Påja - Worship (Daily)     Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)

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Day Seven

Safeguard through the Top of a Banner


            Evaü me sutaü:
            This is what I heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tatra kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
There it was that the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:

ßBhikkhavo!û ti, ßBhadante!û ti te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßMonks!û, ßReverend Sir!û those monks replied to the Auspicious One,

Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:

ßBhåtapubbaü bhikkhave devàsurasaïgàmo samåpabbåëho ahosi.
ßFormerly, monks, there was a massed battle between the gods and the asuras.

Atha kho bhikkhave Sakko devànamindo deve tàvatiüse àmantesi:
Then, monks, the lord of the gods Sakka addressed the Tàvatiüsa gods, saying:

ßSace màrisà devànaü saïgàmagatànaü
ßIf, dear Sirs, to the gods who have gone into battle

uppajjeyya bhayaü và chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và,
there should arise fear, or terror, or horror,

mam' eva tasmiü samaye dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
at that time you could look for the top of my banner.

Mamaü hi vo dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of my banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.


No ce me dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha,
If you cannot look to the top of my banner,

atha Pajàpatissa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
then you could look for the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner.

Pajàpatissa hi vo devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.

No ce Pajàpatissa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha,
If you cannot look to the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner,

atha Varuõassa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
then you could look for the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner.

Varuõassa hi vo devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và, so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.

No ce Varuõassa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha,
If you cannot look to the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner,

atha äsànassa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
then you could look for the top of the god-king äsàna's banner.

äsànassa hi vo devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of the god-king äsàna's banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.


Taü kho pana bhikkhave
But, monks, to those

Sakkassa và devànamindassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
who look to the top of the lord of the gods Sakka's banner,

Pajàpatissa và devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
or who look to the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner,

Varuõassa và devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
or who look to the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner,

äsànassa và devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
or who look to the top of the god-king äsàna's banner,

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror, or horror,

so pahãyethàpi no pi pahãyetha.
may be given up, and may not be given up.

Taü kissa hetu?
What is the reason for that?

Sakko bhikkhave devànamindo avãtaràgo avãtadoso avãtamoho,
The lord of the gods Sakka, monks, is not free from passion, is not free from hatred, is not free from delusion,

bhãrucchambhi utràsi palàyi.
he is fearful, terrified, scared, and runs away.

Aha¤-ca kho bhikkhave evaü vadàmi:
But I say this, monks:

Sace tumhàkaü bhikkhave ara¤¤agatànaü và,
If to you, monks, after going to the wilderness,

rukkhamålagatànaü và, su¤¤àgàragatànaü và,
or to the root of a tree, or to an empty place,

uppajjeyya bhayaü và chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và,
there should arise fear, or terror, or horror,

mam' eva tasmiü samaye anussareyyàtha:
at that time you could recollect me thus:

ßIti pi so Bhagavà Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
ßSuch is he, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vijjàcaraõasampanno Sugato lokavidå,
the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One,

the one who understands the worlds,

anuttaro purisadammasàrathã,
the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming,

Satthà devamanussànaü Buddho Bhagavàû ti.
the Teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Auspicious One.û

Mamaü hi vo bhikkhave anussarataü yaü bhavissati bhayaü và
For, monks, to those who recollect me whatever fear there may be

chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or terror, or horror, will be given up.


No ce maü anussareyyàtha, atha Dhammaü anussareyyàtha:
If you cannot recollect me, then recollect the Dhamma thus:

ßSvàkkhàto Bhagavatà Dhammo,
ßThe Dhamma has been explained well by the Auspicious One,

sandiññhiko, akàliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,
it is visible, not subject to time, inviting inspection, onward leading,

paccattaü veditabbo vi¤¤åhãû ti.
and can be understood by the wise for themselves.û

Dhammaü hi vo bhikkhave anussarataü yaü bhavissati bhayaü và
For, monks, to those who recollect the Dhamma whatever fear there may be

chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or terror, or horror, will be given up.


No ce Dhammaü anussareyyàtha, atha Saïghaü anussareyyàtha:
If you cannot recollect the Dhamma, then recollect the Sangha thus:

ßSupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
The Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are good in their practice,

ujupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are straight in their practice,

¤àyapañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are right in their practice,

sàmãcipañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples are correct in their practice,

yad-idaü cattàri purisayugàni aññha purisapuggalà,
that is to say, the four pairs of persons, the eight individual persons,

esa Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
this is the Gracious One's Sangha of disciples,

àhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhiõeyyo, a¤jalikaraõãyo,
they are worthy of offerings, of hospitality, of gifts, and of reverential salutation,

anuttaraü pu¤¤akkhettaü lokassàû ti.
they are an unsurpassed field of merit or the world.û

Saïghaü hi vo bhikkhave anussarataü yaü bhavissati bhayaü và
For, monks, to those who recollect the Sangha whatever fear there may be

chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or terror, or horror, will be given up.

Taü kissa hetu?
What is the reason for that?

Tathàgato bhikkhave Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
The Realised One, monks, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vãtaràgo, vãtadoso, vãtamoho,
is free from passion, is free from hatred, is free from delusion,

abhãru acchambhi anutràsi apalàyãû ti.
he is not fearful, is not terrified, is not scared, and does not run away.û

            Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
            The Auspicious One said this,

idaü vatvà Sugato athàparaü etad-avoca Satthà:
and after saying this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, said something more:


1.         ßAra¤¤e rukkhamåle và, Þ su¤¤àgàre va bhikkhavo,
ßIn the wilds, at the root of a tree, Þ or in an empty place, monks,

            anussaretha Sambuddhaü, Þ bhayaü tumhàka no siyà.
you must recollect the Sambuddha, Þ and there will be no fear for you.


2.         No ce Buddhaü sareyyàtha, Þ lokajeññhaü naràsabhaü,
if you can't recollect the Buddha, Þ the world's elder, the man-bull,

            atha Dhammaü sareyyàtha, Þ niyyànikaü sudesitaü.
then you must recollect the Dhamma, Þ which leads out, which is well preached.

3.         No ce Dhammaü sareyyàtha, Þ niyyànikaü sudesitaü,
If you can't recollect the Dhamma, Þ which leads out, which is well preached,

            atha Saïghaü sareyyàtha, Þ pu¤¤akkhettaü anuttaraü.
then you must recollect the Sangha, Þ which is an unsurpassed field of merit.

4.          Evaü Buddhaü sarantànaü, Þ Dhammaü Saïgha¤-ca bhikkhavo,
Thus for those who recollect the Buddha, Þ the Dhamma, or the Sangha, monks,

            bhayaü và chambhitattaü và, Þ lomahaüso na hessatãû ti.
(there will be no) fear, or terror, Þ there will be no horror.û


Verse of Blessing

Etena saccavajjena Þ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you be safe at all times!

Etena saccavajjena Þ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may you have the blessing of success!

Etena saccavajjena Þ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth Þ may all disease be destroyed!



Verses from the Dhammapada

183.     Sabbapàpassa akaraõaü, Þ kusalassa upasampadà,
Not doing any bad deeds, Þ undertaking wholesome deeds,

            sacittapariyodapanaü - Þ etaü Buddhàna' sàsanaü.
and purifying one's mind - Þ this is the teaching of the Buddhas.


184.                 Khantã paramaü tapo titikkhà,
Forbearing patience is the supreme austerity,

            Nibbànaü paramaü vadanti Buddhà.
Nibbàna is supreme say the Buddhas.

                        Na hi pabbajito paråpaghàti,
One gone forth does not hurt another,

            samaõo hoti paraü viheñhayanto.
(nor does) an ascetic harrass another.


185.            Anåpavàdo, anåpaghàto, Þ pàtimokkhe ca saüvaro,
Not finding fault, not hurting, Þ restraint in regard to the precepts,

            matta¤¤utà ca bhattasmiü, Þ panta¤-ca sayanàsanaü,
knowing the correct measure in food, Þ (living in) a remote dwelling place,

            adhicitte ca àyogo - Þ etaü Buddhàna' sàsanaü.
being devoted to meditation - Þ this is the teaching of the Buddhas.


277.      Sabbe saïkhàrà aniccà ti, Þ yadà pa¤¤àya passati,
All conditioned things are impermanent, Þ when one sees this with wisdom,

            atha nibbindati dukkhe - Þ esa maggo visuddhiyà.
then one grows tired of suffering - Þ this is the path to purity.

278.      Sabbe saïkhàrà dukkhà ti, Þ yadà pa¤¤àya passati,
All conditioned things are suffering, Þ when one sees this with wisdom,

            atha nibbindati dukkhe - Þ esa maggo visuddhiyà.
then one grows tired of suffering - Þ this is the path to purity.

279.      Sabbe dhammà anattà ti, Þ yadà pa¤¤àya passati,
All things are without a self, Þ when one sees this with wisdom,

            atha nibbindati dukkhe - Þ esa maggo visuddhiyà.
then one grows tired of suffering - Þ this is the path to purity.

  

            Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, Þ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, Þ and may all of the gods protect you,

            sabbabuddhànubhàvena Þ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of all the Buddhas Þ may you be safe forever!


            Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, Þ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, Þ and may all of the gods protect you,

            sabbadhammànubhàvena Þ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of all that is Dhamma Þ may you be safe forever!


            Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, Þ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, Þ and may all of the gods protect you,

            sabbasaïghànubhàvena Þ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of the whole Sangha Þ may you be safe forever!


The Fearless Safeguard

                 Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
            Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                 yo càmanàpo sakunassa saddo,
            or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                 pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
            also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                 Buddhànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
            may they perish through the power of the Buddha!


                 Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
            Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                 yo càmanàpo sakunassa saddo,
            or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                 pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
            also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                 Dhammànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
            may they perish through the power of the Dhamma!


                 Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
            Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                 yo càmanàpo sakunassa saddo,
            or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                 pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
            also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                 Saïghànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
            may they perish through the power of the Sangha!


            Dukkhappattà ca niddukkhà, Þ bhayappattà ca nibbhayà,
May those who suffer be without suffering, Þ may those who fear be without fear,

            sokappattà ca nissokà - Þ hontu sabbe pi pàõino!
may those who grieve be without grief - Þ may all living creatures be so!


            Dànaü dadantu saddhàya, Þ sãlaü rakkhantu sabbadà,
You should give gifts with confidence, Þ protect your virtue at all times,

            bhàvanàbhiratà hontu, Þ gacchantu devatàgatà.
find delight in meditation, Þ and (after death) go to the gods.


            Sabbe Buddhà balappattà, Þ Paccekàna¤-ca yaü balaü
All the Buddhas' strength, Þ and whatever strength the Individual Buddhas

            Arahantàna¤-ca tejena Þ rakkhaü bandhàma sabbaso!
and Worthy Ones have, by that power Þ we bind this protection in every way!



Now go to Conclusion part 3: âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà...

Påja - Worship (Daily)     Parittaü - Safeguard Recitals (Daily)

Day One     Day Two     Day Three     Day Four     Day Five     Day Six     Day Seven

Conclusion     Home Page     Buddhapåjà