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Day Six

Recollection of Death
(ârakkhà Bhàvanà 4)


1.         Pavàtadãpatulyàya, Þ sàyusantatiyà khayaü,
Comparing a lamp in a breeze, Þ and the destruction of the life continuum,

            paråpamàya sampassaü Þ bhàvaye maraõassatiü.
seeing oneself as similar to others Þ one should develop mindfulness of death.

2.         Mahàsampattisampattà Þ yathà sattà matà idha,
Just as people who have attained great good fortune here have died,

            tathà ahaü marissàmi Þ maraõaü mama hessati.
in the same way will I die Þ death is (surely) coming to me.

3.         Uppattiyà sah' evedaü Þ maraõaü àgataü sadà,
Indeed death always comes along with that which has arisen,

            maraõ'-atthàya okàsaü Þ vadhako viya esati.
it is like a murderer who is seeking an opportunity to kill.

4.         äsakaü anivattaü taü Þ satataü gaman'-ussukaü,
This life is slowly, without turning back, continually, eagerly,

            jãvitaü udayà atthaü Þ suriyo viya dhàvati.
going its way, it rises and falls Þ just as the sun runs its course (and sets).

5.         Vijjububbulaussàva, Þ jalaràjã parikkhayaü,
(Like) lightning, a bubble, dew, Þ a line drawn on water, life (quickly goes to) destruction,

            ghàtako va 'ripåtassa Þ sabbatthà pi avàriyo.
like an executioner in regard to his rival Þ (death) can never be constrained.

6.         Suyasatthàmapu¤¤'-iddhã Þ buddhivuddhã Jinadvayaü,
Even the two kinds of Victors, who are famous, strong, meritorious, powerful, and of great intelligence,

            ghàtesi maraõaü khippaü, Þ kà tu màdisake kathà?
were quickly slaughtered by death, Þ so what to say about one like me?

7.         Paccayàna¤-ca vekalyà Þ bàhir'-ajjhatt'-upaddavà,
When conditions fail Þ there are internal and external adversities,

            maràm' oraü nimesà pi Þ maramàno anukkhaõan-ti.
dying at each and every moment I will die in less (time) than a blink of an eye.


The Eight Bases for Urgency


1.         Bhàvetvà caturàrakkhà Þ àvajjeyya anantaraü
Having developed these four protections Þ one should consider next

            mahàsaüvegavatthåni, Þ aññha aññhitavãriyo.
the eight great bases for urgency, having non-stop energy.


2.                     Jàtijaràvyàdhicutã apàyà,
            Birth, old age, sickness, death, the lower realms,

            the past and future suffering in the round,

                        idàni àhàragaveññhidukkhaü -
            the suffering in having to seek food in the present -

                        saüvegavatthåni imàni aññha.
these are the eight bases for urgency.


3.         Pàto ca sàyamapi c' eva imaü vidhi¤¤o,
If, in the morning and in the evening, one who knows the way,

            àsevate satatamatta hitàbhilàsi,
who desires his own benefit, practises (these meditations) continually,

            pappoti so ti vipulaü hata pàripantho,
then after destroying (even) extensive obstacles, that sage

            seññhaü sukhaü muni visiññh'-amataü sukhena cà ti.
easily attains great happiness, and the distinction of the deathless.



The Discourse on the Advantages of Friendliness Meditation


            Evaü me sutaü:
            This is what I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tatra kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
There it was that the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:

ßBhikkhavo!û ti, ßBhadante!û ti te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßMonks!û, ßReverend Sir!û those monks replied to the Auspicious One,

Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:

ßMettàya bhikkhave cetovimuttiyà,
ßMonks, from the freedom of mind by friendliness meditation,

àsevitàya, bhàvitàya, bahulãkatàya, yànãkatàya,
when practiced, developed, made much of, carried on,

vatthukatàya, anuññhitàya, paricitàya, susamàraddhàya,
established, maintained, augmented, and properly instigated,

ekàdas'-ànisaüsà pàñikaïkhà.
eleven advantages are to be expected.

Katame ekàdasa?
What are the eleven?


I.                Sukhaü supati,
He sleeps happily,

ii.              sukhaü pañibujjhati,
he wakes up happily,

iii.            na pàpakaü supinaü passati,
he does not see bad dreams,

iv.            manussànaü piyo hoti,
he is dear to human beings,

v.            amanussànaü piyo hoti,
he is dear to non-human beings,

vi.            devatà rakkhanti,
the gods protect him,

vii.            nàssa aggi và visaü và satthaü và kamati,
neither fire, poison, or sword can affect him,

viii.          tuvañaü cittaü samàdhiyati,
he can concentrate his mind quickly,

ix.            mukhavaõõo vippasãdati,
his complexion becomes clear,

x.            asammåëho kàlaü karoti,
he dies unbewildered,

xi.            uttariü appañivijjhanto Brahmalokåpago hoti.
and if he penetrates no further, he will (at least) go to the Brahma world.

Mettàya bhikkhave cetovimuttiyà,
Monks, from the freedom of mind by friendliness meditation,

àsevitàya, bhàvitàya, bahulãkatàya, yànãkatàya,
when practiced, developed, made much of, carried on,

vatthukatàya, anuññhitàya, paricitàya, susamàraddhàya,
established, maintained, augmented, and properly instigated,

ime ekàdas'-ànisaüsà pàñikaïkhàû ti.
there are these eleven advantages to be expected.û

            Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
            The Auspicious One said this,

attamanà te bhikkhå Bhagavato bhàsitaü abhinandun-ti.
and those monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in the Gracious One's words.

Verse of Blessing

Etena saccavajjena Þ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena Þ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may all disease be destroyed!



08-Conclusion.htm - Avasanam1 Now go to Conclusion part 1: Sabba-pàpassa akaraõaü...

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