

The Pali Line Masthead

The Gradual Course

The Advantages and the Disadvantages

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The Disadvantages of Going Bad
The Peril!

The Dassa Wrong Way
[Dassa: 10 Directional]



OOO That what is his were mine!


I wish they were dead, non existent, annihilated!

Wrong Views

There is no kamma

No here, no hereafter

No God, gods, or Evil Ones

No Mother and Father

No seer’s who have seen




Harsh, abusive speech

Idle, useless babble


Injurious behavior


Intercourse with protected women

[One living with parents or ward or powerful individual or group; one with a husband or one engaged to be wed.]

[Teach these things as Positive Values: Go > The Kala-Sutta Avici -- The Dark Spell Hell]

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Mike Olds at BuddhaDust dot org
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Thursday, May 29, 2003 6:09 AM

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