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The Conclusion




Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha

Namo tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammàsambuddhassa
Reverence to him, the Auspicious One, the Worthy One, the Perfect Sambuddha



The Discourse on how Friendliness Meditation should be Done


1.                     Karaõãyam-atthakusalena,
                    What should be done by one skilled in goodness,

                    yan-taü santaü padaü abhisamecca:
                who has comprehended the state of peace:

                        sakko ujå ca såjå ca,
                     he ought to be able, straight, and upright,

                    suvaco cassa mudu anatimànã,
                easy to speak to, meek, without conceit,

2.                     santussako ca subharo ca,
                    satisfied (with little), easy to support,

                    appakicco ca sallahukavutti,
                free from duties, and light in living,

                        santindriyo ca nipako ca,
                    with faculties at peace, prudent,

                    appagabbho kulesu ananugiddho,
                not forward, and greedless among the families,

3.                     na ca khuddaü samàcare ki¤ci
                    he should not do the slightest thing

                    yena vi¤¤å pare upavadeyyuü.
                whereby others who are wise might find fault (with him).

                        ßSukhino và khemino hontu,
                    ß(May all beings) be happy and secure,

                    sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà!
                may all beings in their hearts be happy!

4.                     Ye keci pàõabhåtatthi -
                    Whatsoever breathing beings there are -

                    tasà và thàvarà và anavasesà,
                trembling, firm, or any other (beings),

                        dãghà và ye mahantà và,
                    whether they be long or great,

                    majjhimà rassakàõukathålà,
                of middle size, short, tiny, or of compact (body),

5.                     diññhà và ye ca addiññhà,
                    those who are seen, and those who are unseen,

                    ye ca dåre vasanti avidåre,
                those who live far away, those who are near,

                        bhåtà và sambhavesã và -
                    those who are born, and those who still seek birth -

                    sabbe sattà bhavantu sukhitattà!û
                may all beings in their hearts be happy!û

6.                     Na paro paraü nikubbetha,
                    No one should cheat another,

                    nàtima¤¤etha katthaci naü ka¤ci,
                nor should he despise anyone wherever he is,

                        byàrosanà pañighasa¤¤à
                     he should not long for suffering for another

                    nतam-a¤¤assa dukkham-iccheyya.
                because of anger or resentment.

7.                     Màtà yathà niyaü puttaü
                     In the same way as a mother would protect

                    àyusà ekaputtam-anurakkhe,
                her son, her only son, with her life,

                        evam-pi sabbabhåtesu
                    so too towards all beings

                    mànasaü bhàvaye aparimàõaü.
                he should develop the measureless thought (of friendliness).

8.                     Metta¤-ca sabbalokasmiü
                     Towards the entire world he should develop

                    mànasaü bhàvaye aparimàõaü,
                the measureless thought of friendliness,

                        uddhaü adho ca tiriya¤-ca,
                    above, below, and across (the middle),

                    asambàdhaü averaü asapattaü.
                without barriers, hate, or enmity.

9.                     Tiññhaü caraü nisinno và,
                    Standing, walking, sitting,

                    sayàno và yàvatassa vigatamiddho,
                lying, for as long as he is without torpor,

                        etaü satiü adhiññheyya,
                    he should be resolved on this mindfulness,

                    brahmam-etaü vihàraü idha-m-àhu.
                for this, they say here, is the (true) spiritual life.

10.                   Diññhi¤-ca anupagamma,
                    Without going near to (wrong) views,

                    sãlavà dassanena sampanno,
                virtuous, and endowed with (true) seeing,

                        kàmesu vineyya gedhaü,
                    having removed (all) greed for sense pleasures,

                    na hi jàtu gabbhaseyyaü punar-etã ti.
                he will never come to lie in a womb again.

Verse of Blessing

         Etena saccavajjena ~ sotthi te hotu sabbadà!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you be safe at all times!

         Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!

         Etena saccavajjena ~ sabbarogo vinassatu!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may all disease be destroyed!


Safeguard through the Twenty-Eight Buddhas

1.     Taõhaïkaro mahàvãro, ~ Medhaïkaro mahàyaso,
Taõhaïkara, the great hero, ~ Medhaïkara, of great repute,

        Saraõaïkaro lokahito, ~ Dãpaïkaro jutindharo,
Saraõaïkara, who benefits the world, ~ Dãpaïkara, the bright one,

2.     Konda¤¤o janapàmokkho, ~ Maïgalo purisàsabho,
Konda¤¤a, head of the people, ~ Maïgala, a bull of a man,

        Sumano sumano dhãro, ~ Revato rativaddhano,
The wise one Sumana, whose mind is well, ~ Revata, who increases delight,

3.     Sobhito guõasampanno, ~ Anomadassã januttamo,
Sobhita, endowed with good qualities, ~ Anomadassã, supreme man,

        Padumo lokapajjoto, ~ Nàrado varasàrathã,
Paduma, the lamp of the world, ~ Nàrada, the best of guides,

4.     Padumuttaro sattasàro, ~ Sumedho aggapuggalo,
Padumuttara, an excellent being, ~ Sumedha, the greatest person,

        Sujàto sabbalokaggo, ~ Piyadassã naràsabho,
Sujàta, greatest in all the world, ~ Piyadassã, a bull of a man,

5.     Atthadassã kàruõiko, ~ Dhammadassã tamonudo,
Atthadassã, the compassionate one, ~ Dhammadassã, darkness-dispeller,

        Siddhattho asamo loke, ~ Tisso varadasaüvaro,
Siddhattha, unequalled in the world, ~ Tissa, who was most restrained,

6.     Phusso varadasambuddho, ~ Vipassã ca anåpamo,
Phussa, excellent Sambuddha, ~ Vipassã, who has no likeness,

        Sikhã sabbahito Satthà, ~ Vessabhå sukhadàyako,
Sikhã, the Teacher who is a benefit to all, ~ Vessabhå, who gives happiness,

7.     Kakusandho satthavàho, ~ Koõàgamano raõa¤jaho,
Kakusandha, the leader of the pack, ~ Koõàgamana, who gave up what is harmful,

        Kassapo sirisampanno, ~ Gotamo Sakyapuïgavo.
Kassapa, the glorious one, ~ and Gotama, the Sakyan bull.

8.     Tesaü saccena sãlena, ~ khantimettabalena ca,
Through their truth and virtue, ~ and the strength of their patience and friendliness,

        te pi tvaü anurakkhantu ~ àrogyena sukhena cà! ti
may these (Buddhas) always protect you ~ with good health and happiness!

The Victors' Armour

1.     Jayàsanagatà vãrà, ~ jetvà Màraü savàhiniü,
Those heroes, sat on their thrones, ~ after defeating Màra and his host,

        catusaccàmatarasaü ~ ye piviüsu naràsabhà.
those who are bulls of men, drank of the ambrosia of the four truths.

2.     Taõhaïkaràdayo Buddhà ~ aññhavãsatinàyakà,
Those twenty eight leaders, Buddhas, beginning with Taõhaïkara,

        sabbe patiññhità tuyhaü ~ matthake te munissarà.
are all established on the crown of your head, they are lords of sages.

3.     Sire patiññhità Buddhà, ~ Dhammo ca tava locane,
The Buddhas are established on your head, ~ and the Dhamma on your eyes,

        Saïgho patiññhito tuyhaü ~ ure sabbaguõàkaro,
the Saïgha, the fount of all good qualities ~ is established on your chest,

4.     Hadaye Anuruddho ca, ~ Sàriputto ca dakkhiõe,
On your heart is Anuruddha, ~ and Sàriputta on your right,

        Konda¤¤o piññhibhàgasmiü, ~ Moggallànosi vàmake.
Konda¤¤a is on your back, ~ and Moggallàna on your left.

5.     Dakkhiõe savaõe tuyhaü, ~ àhuü ânandaràhulà,
On your right ear (are established these two) ~ ânanda and Ràhula,

        Kassapo ca Mahànàmo, ~ ubhosuü vàmasotake.
Kassapa and Mahànàma, ~ these two (are established) on your left ear.

6.     Kesante piññhibhàgasmiü ~ - suriyo viya pabhaïkaro -
At the end of your hair at the back ~ - like the sun, the light maker -

        nisinno sirisampanno ~ Sobhito munipuïgavo.
is seated the glorious ~ Sobhita, who is a bull of a sage.

7.     Kumàrakassapo nàma, ~ mahesã citravàdako,
The one named Kumàrakassapa, ~ great sage, and beautiful speaker,

        so tuyhaü vadane niccaü, ~ patiññhàsi guõàkaro.
that fount of good qualities is permanently established on your mouth.

8.     Puõõo Aïgulimàlo ca, ~ Upàli Nandasãvalã -
Puõõa, Aïgulimàla, ~ Upàli, Nanda, and Sivalã -

        therà pa¤ca ime jàtà ~ lalàñe tilakà tava.
these five true elders (are established like) ~ auspicious signs on your forehead.

9.     Sesàsãti mahàtherà, ~ vijità jinasàvakà,
The remaining eighty great elders, ~ victors, disciples of the victor,

        jalantà sãlatejena, ~ aïga-m-aïgesu saõñhità.
shining with the power of virtue, ~ are established on your limbs.

10.   ßRatanaüû purato àsi, ~ dakkhiõe ßMettasuttakaüû,
To the front is ßThe Treasuresû ~ on the right ßThe Friendliness Discourseû,

        ßDhajaggaüû pacchato àsi, ~ vàme ßAïgulimàlakaüû,
ßThe Bannerû is at the back, ~ and ßAïgulimàlaû is on the left,

11.   ßKhandhamoraparitta¤û-ca, ~ ßâñànàñiyasuttakaüû,
The ßConstituentsû and ßPeacockû safeguards, ~ and the ßâñànàñiya Discourseû,

        àkàsacchadanaü àsi, ~ sesà pàkàrasa¤¤ità.
cover the space (around you), ~ the remainder are a fence, so to speak.

12.   Jinàõàbalasaüyutte, ~ Dhammapàkàralaïkate,
With the strength of the victor's order, ~ equipped with the fence of the Dhamma,

        vasato te catukiccena, ~ sadà Sambuddhapa¤jare,
engaged in the four duties, ~ in the Sambuddhas' armour forever,

13.   vàtapittàdisa¤jàtà ~ bàhirajjhattupaddavà,
may all internal and external adversities that arise, beginning with wind and bile,

        asesà vilayaü yantu ~ anantaguõatejasà.
through the power of (the Buddhas') endless virtues, come to a complete end.

14.   Jinapa¤jaramajjhaññhaü ~ viharantaü mahãtale,
While living on this great earth, standing in the midst of the victors' armour,

        sadà pàlentu tvaü sabbe ~ te mahàpurisàsabhà.
may all of those great bulls of men watch over you forever.

15.               Iccevam-accantakato surakkho,
                Thus being continuously well protected,

                    jinànubhàvena jitåpapaddavo,
with adversity defeated through the victors' power,

                    Buddhànubhàvena hatàrisaïgho,
with the crowd of foes destroyed through the Buddhas' power,

                    caràhi saddhammanubhàvapàlito!
                live on, guarded by the power of the true Dhamma!

16.               Iccevam-accantakato surakkho,
                Thus being continuously well protected,

                    jinànubhàvena jitåpapaddavo,
with adversity defeated through the victors' power,

                    Dhammànubhàvena hatàrisaïgho,
with the crowd of foes destroyed through the Dhamma's power,

                    caràhi saddhammanubhàvapàlito!
                live on, guarded by the power of the true Dhamma!

17.               Iccevam-accantakato surakkho,
                Thus being continuously well protected,

                    jinànubhàvena jitåpapaddavo,
with adversity defeated through the victors' power,

                    Saïghànubhàvena hatàrisaïgho,
with the crowd of foes destroyed through the Saïgha's power,

                    caràhi saddhammanubhàvapàlito!
                live on, guarded by the power of the true Dhamma!

18.               Saddhammapàkàraparikkhitosi,
You are defended by the fence of the true Dhamma,

                    aññhàriyà aññhadisàsu honti,
with the eight noble ones in the eight directions,

                    etthantare aññhanàthà bhavanti,
and in between these (directions) are the eight lords,

                    uddhaü vitànaü va jinà ñhità te.
and above, like a canopy, stand the victors.

19.   Bhindanto Màrasenaü, ~ tava sirasi ñhito, ~ Bodhim-àruyha Satthà.
Breaking Màra's army, ~ the Teacher who sat under the Bodhi tree now rests on your head.

        Moggallànosi vàme ~ vasati bhujatañe, ~ dakkhiõe Sàriputto.
You have Moggallàna dwelling on your left hand side, ~ and Sàriputta on your right.

        Dhammo majjhe urasmiü ~ viharati bhavato ~ mokkhato morayoniü,
 The Dhamma dwells in the middle of your chest, ~ the Awakening One who took birth from

        sampatto Bodhisatto ~ caraõayugagato, ~ bhànu lokekanàtho.
out of a peahen's womb ~ has come to your feet, ~ he is brilliant, the world's sole protector.

20.   Sabbàvamaïgalam-upaddavadunnimittaü,
All inauspicious events, adversities, and bad signs,

all calamities, diseases, blame, bad planets, bar none,

        sabbantaràyabhayadussupinaü akantaü -
all obstacles, fears, and unpleasant dreams -

        Buddhànubhàvapavarena payàtu nàsaü!
may (all of them), through the excellent power of the Buddha, go to destruction!

21.   Sabbàvamaïgalam-upaddavadunnimittaü,
All inauspicious events, adversities, and bad signs,

all calamities, diseases, blame, bad planets, bar none,

        sabbantaràyabhayadussupinaü akantaü -
all obstacles, fears, and unpleasant dreams -

        Dhammànubhàvapavarena payàtu nàsaü!
may (all of them), through the excellent power of the Dhamma, go to destruction!

22.   Sabbàvamaïgalam-upaddavadunnimittaü,
All inauspicious events, adversities, and bad signs,

all calamities, diseases, blame, bad planets, bar none,

        sabbantaràyabhayadussupinaü akantaü -
all obstacles, fears, and unpleasant dreams -

        Saïghànubhàvapavarena payàtu nàsaü!
may (all of them), through the excellent power of the Saïgha, go to destruction!


The Verses on the Great Blessings of Success

1.     Mahàkàruõiko nàtho, ~ hitàya sabbapàõinaü,
The lord of great compassion, ~ for the benefit of all living creatures,

        påretvà pàramã sabbà ~ patto Sambodhim-uttamaü.
fulfilled all the perfections ~ and attained supreme and Complete Awakening.

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


2.     Jayanto Bodhiyà måle ~ Sakyànaü nandivaddhano -
Succeeding at the root of the Bodhi tree ~ he furthered the Sakyans' joy -

        evaü tuyhaü jayo hotu, ~ jayassu jayamaïgalaü!
so may you be successful, ~ may you succeed with the blessing of success!


3.     Sakkatvà Buddharatanaü, ~ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Buddha treasure, ~ the best and supreme medicine,

        hitaü devamanussànaü, ~ Buddhatejena sotthinà
of benefit to gods and men, ~ by the bless‚d power of the Buddha

        nassantupaddavà sabbe, ~ dukkhà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, ~ and all suffering come to an end for you!


4.     Sakkatvà Dhammaratanaü, ~ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Dhamma treasure, ~ the best and supreme medicine,

        pariëàhåpasamanaü, ~ Dhammatejena sotthinà
which brings fevers to an end, ~ by the bless‚d power of the Dhamma

        nassantupaddavà sabbe, ~ bhayà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, ~ and all fear come to an end for you!


5.     Sakkatvà Saïgharatanaü, ~ osadhaü uttamaü varaü,
Having honoured the Saïgha treasure, ~ the best and supreme medicine,

        àhuneyyaü pàhuneyyaü, ~ Saïghatejena sotthinà
worthy of gifts and hospitality, ~ by the bless‚d power of the Saïgha

        nassantupaddavà sabbe, ~ rogà våpasamentu te!
may all adversities perish, ~ and all disease come to an end for you!


6.     Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke ~ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

        ratanaü Buddhasamaü natthi: ~ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Buddha: ~ because of this may you be safe!


7.     Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke ~ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

        ratanaü Dhammasamaü natthi: ~ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Dhamma: ~ because of this may you be safe!


8.     Yaü ki¤ci ratanaü loke ~ vijjati vividhà puthå
Whatever the many and various treasures there are in the world

        ratanaü Saïghasamaü natthi: ~ tasmà sotthi bhavantu te!
no treasure is equal to the Saïgha: ~ because of this may you be safe!


9.     Natthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, ~ Buddho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, ~ for me the Buddha is the best refuge!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


10.   Natthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, ~ Dhammo me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, ~ for me the Dhamma is the best refuge!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!


11.   Natthi me saraõaü a¤¤aü, ~ Saïgho me saraõaü varaü!
For me there is no other refuge, ~ for me the Saïgha is the best refuge!

        Etena saccavajjena ~ hotu te jayamaïgalaü!
By this declaration of the truth ~ may you have the blessing of success!

* * *

        Sabbãtiyo vivajjantu ~ sabbarogo vinassatu,
May you avoid all calamities ~ and may all disease be destroyed,

        mà te bhavatvantaràyo, ~ sukhã dãghàyuko bhava!
may there be no obstacles for you, ~ may you be happy and live long!


        Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, ~ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, ~ and may all of the gods protect you,

        sabba-Buddhànubhàvena ~ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of all the Buddhas ~ may they be safe forever!


        Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, ~ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, ~ and may all of the gods protect you,

        sabba-Dhammànubhàvena ~ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of all that is Dhamma ~ may they be safe forever!


        Bhavatu sabbamaïgalaü, ~ rakkhantu sabbadevatà,
May there be every blessing, ~ and may all of the gods protect you,

        sabba-Saïghànubhàvena ~ sadà sotthi bhavantu te!
by the power of the whole Saïgha ~ may they be safe forever!


        Nakkhattayakkhabhåtànaü, ~ pàpaggahanivàraõà,
 Warding off all unlucky stars, yakkhas, bhåtas, and evil planets,

        parittassànubhàvena ~ hantu tesaü upaddave!
by the power of this safeguard ~ may all their adversities end!

* * *

                    Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
                Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                    yo càmanàpo sakuõassa saddo,
                or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                     pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
                also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                    Buddhànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
                may they perish through the power of the Buddha!


                    Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
                Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                    yo càmanàpo sakuõassa saddo,
                or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                    pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
                also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                    Dhammànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
                may they perish through the power of the Dhamma!


                    Yan-dunnimittaü avamaïgala¤-ca,
                Whatever bad sign, inauspicious event,

                    yo càmanàpo sakuõassa saddo,
                or whatever ominous bird shriek there is,

                    pàpaggaho dussupinaü akantaü -
                also evil planets, and unpleasant dreams -

                    Saïghànubhàvena vinàsamentu!
                may they perish through the power of the Saïgha!

* * *

        Dukkhappattà ca niddukkhà, ~ bhayappattà ca nibbhayà,
May those who suffer be without suffering, ~ may those who fear be without fear,

        sokappattà ca nissokà - ~ hontu sabbe pi pàõino!
may those who grieve be without grief - ~ may all living creatures be so!


        Dànaü dadantu saddhàya, ~ sãlaü rakkhantu sabbadà,
You should give gifts with confidence, ~ protect your virtue at all times,

        bhàvanàbhiratà hontu, ~ gacchantu devatàgatà.
find delight in meditation, ~ and (after death) go to the gods.


         Sabbe Buddhà balappattà, ~ Paccekàna¤-ca yaü balaü
All the Buddhas' strength, ~ and whatever strength the Pacceka Buddhas

        Arahantàna¤-ca tejena ~ rakkhaü bandhàma sabbaso!
and Worthy Ones have, by that power ~ we bind this protection in every way!

* * *

        âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà ~ devà nàgà mahiddhikà,
May those powerful gods and nàgas stationed in the sky or on the earth,

        pu¤¤aü taü anumoditvà ~ ciraü rakkhantu sàsanaü!
having shared in this merit ~ protect the teaching for a long time!


        âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà ~ devà nàgà mahiddhikà,
May those powerful gods and nàgas stationed in the sky or on the earth,

        pu¤¤aü taü anumoditvà ~ ciraü rakkhantu desanaü!
having shared in this merit ~ protect the preaching for a long time!


        âkàsaññhà ca bhummaññhà ~ devà nàgà mahiddhikà,
May those powerful gods and nàgas stationed in the sky or on the earth,

        pu¤¤aü taü anumoditvà ~ ciraü rakkhantu maü paran!-ti
having shared in this merit ~ protect me and others for a long time!


        Idaü me ¤àtãnaü hotu, ~ sukhità hontu ¤àtayo!
May this (merit) go to my relatives, ~ may my relatives be happy!

        Idaü me ¤àtãnaü hotu, ~ sukhità hontu ¤àtayo!
May this (merit) go to my relatives, ~ may my relatives be happy!

        Idaü me ¤àtãnaü hotu, ~ sukhità hontu ¤àtayo!
May this (merit) go to my relatives, ~ may my relatives be happy!


        Devo vassatu kàlena, ~ sabbasampatti hetu ca,
May the sky-god rain down in due season, ~ and (may there be) the right conditions for all good fortune,

        phãto bhavatu loko ca, ~ ràjà bhavatu dhammiko!
may the world be prosperous, ~ may the king always be righteous



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