Prosody: Texts & Studies Home Page

A Comparative Table of the Metres

found in

Chandas øàstra, Vttaratnàkara,

& Vuttodaya


compiled by

ânandajoti Bhikkhu

(January, 2004)


Table of Contents


1: Vaktra

2: Samavtta

3: Ardhasamavtta

4: Viùamavtta

5: Gaõacchandas

6: Màtràcchandas

Index of the Metres




This comparative table of the metres found in Chandas øàstra, Vttaratnàkara, & Vuttodaya, has been complied as part of the on-going Vuttodaya project. The texts that have been used are as published elsewhere on this website.

The variant metres which are so abundant in the edition of Vttaratnàkara have been included here, though they are placed in brackets to distinguish them from the more authentic metres belonging to that text.

I have also compiled a complete index of the metres, including the variant metres and the variant names which are only otherwise found in the footnotes, which should be of assistance to anyone searching for the description of a particular metre.

The numbers which appear after the metrical markings give the position of the metre in its table (patthàra).

ânandajoti Bhikkhu
January 2004