Marginalia - Contents

Marginalia uses the following scheme: page and line number of the book in which comments were found is followed, in square brackets, by the text commented upon. Following the closing square bracket is editorial description, if any. (c/o = crossed out, r/b = replaced by, noted = a passage marked by a vertical line in the outside margin; this seems to mean 'approved of, significant, noteworthy', whereas passages indicated by a 'wavy line' seem to be indicated as 'not straight thinking', 'almost certainly wrong', etc.) Following editorial description is a colon, after which is Ven. Ñánavíra's comment, if any. Which books were commented upon 'earlier' and which 'later' (i.e. after 1959) is not always clear. However, the marginalia for books by Sartre and Kierkegaard are included in the 'later' collection and are not duplicated here. Ven. Ñánavíra read all French books in the original; herein translations are offered.

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