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Jagarianuyoga -- Self Control Section Title Page

These Four Should Not Be Dealt with Carelessly

Be Content with Little


Be Set on Little

Guard the Gates to the Realm of the Senses


Of Perception

Wary of Interest

Knowing the Danger

Moderate Eating

Reflecting Carefully

At One Sitting

Not for Pleasure

By This Method

The Vigilant Wake

Keeping the Watches

As by Day, So by Night

Back to Sila Gallery ] [ On to "The 10 Questions" ]

[ Introduction ] [ Giving ] [ Ethical Culture ] [ Self Discipline ] [ The 10 Questions, Part I ] [ The 10 Questions, Part II ] [ The Disadvantages of Going Bad ] [ Be Not Afraid of Good Deeds ] [ Liberate the Heart Through Friendly Vibrations ]

Mike Olds at BuddhaDust dot org
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Monday, May 26, 2003 8:31 PM

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