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10. Khandhaparittaü
The Safeguard of the Constituents (of Mind & Body)

Introductory Verses

        Sabbàsivisajàtãnaü ~ dibbamantàgadaü viya,
To all kinds of poisonous snakes ~ it is like the medicine of a divine charm,

        yaü nàsesi visaü ghoraü ~ sesaü càpi parissayaü.
it destroys terrible poisons ~ and all other dangers.

        âõakkhettamhi 1 sabbattha, ~ sabbadà sabbapàõinaü,
In this order's domain, (which is) everywhere, ~ always, for all living creatures,

        sabbaso pi vinàseti, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
it thoroughly destroys (all dangers), ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Sàvatthiyaü
Then at that time near Sàvatthi

a¤¤ataro bhikkhu ahinà daññho kàlakato hoti.
a certain monk was bitten by a snake and died.

Atha kho sambahulà 2 bhikkhå yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkamiüsu,
Then a great many monks approached the Auspicious One,

upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekam-antaü nisãdiüsu.
and after approaching and worshipping the Auspicious One, they sat down on one side.

Ekam-antaü nisinnà kho te bhikkhå Bhagavantaü etad-avocuü:
While sitting on one side those monks said this to the Auspicious One:

ßIdha bhante Sàvatthiyaü,
ßHere, reverend Sir, near Sàvatthi,

a¤¤ataro bhikkhu ahinà daññho kàlakatoû ti.
a certain monk has been bitten by a snake and has diedû.

ßNa ha nåna so bhikkhave bhikkhu
ßSurely, monks, that monk did not

cattàri ahiràjakulàni mettena cittena phari.
suffuse the four royal families of snakes with a mind (full of) friendliness.

Sace hi so bhikkhave bhikkhu
For if, monks, that monk

cattàri ahiràjakulàni mettena cittena phareyya
had suffused the four royal families of snakes with a mind (full of) friendliness

na hi so bhikkhave bhikkhu ahinà daññho kàlaü kareyya.
then that monk, monks, would not have been bitten by a snake and died.

Katamàni cattàri ahiràjakulàni?
Who are the four royal families of snakes?

Viråpakkhaü ahiràjakulaü,
The Viråpakkha royal family of snakes,

Eràpathaü ahiràjakulaü,
the Eràpatha royal family of snakes,

Chabyàputtaü ahiràjakulaü,
the Chabyàputta royal family of snakes,

Kaõhàgotamakaü ahiràjakulam.
the Kaõhàgotamaka royal family of snakes.

Na ha nåna so bhikkhave bhikkhu
Surely, monks, that monk did not

imàni cattàri ahiràjakulàni mettena cittena phari.
suffuse these four royal families of snakes with a mind (full of) friendliness.

Sace hi so bhikkhave bhikkhu
For if, monks, that monk

imàni cattàri ahiràjakulàni mettena cittena phareyya,
had suffused these four royal families of snakes with a mind (full of) friendliness,

na hi so bhikkhave bhikkhu ahinà daññho kàlaü kareyya.
then that monk, monks, would not have been bitten by a snake and died.

Anujànàmi bhikkhave,
I allow you, monks,

imàni cattàri ahiràjakulàni mettena cittena pharituü,
to suffuse these four royal families of snakes with a mind (full of) friendliness,

attaguttiyà attarakkhàya attaparittàyàû ti.
to guard yourselves, to protect yourselves, to safeguard yourselves.û

Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
The Auspicious One said this,

idaü vatvà Sugato athàparaü etad-avoca Satthà:
and after saying this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, said something more:

1.     ßViråpakkhehi me mettaü, ~ mettaü Eràpathehi me,
ßI am friendly with the Viråpakkhas, ~ with the Eràpathas I am friendly,

        Chabyàputtehi me mettaü, ~ mettaü Kaõhàgotamakehi ca.
I am friendly with the Chabyàputtas, ~ and friendly with the Kaõhàgotamakas.

2.     Apàdakehi me mettaü, ~ mettaü dipàdakehi me,
I am friendly with those without feet, ~ with those with two feet I am friendly,

        catuppadehi 3 me mettaü, ~ mettaü bahuppadehi me.
I am friendly with those with four feet, ~ with those with many feet I am friendly.

3.     Mà maü apàdako hiüsi, ~ mà maü hiüsi dipàdako,
May the one without feet not hurt me, ~ may the one with two feet not hurt me,

        mà maü catuppado hiüsi, ~ mà maü hiüsi bahuppado.
may the one with four feet not hurt me, ~ may the one with many feet not hurt me.

4.     Sabbe sattà, sabbe pàõà, ~ sabbe bhåtà ca kevalà,
May all beings, all living creatures, ~ all who are born, in their entirety,

        sabbe bhadràni passantu, ~ mà ka¤ci pàpam-àgamà.
may all see prosperity, ~ may nothing bad come to anyone.

Appamàõo Buddho!            
The Buddha is measureless!            

Appamàõo Dhammo!            
The Dhamma is measureless!            

Appamàõo Saïgho!            
The Saïgha is measureless!            

Pamàõavantàni siriüsapàni,
Measureable are creeping things,

ahivicchikà, satapadã, uõõànàbhi, sarabhå, måsikà.
(such as) snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards, and rats.

Katà me rakkhà, katà me parittà, pañikkamantu bhåtàni!
I have made this protection, I have made this safeguard, may (all these) beings go away!

Sohaü namo Bhagavato, namo sattannaü Sammàsambuddhànanû-ti.
I revere the Auspicious One, I revere the seven Perfect Sambuddhas.û

11: Mettànisaüsasuttaü

The Discourse on the Advantages of Friendliness Meditation

Introductory Verse

        Aggikkhandhopamaü sutvà ~ jàtasaüvegabhikkhunaü
To the monks who felt a sense of urgency after hearing the simile on the mass of fire

        assàdatthàya desesi ~ yaü parittaü Mahàmuni.
the Great Sage preached this safeguard, for their welfare and satisfaction.

        Sabbalokahitatthàya ~ parittaü tam bhaõàmahe.
For the whole world's welfare and benefit ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tatra kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
There it was that the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:

ßBhikkhavo!û ti, ßBhadante!û ti te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßMonks!û, ßReverend Sir!û those monks replied to the Auspicious One,

Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:

ßMettàya bhikkhave cetovimuttiyà,
ßMonks, from the freedom of mind by friendliness meditation,

àsevitàya, bhàvitàya, bahulãkatàya, yànãkatàya, 5
when practiced, developed, made much of, carried on,

vatthukatàya, anuññhitàya, paricitàya, susamàraddhàya,
established, maintained, augmented, and properly instigated,

ekàdasànisaüsà pàñikaïkhà.
eleven advantages are to be expected.

Katame ekàdasa?
What are the eleven?


i.      Sukhaü supati,
He sleeps happily,

ii.     sukhaü pañibujjhati,
he wakes up happily,

iii.    na pàpakaü supinaü passati,
he does not see bad dreams,

iv.    manussànaü piyo hoti,
he is dear to human beings,

v.     amanussànaü piyo hoti,
he is dear to non-human beings,

vi.    devatà rakkhanti,
the gods protect him,

vii.   nàssa aggi và visaü và satthaü và kamati,
neither fire, poison, or sword can affect him,

viii.  tuvataü 6 cittaü samàdhiyati,
he can concentrate his mind quickly,

ix.    mukhavaõõo vippasãdati,
his complexion becomes clear,

x.     asammåëho kàlaü karoti,
he dies unbewildered,

xi.    uttariü appañivijjhanto Brahmalokåpago hoti.
and if he penetrates no further, he will (at least) go to the Brahma world.


Mettàya bhikkhave cetovimuttiyà,
Monks, from the freedom of mind by friendliness meditation,

àsevitàya, bhàvitàya, 7 bahulãkatàya, yànãkatàya, 8
when practiced, developed, made much of, carried on,                

vatthukatàya, anuññhitàya, paricitàya, susamàraddhàya,
established, maintained, augmented, and properly instigated,

ime ekàdasànisaüsà pàñikaïkhàû ti.
there are these eleven advantages to be expected.û

Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
The Auspicious One said this,

attamanà te bhikkhå Bhagavato bhàsitaü abhinandun-ti.
and those monks were uplifted and greatly rejoiced in the Auspicious One's words.

12: Mittànisaüsaü

The Advantages of Friendship

Introductory Verse

        Pårento Bodhisambhàre ~ Nàtho Temiyajàtiyaü
While fulfilling the conditions for Awakening ~ the Lord, in his birth as Temiya,

        mittànisaüsaü yaü àha ~ Sunandaü nàma sàrathiü.
spoke on the advantages of friendship ~ to his charioteer named Sunanda.

        Sabbalokahitatthàya ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
For the whole world's welfare and benefit ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

1.     Pahåtabhakkho bhavati ~ vippavuttho sakà gharà,
He has an abundance of food ~ (even) when away from his home,

        bahå naü upajãvanti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
many live depending on him, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

2.     Yaü yaü janapadaü yàti, ~ nigame ràjadhàniyo,
Whatever country he goes to, ~ in a town or a king's capital,

        sabbattha påjito hoti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
everywhere (he goes) he is honoured, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

3.     Nàssa corà pasahanti, ~ nàtima¤¤eti khattiyo,
Thieves do not overpower him, ~ nobles do not despise him,

        sabbe amitte tarati, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
he overcomes all enemies, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

4.     Akkuddho sagharaü eti, ~ sabhàya pañinandito,
without anger he comes to his home, ~ he is welcome in public halls,

        ¤àtãnaü uttamo hoti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
he is the best of relatives, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

5.     Sakkatvà sakkato hoti, ~ garu hoti sagàravo,
After greeting, he is greeted, ~ respectable, he is respected,

        vaõõakittibhato hoti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
he enjoys splendour and renown, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

6.     Påjako labhate påjaü, ~ vandako pañivandanaü,
Honourable, he receives honour, ~ worshipful, he is worshipped,

        yaso kitti¤-ca pappoti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
he acquires repute and renown, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

7.     Aggi yathà pajjalati, ~ devatà va virocati,
Just like a fire he shines forth, ~ he is as brilliant as a god,

        siriyà ajahito hoti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
he is not abandoned by good luck, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

8.     Gàvo tassa pajàyanti, ~ khette vuttaü viråhati,
His cows are productive for him, ~ what is sown in his fields grows up,

        puttànaü phalam-asnàti, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
he enjoys his son's fruit produce, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

9.     Darito pabbatàto và, ~ rukkhato patito naro,
Whether that man has fallen from a cleft, a mountain, or a tree,

        cuto patiññhaü labhati, ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
while falling, he receives support, ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

10.   Viråëhamålasantànaü ~ nigrodham-iva màluto,
As the wind (cannot overpower) a banyan tree which has roots well grown,

        amittà nappasahanti ~ yo mittànaü na dåbhati.
(so) enemies cannot overpower ~ he who does no wrong to his friends.

13. Moraparittaü
The Peacock's Safeguard

Introductory Verses

        Pårento Bodhisambhàre ~ nibbato morayoninaü.
While fulfilling the conditions for Awakening ~ he was born from a peahen's womb.

        Yena saüvihitàrakkhaü ~ Mahàsattaü vane carà
As the Great Being was protected with (a safeguard) the forest dwellers

        cirassaü vàyamantà pi, ~ neva sakkhiüsu gaõhituü.
were unable to catch him, though they endeavoured for a long time.

        ßBrahmamantanû-ti akkhàtaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
It is declared to be ßBrahma's Charmû, ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

1.                 ßUdetayaü Cakkhumà ekaràjà,
                ßThat One who gives Vision, the sole king, comes up,

                    harissavaõõo pañhavippabhàso,
                he is golden coloured, he enlightens the earth,

                taü taü namassàmi harissavaõõaü pañhavippabhàsaü,
        therefore I revere the golden coloured one, who enlightens the earth,

                    tayajja guttà viharemu divasaü.
                guarded by you today, we will live out the day.


2.                 Ye bràhmaõà vedagå sabbadhamme
                 I revere those brahmins who have true understanding

                    te me namo - te ca maü pàlayantu!
                of all things - may they keep watch over me!

                    Namatthu Buddhànaü! Namatthu Bodhiyà!
                Revere the Buddhas! Revere Awakening!

                    Namo Vimuttànaü! Namo Vimuttiyà!û
                Reverence to the Free! Reverence to Freedom!û

        Imaü so parittaü katvà ~ moro carati esanà.
After making this safeguard ~ the peacock roams about seeking (for food).


3.                 ßApetayaü Cakkhumà ekaràjà,
                ßThat One who gives Vision, the sole king, goes down,

                    harissavaõõo pañhavippabhàso,
                he is golden coloured, he enlightens the earth,

                taü taü namassàmi harissavaõõaü pañhavippabhàsaü,
        therefore I revere the golden coloured one, who enlightens the earth,

                    tayajja guttà viharemu rattiü.
                guarded by you today, we will live out the night.


4.                 Ye bràhmaõà vedagå sabbadhamme
                 I revere those brahmins who have true understanding

                    te me namo - te ca maü pàlayantu!
                of all things - may they keep watch over me!

                    Namatthu Buddhànaü! Namatthu Bodhiyà!
                Revere the Buddhas! Revere Awakening!

                    Namo Vimuttànaü! Namo Vimuttiyà!û
                Reverence to the Free! Reverence to Freedom!û

        Imaü so parittaü katvà ~ moro vàsam-akappayã ti.
After making this safeguard ~ the peacock dwells on (without fear).

14: Candaparittaü
The Moon's Safeguard

Introductory Verse

        Ràhunà 10 gahito Cando, ~ mutto yassànubhàvato,
The Moon, who was seized by Ràhu, ~ was released by that (safeguard's) power,

        sabbaveribhayaü nàsaü ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
the destruction of fear of all foes ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Candimà devaputto
Then at that time the Moon god

Ràhunà asurindena gahito hoti.
was seized by the asura lord Ràhu.

Atha kho Candimà devaputto Bhagavantaü anussaramàno,
Then the Moon god, recollecting the Auspicious One,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü gàthaü abhàsi:
on that occasion recited this verse:

1.     ßNamo te Buddhavãratthu, ~ vippamuttosi sabbadhi! 11
ßReverence to you, Buddha-hero, ~ you who are free in every way!

        Sambàdhapañipannosmi ~ tassa me saraõaü bhavàû ti.
I am being obstructed ~ therefore please be a refuge to me.û

Atha kho Bhagavà Candimaü devaputtaü àrabbha
Then, with reference to the Moon god, the Auspicious One

Ràhuü asurindaü gàthàya ajjhabhàsi:
addressed the asura lord Ràhu with a verse:

2.     ßTathàgataü Arahantaü, ~ Candimà saraõaü gato,
ßTo the Realised One, the Worthy One, ~ the Moon has gone for refuge,

        Ràhu Candaü pamu¤cassu! ~ Buddhà lokànukampakàû ti.
you must release the Moon, Ràhu! ~ (For) the Buddhas pity the world.û

Atha kho Ràhu asurindo Candimaü devaputtaü mu¤citvà,
Then the asura lord Ràhu, having released the Moon god,

taramànaråpo yena Vepacitti asurindo tenupasaïkami,
hurriedly approached the asura lord Vepacitti,

upasaïkamitvà saüviggo lomahaññhajàto, ekam-antaü aññhàsi.
and after approaching, anxious, and horrified, he stood on one side.

Ekam-antaü ñhitaü kho
While he was standing on one side

Ràhuü asurindaü Vepacitti asurindo gàthàya ajjhabhàsi:
the asura lord Vepacitti recited this verse to the asura lord Ràhu:

3:     ßKin-nu santaramàno va ~ Ràhu Candaü pamu¤casi?
ßWhy did you so hurriedly ~ release the Moon god, Ràhu?

        Saüviggaråpo àgamma ~ kin-nu bhãto va tiññhasã?û ti.
After coming (here) why do you stand (there) like someone anxious and frightened?û

4.     ßSattadhà me phale muddhà, ~ jãvanto na sukhaü labhe,
ßMy head will split into seven, ~ while living I will have no happiness,

        - Buddhagàthàbhigãtomhi - ~ no ce mu¤ceyya Candimanû-ti.
- I am one to whom the Buddha has chanted a verse - ~ if I do not release the Moon.û

15: Suriyaparittaü
The Sun's Safeguard

Introductory Verse

        Suriyo Ràhugahito, ~ mutto yassànubhàvato,
The Sun, who was seized by Ràhu, ~ was released by that (safeguard's) power,

        sabbaveribhayaü nàsaü ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
the destruction of fear of all foes ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tena kho pana samayena Suriyo devaputto
Then at that time the Sun god

Ràhunà asurindena gahito hoti.
was seized by the asura lord Ràhu.

Atha kho Suriyo devaputto Bhagavantaü anussaramàno,
Then the Sun god, recollecting the Auspicious One,

tàyaü velàyaü imaü gàthaü abhàsi:
on that occasion recited this verse:

1.     ßNamo te Buddhavãratthu, ~ vippamuttosi sabbadhi! 12
ßReverence to you, Buddha-hero, ~ you who are free in every way!

        Sambàdhapañipannosmi ~ tassa me saraõaü bhavàû ti.
I am being obstructed ~ therefore please be a refuge to me.û

Atha kho Bhagavà Suriyaü devaputtaü àrabbha
Then, with reference to the Sun god, the Auspicious One

Ràhuü asurindaü gàthàya ajjhabhàsi:
addressed the asura lord Ràhu with a verse:

2.     ßTathàgataü Arahantaü, ~ Suriyo saraõaü gato,
ßTo the Realised One, the Worthy One, ~ the Sun has gone for refuge,

        Ràhu Suriyaü pamu¤cassu! ~ Buddhà lokànukampakà. 13

you must release the Sun, Ràhu! ~ (For) the Buddhas pity the world.

3.                 Yo andhakàre tamasã pabhaïkaro,
                He who, in complete darkness, is a light-maker,

                    verocano maõóalã uggatejo,
                who is brilliant, a great circle of fire,

                    mà Ràhu gilã caraü antalikkhe!
                do not devour he who roams the sky, Ràhu!

                    Pajaü mama Ràhu pamu¤ca Suriyan!û-ti,
                Release the Sun, who is my kinsman, Ràhu!û

Atha kho Ràhu asurindo Suriyaü devaputtaü mu¤citvà,
Then the asura lord Ràhu, having released the Sun god,

taramànaråpo yena Vepacitti asurindo tenupasaïkami,
hurriedly approached the asura lord Vepacitti,

upasaïkamitvà saüviggo lomahaññhajàto, ekam-antaü aññhàsi.
and after approaching, anxious, and horrified, he stood on one side.

Ekam-antaü ñhitaü kho
While he was standing on one side

Ràhuü asurindaü Vepacitti asurindo gàthàya ajjhabhàsi:
the asura lord Vepacitti recited this verse to the asura lord Ràhu:

4.     ßKin-nu santaramàno va ~ Ràhu Suriyaü pamu¤casi?
ßWhy did you so hurriedly ~ release the Sun god, Ràhu?

        Saüviggaråpo àgamma ~ kin-nu bhãto va tiññhasã?û ti.
After coming (here) why do you stand (there) like someone anxious and frightened?û

5.     ßSattadhà me phale muddhà, ~ jãvanto na sukhaü labhe,
ßMy head will split into seven, ~ while living I will have no happiness,

        - Buddhagàthàbhigãtomhi - ~ no ce mu¤ceyya Suriyanû-ti.
- I am one to whom the Buddha has chanted a verse - ~ if I do not release the Sun.û

16: Dhajaggaparittaü
Safeguard through the Top of a Banner

Introductory Verses

        Yassànussaraõenàpi ~ antalikkhe pi pàõino
By the recollection of that (safeguard) ~ living creatures in the firmament

        patiññham-adhigacchanti, ~ bhåmiyaü 14 viya sabbathà.
obtain complete support, just as do (those living creatures) on earth.

        Sabbåpaddavajàlamhà ~ yakkhacoràrisambhavà,
From the net of all adversity ~ arising from yakkhas, thieves, and rivals,

        gaõanà na ca muttànaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
those who were released cannot be numbered, ~ we will recite that safeguard.

The Safeguard

Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:

ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi

Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.

Tatra kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
There it was that the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:

ßBhikkhavo!û ti, ßBhadante!û ti te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßMonks!û, ßReverend Sir!û those monks replied to the Auspicious One,

Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:

ßBhåtapubbaü bhikkhave devàsurasaïgàmo samåpabbåëho ahosi.
ßFormerly, monks, there was a massed battle between the gods and the asuras.

Atha kho bhikkhave Sakko devànamindo deve tàvatiüse àmantesi:
Then, monks, the lord of the gods Sakka addressed the Tàvatiüsa gods, saying:

ßSace màrisà devànaü saïgàmagatànaü
ßIf, dear Sirs, to the gods who have gone into battle

uppajjeyya bhayaü và chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và,
there should arise fear, or terror, or horror,

mameva tasmiü samaye dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
at that time you could look for the top of my banner.

Mamaü hi vo dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of my banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.

No ce me dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha,
If you cannot look to the top of my banner,

atha Pajàpatissa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
then you could look for the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner.

Pajàpatissa hi vo devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.

No ce Pajàpatissa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha,
If you cannot look to the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner,

atha Varuõassa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
then you could look for the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner.

Varuõassa hi vo devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và, so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.


No ce Varuõassa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha,
If you cannot look to the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner,

atha äsànassa devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokeyyàtha.
then you could look for the top of the god-king äsàna's banner.

äsànassa hi vo devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü
For to those who look to the top of the god-king äsàna's banner

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror,

lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or horror, will be given up.


Taü kho pana bhikkhave
But, monks, to he

Sakkassa và devànamindassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
who looks to the top of the lord of the gods Sakka's banner,

Pajàpatissa và devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü, 15
or who looks to the top of the god-king Pajàpati's banner,

Varuõassa và devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
or who looks to the top of the god-king Varuõa's banner,

äsànassa và devaràjassa dhajaggaü ullokayataü,
or who looks to the top of the god-king äsàna's banner,

yaü bhavissati bhayaü và chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và,
whatever fear there may be, or terror, or horror,

so pahãyethàpi no pi pahãyetha.
may be given up, and may not be given up.

Taü kissa hetu?
What is the reason for that?

Sakko bhikkhave devànamindo avãtaràgo avãtadoso avãtamoho,
The lord of the gods Sakka, monks, is not free from passion, is not free from hatred, is not free from delusion,

bhãrucchambhi utràsi palàyi. 16

being fearful, terrified, scared, he ran away.

Aha¤-ca kho bhikkhave evaü vadàmi:
But I say this, monks:

Sace tumhàkaü bhikkhave ara¤¤agatànaü và,
If to you, monks, after going to the wilderness,

rukkhamålagatànaü và, su¤¤àgàragatànaü và,
or to the root of a tree, or to an empty place,

uppajjeyya bhayaü và chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và,
there should arise fear, or terror, or horror,

mameva tasmiü samaye anussareyyàtha:
at that time you could recollect me thus:

ßIti pi so Bhagavà Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
ßSuch is he, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vijjàcaraõasampanno Sugato lokavidå, 17
the one endowed with understanding and good conduct, the Fortunate One, the One who understands the worlds,

anuttaro purisadammasàrathã,
the unsurpassed guide for those people who need taming,

Satthà devamanussànaü Buddho Bhagavàû ti.
the Teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Auspicious One.û

Mamaü hi vo bhikkhave anussarataü yaü bhavissati bhayaü và
For, monks, to those who recollect me whatever fear there may be

chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or terror, or horror, will be given up.


No ce maü anussareyyàtha, atha Dhammaü anussareyyàtha:
If you cannot recollect me, then recollect the Dhamma thus:

ßSvàkkhàto Bhagavatà Dhammo,
ßThe Dhamma has been explained well by the Auspicious One,

sandiññhiko, akàliko, ehipassiko, opanayiko,
it is visible, not subject to time, inviting inspection, onward leading,

paccattaü veditabbo vi¤¤åhãû ti.
and can be understood by the wise for themselves.û

Dhammaü hi vo bhikkhave anussarataü yaü bhavissati bhayaü và
For, monks, to those who recollect the Dhamma whatever fear there may be

chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or terror, or horror, will be given up.


No ce Dhammaü anussareyyàtha, atha Saïghaü anussareyyàtha:
If you cannot recollect the Dhamma, then recollect the Saïgha thus:

ßSupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
ßThe Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are good in their practice,

ujupañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are straight in their practice,

¤àyapañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are systematic in their practice,

sàmãcipañipanno Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples are correct in their practice,

yad-idaü cattàri purisayugàni aññha purisapuggalà,
that is to say, the four pairs of persons, the eight individual persons,

esa Bhagavato sàvakasaïgho,
this is the Auspicious One's Saïgha of disciples,

àhuneyyo, pàhuneyyo, dakkhiõeyyo, a¤jalikaranãyo,
they are worthy of offerings, of hospitality, of gifts, and of reverential salutation,

anuttaraü pu¤¤akkhettaü lokassàû ti.
they are an unsurpassed field of merit for the world.û

Saïghaü hi vo bhikkhave anussarataü yaü bhavissati bhayaü và
For, monks, to those who recollect the Saïgha whatever fear there may be

chambhitattaü và lomahaüso và so pahãyissati.
or terror, or horror, will be given up.

Taü kissa hetu?
What is the reason for that?

Tathàgato bhikkhave Arahaü Sammàsambuddho,
The Realised One, monks, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha,

vãtaràgo, vãtadoso, vãtamoho,
is free from passion, is free from hatred, is free from delusion,

abhãru acchambhi 18 anutràsi apalàyãû ti.
not being fearful, not terrified, not scared, he did not run away.û

Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
The Auspicious One said this,

idaü vatvà Sugato athàparaü etad-avoca Satthà:
and after saying this, the Fortunate One, the Teacher, said something more:

1.     ßAra¤¤e rukkhamåle và, ~ su¤¤àgàre va bhikkhavo,
ßIn the wilds, at the root of a tree, ~ or in an empty place, monks,

        anussaretha Sambuddhaü, ~ bhayaü tumhàka' no siyà.
you must recollect the Sambuddha, ~ and there will be no fear for you.

2.     No ce Buddhaü sareyyàtha, ~ lokajeññhaü naràsabhaü,
if you can't remember the Buddha, ~ the world's elder, the man-bull,

        atha Dhammaü sareyyàtha, ~ niyyànikaü sudesitaü.
then you must remember the Dhamma, ~ which leads out, which is well preached.

3.     No ce Dhammaü sareyyàtha, ~ niyyànikaü sudesitaü,
If you can't remember the Dhamma, ~ which leads out, which is well preached,

        atha Saïghaü sareyyàtha, ~ pu¤¤akkhettaü anuttaraü.
then you must remember the Saïgha, ~ which is an unsurpassed field of merit.

4.     Evaü Buddhaü sarantànaü, ~ Dhammaü Saïgha¤-ca bhikkhavo,
Thus for those who remember the Buddha, ~ the Dhamma, or the Saïgha, monks,

        bhayaü và chambhitattaü và, ~ lomahaüso na hessatãû ti. 19
(there will be no) fear, or terror, ~ there will be no horror.û

Pañhamakabhàõavàraü Niññhitaü
The First Recital is Finished
End Notes

1 CBhp: âõàkhettamhi

2 PPV2: sabbahulà ??

3 CBhp: catuppàdehi

4 CBhp: Mettàsuttaü

5 CBhp: yànikatàya

6 PPV2: tuvañaü

7 CBhp: omit bhàvitàya (presumably by mistake)

8 CBhp: yànikatàya

9 CBhp: Mettànisaüsaü; PPV: Mittànisaüsasuttaü

10 PPV, PPV2: Ràhuno

11 PPV: sabbadhã

12 PPV: sabbadhã

13 MPP, PPV, PPV2: lokànukampakà-ti

14 CBhp: bhåmiyà

15 PPV2: this line is missing from the edition, by mistake.

16 MPP: bhãrucchambhã utràsi palàyã-ti; PPV, PPV2: palàyã-ti

17 PPV2: lokavidu

18 MPP: acchambhã

19 MPP: hessati, omit ti

20 MPP, CBhp, PPV2: Pañhamakabhàõavàraü (omit niññhitaü).



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