Home Page Next Section Mahàparittaü Pañhamakabhàõavàraü Dutiyakabhàõavàraü Atireka Sattasuttàni Tatiyakabhàõavàraü Catutthakabhàõavàraü Avasànaü
The Second Recital
17: Mahàkassapattherabojjhaïgaü
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahà Kassapa
Introductory Verse
Yaü Mahàkassapatthero, ~ parittaü Munisantikà
The elder Mahà Kassapa, having heard that safeguard
sutvà tasmiü khaõe yeva ~ ahosi nirupaddavo.
from the Sage, at that moment ~ became free from adversity.
Bojjhaïgabalasaüyuttaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
It is about the strength of the factors of Awakening, ~ we will recite that safeguard.
The Safeguard
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha
Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.
Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Mahàkassapo
Then at that time venerable Mahà Kassapa
3 viharati, àbàdhiko dukkhito bàëhagilàno.
was dwelling at the Pepper Cave, and was afflicted, suffering, and very sick.
Atha kho Bhagavà sàyanhasamayaü patisallànà vuññhito,
Then the Auspicious One, rising from seclusion in the evening time,
yenàyasmà Mahàkassapo tenupasaïkami,
approached venerable Mahà Kassapa,
upasaïkamitvà pa¤¤atte àsane nisãdi.
and after approaching he sat down on the prepared seat.
Nisajja kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Mahàkassapaü etad-avoca:
Having sat down the Auspicious One said this to venerable Mahà Kassapa:
ßKacci te Kassapa khamanãyaü? Kacci yàpanãyaü?
ßCan you bear up, Kassapa? Can you carry on?
Kacci dukkhà vedanà pañikkamanti no abhikkamanti?
Do painful feelings decrease and not increase?
Pañikkamosànaü pa¤¤àyati no abhikkamo?û ti
Is it known that they are decreasing and not increasing?û
ßNa me bhante khamanãyaü na yàpanãyaü,
ßNo, reverend Sir, I cannot bear up, nor can I carry on,
bàëhà me dukkhà vedanà abhikkamanti no pañikkamanti,
painful feelings greatly increase for me and do not decrease,
abhikkamosànaü pa¤¤àyati no pañikkamoû ti.
and it is known that they increase and do not decrease.û
ßSattime Kassapa Bojjhaïgà mayà sammad-akkhàtà,
ßThere are these seven factors of Awakening, Kassapa, that have been fully explained by me,
bhàvità bahulãkatà abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattanti.
when developed and made much of they lead to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Katame satta?
What are the seven?
i. Satisambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is mindfulness, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
ii. Dhammavicayasambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is investigation of (the nature of) things, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
iii. Viriyasambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is energy, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
iv. Pãtisambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is rapture, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
v. Passaddhisambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is calm, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
vi. Samàdhisambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is concentration, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
vii. Upekkhàsambojjhaïgo kho Kassapa mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is equanimity, Kassapa, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Ime kho Kassapa satta Bojjhaïgà mayà sammad-akkhàtà,
These are the seven factors of Awakening, Kassapa, which have been fully explained by me,
bhàvità bahulãkatà abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattantãû ti.
when developed and made much of they lead to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.û
ßTaggha Bhagava Bojjhaïgà!
ßSurely, Auspicious One, (these are) the factors of Awakening!
Taggha Sugata Bojjhaïgà!û ti.
Surely, Fortunate One, (these are) the factors of Awakening!û
Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
The Auspicious One said this,
attamano àyasmà Mahàkassapo Bhagavato bhàsitaü abhinandi,
and venerable Mahà Kassapa was uplifted and greatly rejoiced in what was said by the Auspicious One,
5 càyasmà Mahàkassapo tamhà àbàdhà,
and venerable Mahà Kassapa arose from that affliction,
tathà pahãno càyasmato Mahàkassapassa so àbàdho ahosã ti.
and by that venerable Mahà Kassapa's affliction was brought to an end.
18: Mahàmoggallànattherabojjhaïgaü
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahà Moggallàna
Introductory Verse
Moggallàno pi thero yaü, ~ parittaü Munisantikà
The elder Mahà Moggallàna, having heard that safeguard
sutvà tasmiü khaõe yeva ~ ahosi nirupaddavo.
from the Sage, at that moment ~ became free from adversity.
Bojjhaïgabalasaüyuttaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
It is about the strength of the factors of Awakening, ~ we will recite that safeguard.
The Safeguard
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha
Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.
Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno
Then at that time venerable Mahà Moggallàna
Gijjhakåñe pabbate viharati, àbàdhiko dukkhito bàëhagilàno.
was dwelling at the Vultures Peak montain, and was afflicted, suffering, and very sick.
Atha kho Bhagavà sàyanhasamayaü patisallànà vuññhito,
Then the Auspicious One, rising from seclusion in the evening time,
yenàyasmà Mahàmoggallàno tenupasaïkami,
approached venerable Mahà Moggallàna,
upasaïkamitvà pa¤¤atte àsane nisãdi.
and after approaching he sat down on the prepared seat.
Nisajja kho Bhagavà àyasmantaü Mahàmoggallànaü etad-avoca:
Having sat down the Auspicious One said this to venerable Mahà Moggallàna:
ßKacci te Moggallàna khamanãyaü? Kacci yàpanãyaü?
ßCan you bear up, Moggallàna? Can you carry on?
Kacci dukkhà vedanà pañikkamanti no abhikkamanti?
Do painful feelings decrease and not increase?
Pañikkamosànaü pa¤¤àyati no abhikkamo?û ti
Is it known that they are decreasing and not increasing?û
ßNa me bhante khamanãyaü na yàpanãyaü,
ßNo, reverend Sir, I cannot bear up, nor can I carry on,
bàëhà me dukkhà vedanà abhikkamanti no pañikkamanti,
painful feelings greatly increase for me and do not decrease,
abhikkamosànaü pa¤¤àyati no pañikkamoû ti.
and it is known that they increase and do not decrease.û
ßSattime Moggallàna Bojjhaïgà mayà sammad-akkhàtà,
ßThere are these seven factors of Awakening, Moggallàna, that have been fully explained by me,
bhàvità bahulãkatà abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattanti.
when developed and made much of they lead to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Katame satta?
What are the seven?
i. Satisambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is mindfulness, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
ii. Dhammavicayasambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is investigation of (the nature of) things, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
iii. Viriyasambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is energy, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
iv. Pãtisambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is rapture, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
v. Passaddhisambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is calm, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
vi. Samàdhisambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is concentration, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
vii. Upekkhàsambojjhaïgo kho Moggallàna mayà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is equanimity, Moggallàna, has been fully explained by me,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Ime kho Moggallàna satta Bojjhaïgà mayà sammad-akkhàtà,
These are the seven factors of Awakening, Moggallàna, which have been fully explained by me,
bhàvità bahulãkatà abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattantãû ti.
when developed and made much of they lead to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.û
ßTaggha Bhagava Bojjhaïgà!
ßSurely, Auspicious One, (these are) the factors of Awakening!
Taggha Sugata Bojjhaïgà!û ti.
Surely, Fortunate One, (these are) the factors of Awakening!û
Idam-avoca Bhagavà,
The Auspicious One said this,
attamano àyasmà Mahàmoggallàno Bhagavato bhàsitaü abhinandi,
and venerable Mahà Moggallàna was uplifted and greatly rejoiced in what was said by the Auspicious One,
9 càyasmà Mahàmoggallàno tamhà àbàdhà,
and venerable Mahà Moggallàna arose from that affliction,
tathà pahãno càyasmato Mahàmoggallànassa so àbàdho ahosã ti.
and by that venerable Mahà Moggallàna's affliction was brought to an end.
19: Mahàcundattherabojjhaïgaü
The Factor of Awakening Concerning the Elder Mahà Cunda
Introductory Verse
Bhagavà lokanàthoyaü, ~ Cundattherassa santikà
The Auspicious One, lord of the world, having heard this (safeguard)
sutvà tasmiü khaõe yeva ~ ahosi nirupaddavo.
from the elder Cunda, at that moment ~ became free from adversity.
Bojjhaïgabalasaüyuttaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
It is about the strength of the factors of Awakening, ~ we will recite that safeguard.
The Safeguard
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha
Veëuvane Kalandakanivàpe.
at the Squirrel's Feeding Place in Bamboo Wood.
Tena kho pana samayena Bhagavà àbàdhiko hoti dukkhito bàëhagilàno.
Then at that time the Auspicious One was afflicted, suffering, and very sick.
Atha kho àyasmà Mahàcundo sàyanhasamayaü patisallànà vuññhito,
Then venerable Mahà Cunda, rising from seclusion in the evening time,
yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
approached the Auspicious One,
upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekam-antaü nisãdi.
and after approaching and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.
Ekam-antaü nissinaü kho
While he was sitting on one side
àyasmantaü Mahàcundaü Bhagavà etad-avoca:
the Auspicious One said this to venerable Mahà Cunda:
ßPañibhantu taü Cunda Bojjhaïgàû ti.
ßMay the factors of Awakening occur to you, Cunda.û
ßSattime bhante Bojjhaïgà Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàtà,
ßThere are these seven factors of Awakening, reverend Sir, that have been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvità bahulãkatà abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattanti.
when developed and made much of they lead to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Katame satta?
What are the seven?
i. Satisambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is mindfulness, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
ii. Dhammavicayasambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is investigation of (the nature of) things, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
iii. Viriyasambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is energy, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
iv. Pãtisambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is rapture, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
v. Passaddhisambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is calm, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
vi. Samàdhisambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is concentration, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
vii. Upekkhàsambojjhaïgo kho bhante Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàto,
The factor of Complete Awakening that is equanimity, reverend Sir, has been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvito bahulãkato abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattati.
when developed and made much of it leads to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.
Ime kho bhante satta Bojjhaïgà Bhagavatà sammad-akkhàtà,
These are the seven factors of Awakening, reverend Sir, which have been fully explained by the Auspicious One,
bhàvità bahulãkatà abhi¤¤àya Sambodhàya Nibbànàya saüvattantãû ti.
when developed and made much of they lead to deep knowledge, Complete Awakening, and Nibbàna.û
ßTaggha Cunda Bojjhaïgà!
ßSurely, Cunda, (these are) the factors of Awakening!
Taggha Cunda Bojjhaïgà!û ti.
Surely, Cunda, (these are) the factors of Awakening!û
Idam-avoca àyasmà Mahàcundo,
Venerable Mahà Cunda said this,
samanu¤¤o Satthà ahosi,
and the Teacher was in agreement,
vuññhàhi ca Bhagavà tamhà àbàdhà,
and the Auspicious One arose from that affliction,
tathà pahãno ca Bhagavato so àbàdho ahosã ti.
and by that the Auspicious One's affliction was brought to an end.
20: Girimànandasuttaü
The Discourse to Girimànanda
Introductory Verse
Thero yaü Girimànando, ~ ânandattherasantikà
The elder Girimànanda, having heard that (safeguard)
sutvà tasmiü khaõe yeva ~ ahosi nirupaddavo.
from the elder ânanda, at that moment ~ became free from adversity.
Dasasa¤¤åpasaüyuttaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
It is about the ten perceptions, ~ we will recite that safeguard.
The Safeguard
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sàvatthiyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Sàvatthi
Jetavane Anàthapiõóikassa àràme.
at Anàthapiõóika's grounds in Jeta's Wood.
Tena kho pana samayena àyasmà Girimànando
Then at that time venerable Girimànanda
àbàdhiko hoti dukkhito bàëhagilàno.
was afflicted, suffering, and very sick.
Atha kho àyasmà ânando yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
Then venerable ânanda approached the Auspicious One,
upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà ekam-antaü nisãdi.
and after approaching and worshipping the Auspicious One, he sat down on one side.
Ekam-antaü nisinno kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
While sitting on one side venerable ânanda said this to the Auspicious One:
ßâyasmà bhante Girimànando àbàdhiko
13 dukkhito bàëhagilàno.
ßReverend Sir, venerable Girimànanda is afflicted, suffering, and very sick.
Sàdhu bhante Bhagavà yenàyasmà Girimànando
Please, reverend Sir, may the Auspicious One approach
tenupasaïkamatu, anukampaü upàdàyàû ti.
venerable Girimànanda, taking pity on him.û
ßSace kho tvaü ânanda Girimànandassa bhikkhuno upasaïkamitvà,
ßIf you, ânanda, having approached the monk Girimànanda,
dasasa¤¤à bhàseyyàsi, ñhànaü kho panetaü vijjati yaü
were to recite ten perceptions, then it is possible that
Girimànandassa bhikkhuno dasasa¤¤à sutvà
having heard the ten perceptions, the monk Girimànanda's
so àbàdho ñhànaso pañippassambheyya.
affliction would immediately abate.
Katamà dasa?
What are the ten?
i. Aniccasa¤¤à,
The perception of impermanence,
ii. anattasa¤¤à,
the perception of non-self,
iii. asubhasa¤¤à,
the perception of the unattractive,
iv. àdãnavasa¤¤à,
the perception of danger,
v. pahànasa¤¤à,
the perception of giving up,
vi. viràgasa¤¤à,
the perception of dispassion,
vii. nirodhasa¤¤à,
the perception of cessation,
viii. sabbaloke anabhiratasa¤¤à,
the perception of non-delight in the whole world,
ix. sabbasaïkhàresu aniccasa¤¤à,
the perception of impermanence in all processes,
x. ànàpànasati.
mindfulness while breathing.
* * *
i. Katamà c' ânanda aniccasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of impermanence?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu ara¤¤agato và, rukkhamålagato và,
Here, ânanda, a monk who has gone to the wilderness, or to the root of a tree,
su¤¤àgàragato và, iti pañisa¤cikkhati:
or to an empty place, considers thus:
råpaü aniccaü
form is impermanent
vedanà aniccà
feelings are impermanent
sa¤¤à aniccà
perceptions are impermanent
saïkhàrà aniccà
(mental) processes are impermanent
vi¤¤àõaü aniccan-ti.
consciousness is impermanent.
Iti imesu pa¤casupàdànakkhandhesu aniccànupassã viharati.
Thus in regard to these five constituents (of mind and body) he dwells contemplating impermanence.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda aniccasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of impermanence.
ii. Katamà c' ânanda anattasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of non-self?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu ara¤¤agato và, rukkhamålagato và,
Here, ânanda, a monk who has gone to the wilderness, or to the root of a tree,
su¤¤àgàragato và, iti pañisa¤cikkhati:
or to an empty place, considers thus:
Cakkhuü anattà - råpà
14 anattà
the eye is not self - forms are not self
sotaü anattà - saddà anattà
the ear is not self - sounds are not self
ghàõaü anattà - gandhà anattà
the nose is not self - smells are not self
jivhà anattà - rasà anattà
the tongue is not self - tastes are not self
kàyo anattà - phoññhabbà anattà
the body is not self - tangibles are not self
mano anattà - dhammà anattà ti.
the mind is not self - thoughts are not self.
Iti imesu chasu ajjhattikabàhiresu àyatanesu
Thus in regard to these six internal and external sense spheres
anattànupassã viharati.
he dwells contemplating non-self.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda anattasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of non-self.
iii. Katamà c' ânanda asubhasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of the unattractive?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu imam-eva kàyaü -
Here, ânanda, a monk (in regard to) this body -
uddhaü pàdatalà, adho kesamatthakà, tacapariyantaü,
from the sole of the feet upwards, from the hair of the head down, bounded by the skin,
påraü nànappakàrassa asucino - paccavekkhati:
and filled with manifold impurities - reflects (thus):
Atthi imasmiü kàye:
There are in this body:
kesà, lomà, nakhà, dantà, taco,
hairs of the head, body hairs, nails, teeth, skin,
maüsaü, nahàru, aññhi, aññhimi¤jà,
15 vakkaü,
flesh, sinews, bones, bone-marrow, kidney,
hadayaü, yakanaü, kilomakaü, pihakaü, papphàsaü,
heart, liver, pleura, spleen, lungs,
antaü, antaguõaü, udariyaü, karãsaü,
intestines, mesentery, undigested food, excrement,
pittaü, semhaü, pubbo, lohitaü, sedo, medo,
bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat,
assu, vasà, kheëo, siïghànikà, lasikà, muttan-ti.
tears, grease, spit, mucus, synovic fluid, urine.
Iti imasmiü kàye asubhànupassã viharati.
Thus in regard to this body he dwells contemplating what is unattractive.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda asubhasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of the unattractive.
iv. Katamà c' ânanda àdãnavasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of danger?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu ara¤¤agato và, rukkhamålagato và,
Here, ânanda, a monk who has gone to the wilderness, or to the root of a tree,
su¤¤àgàragato và, iti pañisa¤cikkhati:
or to an empty place, considers thus:
Bahu dukkho kho ayaü kàyo bahu àdãnavo,
This body has many sufferings, many dangers,
iti imasmiü kàye vividhà àbàdhà uppajjanti, seyyathãdaü:
thus, in connection with this body, various afflictions arise, like this:
cakkhurogo, sotarogo, ghàõarogo, jivhàrogo, kàyarogo,
eye-disease, ear-disease, nose-disease, tongue-disease, body-disease (i.e diseases affecting the sense spheres),
sãsarogo, kaõõarogo, mukharogo, dantarogo,
head-disease, ear-disease, mouth-disease, tooth-disease,
kàso, sàso, pinàso, óaho, jaro,
cough, asthma, catarrh, pyrexia, fever,
kucchirogo, mucchà, pakkhandikà,
16 sålà, visåcikà,
stomach-ache, fainting, diarrhoea, gripes, cholera,
kuññhaü, gaõóo, kilàso, soso, apamàro,
leprosy, boils, eczema, consumption, epilepsy,
daddu, kaõóu, kacchu, rakhasà,
17 vitacchikà,
ringworm, itch, scab, chickenpox, scabies,
lohitapittaü, madhumeho, aüsà, piëakà, bhagandalà,
haemorrhage, diabetes, piles, cancer, ulcers,
pittasamuññhànà àbàdhà, semhasamuññhànà àbàdhà,
afflictions arising from excess bile, afflictions arising from excess phlegm,
vàtasamuññhànà àbàdhà, sannipàtikà àbàdhà,
afflictions arising from excess wind, afflictions arising from a conflict of humours,
utupariõàmajà àbàdhà, visamaparihàrajà àbàdhà,
afflictions born of a change of season, afflictions born of not being careful,
opakkamikà àbàdhà, kammavipàkajà àbàdhà,
afflictions from being attacked, afflictions born as a result of (previous unwholesome) actions,
sãtaü, uõhaü, jighacchà, pipàsà, uccàro, passàvo ti.
cold, heat, hunger, thirst, stool, urine.
Iti imasmiü kàye àdãnavànupassã viharati.
Thus, in regard to this body, he dwells contemplating danger.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda àdãnavasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of danger.
v. Katamà c' ânanda pahànasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of giving up?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu uppannaü kàmavitakkaü nàdhivàseti,
Here, ânanda, a monk does not consent to thoughts of sense desire that have arisen,
pajahati, vinodeti, byantãkaroti, anabhàvaü gameti.
(these) he gives up, dispels, brings to an end, and makes non-existent.
Uppannaü vyàpàdavitakkaü nàdhivàseti,
He does not consent to thoughts of ill-will that have arisen,
pajahati, vinodeti, byantãkaroti, anabhàvaü gameti.
(these) he gives up, dispels, brings to an end, and makes non-existent.
19Uppannaü vihiüsàvitakkaü nàdhivàseti,
He does not consent to thoughts of violence that have arisen,
pajahati, vinodeti, byantãkaroti, anabhàvaü gameti.
(these) he gives up, dispels, brings to an end, and makes non-existent.
Uppannuppanne pàpake akusale dhamme nàdhivàseti,
He does not consent to any bad, unwholesome, thoughts that have arisen,
pajahati, vinodeti, byantãkaroti, anabhàvaü gameti.
(these) he gives up, dispels, brings to an end, and makes non-existent.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda pahànasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of giving up.
vi. Katamà c' ânanda viràgasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of dispassion?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu ara¤¤agato và, rukkhamålagato và,
Here, ânanda, a monk who has gone to the wilderness, or to the root of a
su¤¤àgàragato và, iti pañisa¤cikkhati:
or to an empty place, considers thus:
Etaü santaü, etaü paõãtaü,
This is peaceful, this is excellent,
that is to say:
the pacification of all processes,
the letting go of all bases for cleaving,
the end of craving,
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda viràgasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of dispassion.
vii. Katamà c' ânanda nirodhasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of cessation?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu ara¤¤agato và, rukkhamålagato và,
Here, ânanda, a monk who has gone to the wilderness, or to the root of a tree,
su¤¤àgàragato và, iti pañisa¤cikkhati:
or to an empty place, considers thus:
Etaü santaü, etaü paõãtaü,
This is peaceful, this is excellent,
that is to say:
the pacification of all processes,
the letting go of all bases for cleaving,
the end of craving,
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda nirodhasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is called the perception of cessation.
viii. Katamà c' ânanda sabbaloke anabhiratasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of non-delight in the whole world?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu
Here, ânanda, a monk
ye loke upàyupàdànà cetaso adhiññhànàbhinivesànusayà,
in regard to whatever in the world are selfish means and attachments, or mental determinations, settled beliefs, and tendencies,
te pajahanto, viramati, na upàdiyanto.
giving these up, not being attached, he abstains (from them).
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda sabbaloke anabhiratasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is the perception of non-delight in the whole world.
ix. Katamà c' ânanda sabbasaïkhàresu aniccasa¤¤à?
Now what, ânanda, is the perception of impermanence in all processes?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu
Here, ânanda, a monk
21 aññãyati, haràyati, jigucchati.
in regard to all processes is distressed, ashamed, and disgusted.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda sabbasaïkhàresu aniccasa¤¤à.
This, ânanda, is the perception of impermanence in all processes.
x. Katamà c' ânanda ànàpànasati?
Now what, ânanda, is mindfulness while breathing?
Idh' ânanda bhikkhu ara¤¤agato và, rukkhamålagato và,
Here, ânanda, a monk who has gone to the wilderness, or to the root of a
su¤¤àgàragato và, nisãdati.
or to an empty place, sits down.
Pallaïkaü àbhujitvà, ujuü kàyaü paõidhàya,
After folding his legs crosswise, setting his body straight,
parimukhaü satiü upaññhapetvà,
and establishing mindfulness at the front,
so sato va assasati, sato passasati.
mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out.
Dãghaü và assasanto ßdãghaü assasàmãû ti pajànàti,
While breathing in long, he knows ßI am breathing in longû,
dãghaü và passasanto ßdãghaü passasàmãû ti pajànàti,
while breathing out long, he knows ßI am breathing out longû,
rassaü và assasanto ßrassaü assasàmãû ti pajànàti,
while breathing in short, he knows ßI am breathing in shortû,
rassaü và passasanto ßrassaü passasàmãû ti pajànàti.
while breathing out short, he knows ßI am breathing out shortû.
Sabbakàyapañisaüvedã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
Fully aware of the whole body I will breathe in, like this he trains,
sabbakàyapañisaüvedã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of the whole body I will breathe out, like this he trains,
passambhayaü kàyasaïkhàraü assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
calming the bodily process I will breathe in, like this he trains,
passambhayaü kàyasaïkhàraü passasissàmã ti sikkhati.
calming the bodily process I will breathe out, like this he trains.
Pãtipañisaüvedã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
Fully aware of rapture I will breathe in, like this he trains,
pãtipañisaüvedã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of rapture I will breathe out, like this he trains,
sukhapañisaüvedã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of pleasure I will breathe in, like this he trains,
sukhapañisaüvedã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of pleasure I will breathe out, like this he trains,
cittasaïkhàrapañisaüvedã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of the mental process I will breathe in, like this he trains,
cittasaïkhàrapañisaüvedã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of the mental process I will breathe out, like this he trains,
passambhayaü cittasaïkhàraü assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
calming the mental process I will breathe in, like this he trains,
passambhayaü cittasaïkhàraü passasissàmã ti sikkhati.
calming the mental process I will breathe out, like this he trains.
Cittapañisaüvedã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
Fully aware of the mind I will breathe in, like this he trains,
cittapañisaüvedã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
fully aware of the mind I will breathe out, like this he trains,
abhippamodayaü cittaü assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
gladdening the mind I will breathe in, like this he trains,
abhippamodayaü cittaü passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
gladdening the mind I will breathe out, like this he trains,
samàdahaü cittaü assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
concentrating the mind I will breathe in, like this he trains,
samàdahaü cittaü passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
concentrating the mind I will breathe out, like this he trains,
vimocayaü cittaü assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
freeing the mind I will breathe in, like this he trains,
vimocayaü cittaü passasissàmã ti sikkhati.
freeing the mind I will breathe out, like this he trains.
Aniccànupassã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
Contemplating impermanence I will breathe in, like this he trains,
aniccànupassã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
contemplating impermanence I will breathe out, like this he trains,
viràgànupassã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
contemplating dispassion I will breathe in, like this he trains,
viràgànupassã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
contemplating dispassion I will breathe out, like this he trains,
nirodhànupassã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
contemplating cessation I will breathe in, like this he trains,
nirodhànupassã passasissàmã ti sikkhati,
contemplating cessation I will breathe out, like this he trains,
pañinissaggànupassã assasissàmã ti sikkhati,
contemplating letting go I will breathe in, like this he trains,
pañinissaggànupassã passasissàmã ti sikkhati.
contemplating letting go I will breathe out, like this he trains.
Ayaü vuccat' ânanda ànàpànasati.
This, ânanda, is mindfulness while breathing.
Sace kho tvaü ânanda Girimànandassa bhikkhuno upasaïkamitvà,
If you, ânanda, having approached the monk Girimànanda,
imà dasasa¤¤à bhàseyyàsi, ñhànaü kho panetaü vijjati yaü
were to recite these ten percpetions, then it is possible that
Girimànandassa bhikkhuno imà dasasa¤¤à sutvà
having heard these ten perceptions, the monk Girimànanda's
so àbàdho ñhànaso pañippassambheyyàû ti.
affliction would immediately abate.û
Atha kho àyasmà ânando Bhagavato santike imà dasasa¤¤à uggahetvà,
Then venerable ânanda, having learned these ten perceptions from the Auspicious One,
yenàyasmà Girimànando tenupasaïkami,
approached venerable Girimànanda,
upasaïkamitvà àyasmato Girimànandassa imà dasasa¤¤à abhàsi.
and after approaching he recited these ten perceptions to venerable Girimànanda.
Atha kho àyasmato Girimànandassa imà dasasa¤¤à sutvà
Then, having heard these ten percpetions, venerable Girimànanda's
so àbàdho ñhànaso pañippassambhi,
afliction immediately abated,
vuññhàhi càyasmà Girimànando tamhà àbàdhà,
and venerable Girimànanda arose from that affliction,
tathà pahãno ca panàyasmato Girimànandassa so àbàdho ahosã ti.
and by that venerable Girimànanda's affliction was brought to an end.
21: Isigilisuttaü
The Discourse about Isigili
Introductory Verse
Paccekabuddhanàmàni ~ desentoyaü adesayã.
Preaching the names of the Pacceka Buddhas he preached this (safeguard).
Anantabalasaüyuttaü, ~ parittaü taü bhaõàmahe.
It is about unending strength, ~ we will recite that safeguard.
The Safeguard
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Ràjagahe viharati Isigilismiü pabbate.
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near Ràjagaha on the Isigili mountain.
Tatra kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
There it was that the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:
ßBhikkhavo!û ti, ßBhadante!û ti te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßMonks!û, ßReverend Sir!û those monks replied to the Auspicious One,
Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:
ßPassatha no tumhe bhikkhave etaü Vebhàraü pabbatan?û-ti.
ßDo you see, monks, that mountain called Vebhàra?û
ßEvaü bhante.û
ßYes, reverend Sirû
ßEtassa pi kho bhikkhave Vebhàrassa pabbatassa,
ßFor that mountain Vebhàra, monks,
a¤¤à va sama¤¤à ahosi a¤¤à pa¤¤atti.
there was once another name, another designation.
Passatha no tumhe bhikkhave etaü Paõóavaü pabbatan?û-ti.
Do you see, monks, that mountain called Paõóava?û
ßEvaü bhante.û
ßYes, reverend Sirû
ßEtassa pi kho bhikkhave Paõóavassa pabbatassa,
ßFor that mountain Paõóava, monks,
a¤¤à va sama¤¤à ahosi a¤¤à pa¤¤atti.
there was once another name, another designation.
Passatha no tumhe bhikkhave etaü Vepullaü pabbatan?û-ti.
Do you see, monks, that mountain called Vepulla?û
ßEvaü bhante.û
ßYes, reverend Sirû
ßEtassa pi kho bhikkhave Vepullassa pabbatassa,
ßFor that mountain Vepulla, monks,
a¤¤à va sama¤¤à ahosi a¤¤à pa¤¤atti.
there was once another name, another designation.
Passatha no tumhe bhikkhave etaü Gijjhakåñaü pabbatan?û-ti.
Do you see, monks, that mountain called Gijjhakåña?û
ßEvaü bhante.û
ßYes, reverend Sir.û
ßEtassa pi kho bhikkhave Gijjhakåñassa pabbatassa,
ßFor that mountain Gijjhakåña, monks,
a¤¤à va sama¤¤à ahosi a¤¤à pa¤¤atti.
there was once another name, another designation.
Passatha no tumhe bhikkhave imaü Isigiliü pabbatan?û-ti.
Do you see, monks, this mountain called Isigili?û
ßEvaü bhante.û
ßYes, reverend Sirû
ßImassa pi
22 kho bhikkhave Isigilissa pabbatassa,
ßFor this mountain Isigili, monks,
esà va
23 sama¤¤à ahosi esà pa¤¤atti.
there has been only this name, this designation.
Bhåtapubbaü bhikkhave pa¤caPaccekabuddhasatàni
Formerly, monks, five hundred Pacceka Buddhas
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsino ahesuü.
were settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Te imaü pabbataü pavisantà dissanti, paviññhà na dissanti.
They were seen entering this mountain, but after entering were not seen again.
Tam-enaü manussà disvà evam-àhaüsu:
Having seen that the people said this:
ßAyaü pabbato ime isã gilatã ti - Isigili,û Isigilã-tveva sama¤¤à udapàdi.
ßThis mountain devours these seers - Seer Devourer (Isi-gili),û and the name Isigili arose.
âcikkhissàmi bhikkhave Paccekabuddhànaü nàmàni,
Monks, I will declare the names of those Pacceka Buddhas,
kittayissàmi bhikkhave Paccekabuddhànaü nàmàni,
monks, I will proclaim the names of those Pacceka Buddhas,
desissàmi bhikkhave Paccekabuddhànaü nàmàni.
monks, I will reveal the names of those Pacceka Buddhas.
Taü suõàtha sàdhukaü manasikarotha bhàsissàmãû ti.
Listen to it, apply your minds well, and I will speak.û
ßEvaü bhante,û ti kho te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û those monks, replied to the Auspicious One,
Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:
ßAriññho nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
ßOne Pacceka Sambuddha named Ariññha, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Upariññho nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Upariññha, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Tagarasikhã nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Tagarasikhã, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Yasassã nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Yasassã, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Sudassano nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Sudassana, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Piyadassã nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Piyadassã, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Gandhàro nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Gandhàra, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Piõóolo nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Piõóola, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Upàsabho nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Upàsabha, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Nãto nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Nãta, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Tatho nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Tatha, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Sutavà nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Sutavà, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
Bhàvitatto nàma bhikkhave Paccekasambuddho,
One Pacceka Sambuddha named Bhàvitatta, monks,
imasmiü Isigilismiü pabbate ciranivàsã ahosi.
was settled for a long time on this mountain Isigili.
1. Ye sattasàrà anãghà
25 niràsà,
Those excellent beings, not troubled, not yearning,
paccekam-evajjhagamuü Subodhiü.
individually have attained True Awakening.
Tesaü visallànaü naruttamànaü,
Of those dart removers, supreme-among-men,
nàmàni me kittayato suõàtha:
please listen as I proclaim their names:
2. Ariññho, Upariññho, Tagarasikhã, Yasassã,
Ariññha, Upariññha, Tagarasikhã, Yasassã,
Sudassano, Piyadassã ca Buddho,
Sudassana, Piyadassã the Buddha,
Gandhàro, Piõóolo, Upàsabho ca,
Gandhàra, Piõóola, and Upàsabha,
Nãto, Tatho, Sutavà, Bhàvitatto,
Nãta, Tatha, Sutavà, Bhàvitatta,
3. Sumbho, Subho, Methulo, Aññhamo ca,
Sumbha, Subha, Methula, and Aññhama,
athassu Megho, Anãgho,
26 Sudàñho,
also there are Megha, Anãgha, Sudàñha,
Paccekabuddhà bhavanettikhãõà.
Pacceka Buddhas who have ended what leads to rebirth.
Hiïgå ca Hiïgo ca mahànubhàvà,
Hiïgu and Hiïga, ones of great power,
4. dve Jàlino munino, Aññhako ca,
the two Jàlinas who were sages, and Aññhaka,
atha Kosalo Buddho, atho Subàhu,
also Kosala the Buddha, and then Subàhu,
Upanemiso, Nemiso, Santacitto,
Upanemisa, Nemisa, Santacitta,
Sacco, Tatho, Virajo, Paõóito ca,
Sacca, Tatha, Viraja, and Paõóita,
5. Kàl' æpakàlà, Vijito, Jito ca,
Kàla and Upakàla, Vijita, and Jita,
Aïgo ca Païgo ca Gutijjito ca,
Aïga and Païga and Gutijjita,
Passã jahã upadhiü dukkhamålaü,
Passã, who left off cleaving, the root of suffering,
Aparàjito Màrabalaü ajesi,
Aparàjita, who defeated the strength of Màra,
6. Satthà, Pavattà, Sarabhaïgo, Lomahaüso,
Satthà, Pavattà, Sarabhaïga, Lomahaüsa,
Uccaïgamàyo, Asito, Anàsavo,
Uccaïgamàya, Asita, Anàsava,
Manomayo, mànacchido ca Bandhumà,
Manomaya, Bandhumà the conceit-cutter,
Tadàdhimutto, Vimalo ca Ketumà,
Tadàdhimutta, Vimala, and Ketumà,
7. Ketumbaràgo ca Màtaïgo, Ariyo,
Ketumbaràga, and Màtaïga, Ariya,
ath' Accuto, Accutagàmabyàmako,
also Accuta, Accutagàmabyàmaka,
Sumaïgalo, Dabbilo, Suppatiññhito,
Sumaïgala, Dabbila, Suppatiññhita,
Asayho, Khemàbhirato ca Sorato,
Asayha, Khemàbhirata and Sorata,
8. Dårannayo, Saïgho atho pi Uccayo,
Dårannaya, Saïgha and also Uccaya,
aparo munã Sayho anomanikkamo,
another sage Sayha, who had great fervour,
ânandaNando, Upanando dvàdasa,
the twelve named ânanda, Nanda, and Upananda (i.e. 4 to each name),
Bhàradvàjo antimadehadhàrã,
Bhàradvàja, one who bore his last body,
9. Bodhã, Mahànàmo atho pi Uttaro,
Bodhã, Mahànàma, and also Uttara,
Kesã, Sikhã, Sundaro, Bhàradvàjo,
Kesã, Sikhã, Sundara, Bhàradvàja,
Tiss' æpatissà
27 bhavabandhanacchidà,
Tissa and Upatissa, who cut the bonds of rebirth,
Upasãdarã, taõhacchido ca Sãdarã,
Upasãdarã, and Sãdarã, who cut off craving,
10. Buddho ahå Maïgalo vãtaràgo,
the passionless Buddha called Maïgala,
Usabhacchidà jàliniü
28 dukkhamålaü,
Usabha, who cut off the net, the root of suffering,
santaü padaü ajjhagam-æpanãto,
Upanãta, who attained the state of peace,
Uposatho, Sundaro, Saccanàmo,
Uposatha, Sundara, Saccanàma,
11. Jeto, Jayanto, Padumo, Uppalo ca,
Jeta, Jayanta, Paduma, and Uppala,
Padumuttaro, Rakkhito, Pabbato ca,
Padumuttara, Rakkhita, and Pabbata,
Mànatthaddho, Sobhito, Vãtaràgo,
Mànatthaddha, Sobhita, Vãtaràga,
Kaõho ca Buddho suvimuttacitto -
The Buddha Kaõha, whose mind is completely free -
12. ete ca a¤¤e ca mahànubhàvà,
these and others who were ones of great power,
Paccekabuddhà bhavanettikhãõà,
Pacceka Buddhas, who have ended what leads to rebirth,
te sabbasaïgàtigate mahesã,
these great seers, who have gone beyond the shackle,
parinibbute vandatha appameyyeû ti.
worship those completely emancipated, who are beyond measure.û
Dutiyakabhàõavàraü Niññhitaü
The Second Recital is Finished
End Notes
1 PPV, PPV2: -bojjhangaparittaü
2 PPV, PPV2: Munisantikaü
3 PPV, PPV2: Pipphaliguhàyaü
4 MPP, PPV2: saüvattanti, omit ti
5 CBhp, MPP, PPV2: uññhàhi
6 PPV, PPV2: -bojjhangaparittaü
7 PPV, PPV2: Munisantikaü
8 MPP, PPV, PPV2: saüvattanti, omit ti
9 CBhp: uññhàhi
10 MPP: -bojjhango, PPV, PPV2: -bojjhangaparittaü
11 MPP, PPV: saüvattanti, omit ti
12 PPV, PPV2: santike
13 CBhp: àbàdhiko hoti
14 CBhp, MPP, PPV2: råpaü
15 CBhp: aññhi-mi¤jaü
16 MPP: pakkandikà
17 CBhp: nakhasà
18 PPV2: the words visamaparihàrajà àbàdhà are missing, printer's error.
19 CBhp: omits this and the following line, printer's error.
20 CBhp: pajahanto viharati anupàdiyanto
21 CBhp: sabbasankhàresu
22 MPP: imassa hi
23 CBhp: omit va
24 PPV: Paccekabuddho, here and in the following lines
25 PPV2: anighà
26 CBhp: Anigho
27 PPV2: Upatissà, probably a printer's error.
28 MPP: jàlinã
29 MPP, PPV: ajjhagaü æpanãto
30 PPV2: mahesi
31 MPP, CBhp, PPV2: Dutiyakabhàõavàraü (omit niññhitaü).

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