What's New on Ñánavíra Thera Dhamma Page

work   Important note: This site is still under construction and the texts are not 100% error-free; mistakes are being corrected continually. I will appreciate being notified of any typos found in the texts. The date of the last revision of a particular page can be found in the head of its source text (html). If you have any problems with the color design on this page, go to Options | General Preferences | Colors on your browser (Netscape) and select "Always Use My Colors, Overriding Document".

16 December 1999 -- An update on the pictures of Ven. Ñánavíra Thera.

19 September 1999 -- I have added S. Bodhesako's essay Faith: A Meditation and a Homily

10 April 1999 -- We have provided the whole of this website as a Windows HTML Help file. For download information, click here.

7 August 1998 -- Next week I am leaving (permanently) for Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, U.K., where my connection to the internet will not be so good as it had been in the past. Therefore work on this web site will have to slow down a bit, although there are some projects that I would still like to pursue. Among them is the scanning of Sámanera Bodhesako's book, Getting Off, which describes his early years as a monk in India and Sri Lanka. I would like to post this text on the web site as soon as possible.

22 July 1998 -- I have updated the Letters to the dáyaka and have begun with the updating of the Letters to Ven. Ñánamoli Thera. After this has been done, we intend to produce a CD-ROM version of the Ñánavíra Thera Dhamma Page for free distribution.

9 July 1998 -- I have updated Sketch for a Proof of Rebirth and Nibbána & Anattá. Now you can also find the NTDPage on the shorter URL http://nanavira.cjb.net, which is a web-forwarding address.

29 June 1998 -- I have added the Index to Clearing the Path. I have also amended and updated the Marginalia.

22 June 1998 -- The Myth of Sisyphus: A Cycle is now complete.

16 June 1998 -- Change is now complete.

4 June 1998 -- I have added S. Bodhesako's essay The Buddha and Catch-22 and the first six chapters of Change. I am currently expanding The Myth of Sisyphus: A Cycle of which only one chapter has previously been included here.

10 May 1998 -- I have added the Interview with S. Bodhesako, and amended A Letter on Sankhára and the Sutta Anthology.

25 April 1998 -- I have added the Sutta Anthology and the Errata to Clearing the Path.

5 April 1998 -- I have now corrected and updated all the letters in Clearing the Path. I have also added A Letter on Sankhára by Sámanera Bodhesako.

30 March 1998 -- I have updated the hyper-links in Clearing the Path up to Letter 75. The Pali Glossary to the Letters has also been added.

23 March 1998 -- Further chapters of Sámanera Bodhesako's Beginnings: The Pali Suttas were added. Also an extract from his letter was posted on the site. You can now download the whole site in just four zip files.

19 March 1998 -- Thanks to the help of two other people, the second part of Sámanera Bodhesako's Beginnings: The Pali Suttas was added.

11 March 1998 -- Thanks to an anonymous cyberphotographer, I have added a photograph of Sister Vajirá to the web site.

10 March 1998 -- The last part of the letters -- Letters to Sister Vajirá -- and the Glossary to the Notes were added. This latter text should be helpful for those who don't know Pali. Several files were corrected, among them the Review of E. Baptist's pamphlet. I have also expanded, as well as corrected, the Miscellany.

4 March 1998 -- New letters to Mr. Bradley were added. The search facility is finally working -- give it a try! I have also added some more pictures of Ven. Ñánavíra and Ven. Ñánamoli to the web site.

20 February 1998 -- I have added new letters, dealing -- among other things -- with Sister Vajirá. Some bad links were fixed, too. I have also set up a discussion forum, so feel free to contribute. The search facility is not yet working as it should be; the AltaVista robot is a bit slow in indexing the site, apparently.

9 February 1998 -- Some more letters have been added, dealing mainly with the suicide.

26 January 1998 -- I have added further letters to the site, dealing with the Abhidhamma Pitaka.

16 January 1998 -- New letters have been added, dealing with Huxley, mysticism, Kafka and Camus.

12 January 1998 -- I have added some more letters to the site, as well as two Nanavira Chat Rooms where we can discuss things together. If you have a Java-enabled browser, you can use the first one; if not, you will have to use the HTML chat room (slower).

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