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What four Concepts, when seen to the Root with Penetrating Knowledge, and understood to the broadest limits, such that their repellant nature is seen as it really is and one has released them in their entirety, can bring one to the Uttermost Freedom of Detachment?

There are three acceptable answers to this question (The Quartered Aristocratic Truth; the Quartered Satisfaction; and The Four Foods. I am using the first of these as it is most Satisfying to me in my mind’s design for the construction of this Course.)


(CATARI = Four, but really "One, Quartered"; ARIYA (Aristocratic) = ARI = around the sun; YA = whatsoever; SACCA = true, of "one", d'accordo, NI = set down) The Quartered Aristocratic Truth. Well known for a long time here as: The Four Noble Truths.


It is the Truth of DUKKHA, Pain:

Birth is DUKKHA, Aging, Sickness and Death are DUKKHA.

Grief and Lamentation are DUKKHA

Pain and Misery are DUKKHA

Despair is DUKKHA

To be united with the Unpleasant is DUKKHA

To be separated from the Pleasant is DUKKHA

Not to get what is wished for is DUKKHA: And what does it mean, not to get what is wished for is DUKKHA? In beings subject to DUKKHA, the wish arises: "O,O,O, if only we were not subject to DUKKHA!" But this is not to be got by wishing, that is what is meant by ‘Not to get what is wished for is DUKKHA’

In a word: This Entire Stockpiled Pile of DUKKHA is a Heap of Flaming DUKKHA

It is the Truth of DUKKHA SAMUDAYA, Pain’s Origination

DUKKHA originates in TANHA, Hunger/Thirst

It is the Truth of DUKKHA NIRODHA, Pain’s Eradication

The Eradication of TANHA, Hunger/Thirst is the Eradication of DUKKHA

It is the Truth of The MAGGA, The Way to Walk the Walk to the Eradication of DUKKHA

High View

High Principles

High Talk

High Works

High Lifestyle

High Effort

High Mental Preparation

High Getting High

High Vision

High Objective Detachment



NOTE: (PLEASE SKIP IF STRAIGHT TALK OFFENDS YOU): We suffer greatly here in written English as a consequence of our excessively prudish society. The Four Truths use the Words DUKKHA (the meaning of which is obvious to any child) and TANHA, where other words were possible choices, for the reason that they relate, like a metaphor, to every day activities and as such are exceedingly easy to remember and provide a constant reminder (or instruction) of the truth of the statement being made: Everything is Shit (Take a look folks, everything, even ideas, is waste product in a recycled state); Shit comes from Eating and Drinking, or, originally, from Hunger and Thirst. If you want to bring shit to an end, stop Eating and Drinking. That is the way to do it.


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