1. Síhapura. A city, built by the third son of King Upacara of the Mahásammata dynasty. J.iii.460.

2. Síhapura. A town in Lála, from which Vijaya and his followers went to Ceylon. It was founded by Síhabáhu, who became its first king (Mhv.vi.35; Dpv.ix.4, 5, 43).

Tilokasundarí, consort of Vijayabáhu I., was born in Síhapura (Cv.lix.46). It was to the north of Kálinga. The south eastern district of Chutiá Nágpur, to the west of Bengal, is still called Singhabhúm. Cv.Trs.i.213, n.1.

3. Síhapura. A suburb of Pulatthipura, in which was the Kusinárá-vihára. Cv.lxxviii.84.

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