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      All Buddhist Families with Burmese (Myanmar) connection are welcome to display here the photographs of their memorable Buddhist Ceremonies, for the friends, relatives and the whole world to see and share the merit together. This is provided free and the photos will be shown as long as the memory space permits. Just send the photos with some details to us by EMail . The offer also applies to Photographs taken while visiting famous pagodas and Buddhist establishments in Burma (Myanmar).NIBBANNA.COM

Date Families Place Ceremony
22nd July 1999 Drs. M M Lwin - Y Y Myaing London, UK 'Phaya Anaykaza'
20th June 1999 U Han Maung & Dr.Khin Zan Tha Akron,Ohio,USA,
at Wat Siriwathanaram
Shinpyu ceremony
30th May 1999 Dr. Khin Zaw Win, Daw Soe Nyunt Swe, Ko Bo Zaw Win London, UK
at Tisarana Vihara
Dullabha Ordination Ceremony
April 1999 U Tin Tun - Daw Kyi Kyi Myaing Yangon, Myanmar Ordination Ceremony
August 1998 U Mya Han ,Ko Ye Htut,Ko Htain Kyi Lin London, UK
at Tisarana Vihara
Dullabha Ordination Ceremony
30th May 1998 Dr. Aung Kyee Myint - Dr. Htay Htay Yi/ Dr. Aung Soe/ Dr. Khin Tun


London, UK

At London Burmese Buddhist Vihara

Ordination and Shinpyu Ceremony

1997 U Ko Ko Aung-Daw May Mar Oo

Everett, Washington State, USA


Vancouver BC Temple

14th February 1993 Dr. Maung Maung Lwin-Dr. Yi Yi Myaing


Rangoon, Burma Shinpyu and Nartha

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