarding the destiny and the rebirth of several residents of Nádiká. Does this perhaps mean that the people of Nádiká were more interested in this problem than the people of other places? It was by way of finding a permanent solution to these questions that the Buddha preached to Ananda at Gińjakávasatha the Dhammá-dása (Mirror of Truth) on his last visit to Nádiká, as described in the Mahá Parinibbána Sutta (D.ii.91ff; see also S.v.357).

The Commentaries (E.g., MA.i.424) state that once the Buddha arrived at Nádiká while travelling in the Vajji country, and the people there built for him a residence entirely made of bricks (gińjaká), hence its name. Later, residences were also built for the monks, complete with all requirements. The bricks were evidently a special architectural feature, and this con-firms the belief that buildings were generally of wood. The "Brick Hall" was, however, not designed for the Buddha and his monks alone, for we find mention of members of other sects staying there - e.g., the Paribbájaka Sabhiya Kaccána (S.iv.401). The building was probably a resting place for all travellers.

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