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23: Mahàsamayasuttaü
The Discourse on the Great Convention
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà Sakkesu viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling amongst the Sakyans
Kapilavatthusmiü Mahàvane mahatà bhikkhusaïghena saddhiü
in the Great Wood near Kapilavatthu with a great Saïgha of monks
pa¤camattehi bhikkhusatehi sabbeheva Arahantehi,
consisting of five hundred monks, all of them Worthy Ones,
dasahi ca lokadhàtåhi
1 devatà yebhuyyena sannipatità honti
and almost all of the gods from the ten world elements had assembled
Bhagavantaü dassanàya bhikkhusaïgha¤-ca.
to see the Auspicious One and the Saïgha of monks.
Atha kho catunnaü Suddhàvàsakàyikànaü devànaü etad-ahosi:
Then this occurred to four gods from among the hosts in the Pure Abodes:
ßAyaü kho Bhagavà Sakkesu viharati
ßThe Auspicious One is dwelling amongst the Sakyans
Kapilavatthusmiü Mahàvane mahatà bhikkhusaïghena saddhiü
in the Great Wood near Kapilavatthu with a great Saïgha of moïks
pa¤camattehi bhikkhusatehi sabbeheva Arahantehi,
consisting of five hundred monks, all of them Worthy Ones,
dasahi ca lokadhàtåhi
2 devatà yebhuyyena sannipatità honti
and almost all of the gods from the ten world elements have assembled
Bhagavantaü dassanàya bhikkhusaïgha¤-ca.
to see the Auspicious One and the Saïgha of monks.
Yan-nåna mayam-pi yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkameyyàma,
Well now, we too could approach the Auspicious One,
upasaïkamitvà Bhagavato santike paccekagàthaü bhàseyyàmàû ti.
and after approaching the Auspicious One we could recite a verse each in his presence.û
Atha kho tà devatà seyyathà pi nàma balavà puriso
Then those gods, just as a strong man
sami¤jitaü và bàhaü pasàreyya, pasàritaü và bàhaü sammi¤jeyya,
might stretch out a bent arm, or bend in an outstretched arm,
evam-evaü Suddhàvàsesu devesu antarahità
in the same way disappeared from among the gods of the Pure Abodes
Bhagavato purato pàtur-ahesuü.
and appeared in front of the Auspicious One.
Atha kho tà devatà Bhagavantaü abhivàdetvà, ekam-antaü aññhaüsu.
Then those gods after worshipping the Auspicious One, stood on one side.
Ekam-antaü ñhità kho ekà devatà
While standing on one side one of the gods
Bhagavato santike imaü gàthaü abhàsi:
recited this verse in the presence of the Auspicious One:
1. ßMahàsamayo pavanasmiü, ~ devakàyà samàgatà,
ßThere is a great convention in the wood, ~ and a host of gods have come,
àgatamha imaü Dhammasamayaü
we have come to this Dhamma convention
dakkhitàye aparàjitasaïghanû-ti.
to see the Saïgha, who are undefeated.û
Atha kho aparà devatà Bhagavato santike imaü gàthaü abhàsi:
Then another god recited this verse in the presence of the Auspicious One:
2. ßTatra bhikkhavo samàdahaüsu,
ßIn this place the monks are concentrated,
cittamattano ujukaü akaüsu,
they have straightened out their minds by themselves,
sàrathãva nettàni gahetvà,
like a charioteer who has taken the reins,
indriyàni rakkhanti paõóitàû ti.
the wise protect their sense faculties.û
Atha kho aparà devatà Bhagavato santike imaü gàthaü abhàsi:
Then another god recited this verse in the presence of the Auspicious One:
3. ßChetvà khãlaü chetvà palighaü,
ßHaving cut off the hindrance and obstacle,
indakhãlaü åhacca-m-anejà,
and dug up the locking post, they are unmoved,
te caranti suddhà vimalà,
they live pure and unstained,
Cakkhumatà sudantà susunàgàû ti.
young nàgas, well-tamed by the Visionary.û
Atha kho aparà devatà Bhagavato santike imaü gàthaü abhàsi:
Then another god recited this verse in the presence of the Auspicious One:
4. ßYe keci Buddhaü saraõaü gatàse
ßWhoever has gone to the Buddha for refuge
na te gamissanti apàyaü.
will not go to the lower worlds.
Pahàya mànusaü dehaü
After giving up the human body
devakàyaü paripåressantãû ti.
they will fill up the ranks of the gods.û
Atha kho Bhagavà bhikkhå àmantesi:
Then the Auspicious One addressed the monks, saying:
ßYebhuyyena bhikkhave dasasu lokadhàtåsu devatà sannipatità
ßMonks, almost all of the gods from the ten world elements have assembled
Tathàgataü dassanàya bhikkhusaïgha¤-ca.
to see the Realised One and the Saïgha of monks.
Ye pi te bhikkhave ahesuü atãtam-addhànaü Arahanto,
Monks, those who in the past were Worthy Ones,
Sammàsambuddhà, tesam-pi Bhagavantànaü
Perfect Sambuddhas, for those Auspicious Ones also
etaparamà yeva devatà sannipatità ahesuü
at least as many gods have assembled
seyyathà pi mayhaü etarahi.
as for me at the present time.
Ye pi te bhikkhave bhavissanti anàgatam-addhànaü Arahanto,
Monks, those who in the future will be Worthy Ones,
Sammàsambuddhà, tesam-pi Bhagavantànaü
Perfect Sambuddhas, for those Auspicious Ones also
etaparamà yeva devatà sannipatità bhavissanti
at least as many gods will assemble
seyyathà pi mayhaü etarahi.
as for me at the present time.
âcikkhissàmi bhikkhave devakàyànaü nàmàni,
Monks, I will declare the names of the hosts of gods,
kittayissàmi bhikkhave devakàyànaü nàmàni,
monks, I will proclaim the names of the hosts of gods,
5 bhikkhave devakàyànaü nàmàni.
monks, I will reveal the names of the hosts of gods.
Taü suõàtha sàdhukaü manasikarotha bhàsissàmãû ti.
Listen to it, apply your minds well, and I will speak.û
ßEvaü bhanteû ti kho te bhikkhå Bhagavato paccassosuü,
ßYes, reverend Sir,û those monks replied to the Auspicious One,
Bhagavà etad-avoca:
and the Auspicious One said this:
5. ßSilokam-anukassàmi ~ yattha Bhummà tad-assità:
ßI will repeat a famous verse (a Siloka) ~ wherever the gods of the Earth live:
Ye sità girigabbharaü, ~ pahitattà samàhità,
There are (monks) who live in a hill cave, ~ who are resolute, composed,
6. puthå
6 sãhà va sallãnà, ~ lomahaüsàbhisambhuno,
who are like lions crouching, ~ who have overcome (all) horror,
odàtamanasà suddhà, ~ vippasanna-m-anàvilàû.
with minds that are cleansed, and purified, ~ which are clear, and undisturbedû.
7. Bhiyyo
7 pa¤casate ¤atvà ~ vane Kàpilavatthave,
He knew there were more than five hundred ~ in the wood near Kapilavatthu (like this),
tato àmantayã Satthà ~ sàvake sàsane rate:
therefore the Teacher addressed ~ those disciples who delight in the teaching:
8. ßDevakàyà abhikkantà, ~ te vijànàtha bhikkhavo!û
ßA host of gods have drawn near (to us), ~ you should know who they are, monks!û
Te ca àtappam-akaruü, ~ sutvà Buddhassa sàsanaü,
Then (those monks) became ardent, ~ after hearing the Buddha's teaching,
9. tesaü pàtur-ahå
8 ¤àõaü, ~ amanussànadassanaü -
and knowledge was manifest to them, ~ seeing those non-human beings -
appeke satam-addakkhuü, ~ sahassaü atha sattatiü.
and some of them saw a hundred, ~ a thousand, or seventy (thousand).
10. Sataü eke sahassànaü ~ amanussànam-addasuü,
Some of them saw a hundred thousand of those non-human beings,
appekenantam-addakkhuü ~ disà sabbà phuñà ahå.
and some saw an endless number ~ spread out in every direction.
11. Ta¤-ca sabbaü abhi¤¤àya ~ vavakkhitvàna
11 Cakkhumà,
Having deep knowledge of all that ~ the Visionary desired to speak,
tato àmantayã Satthà ~ sàvake sàsane rate:
therefore the Teacher addressed ~ those disciples who delight in the teaching:
12. ßDevakàyà abhikkantà, ~ te vijànàtha bhikkhavo!
ßA host of gods have drawn near (to us), ~ you should know who they are, monks!
Ye vohaü kittayissàmi ~ giràhi anupubbaso.
I will proclaim their (names) to you ~ with lyrics in regular order.
13. Sattasahassà te yakkhà,
13 ~ Bhummà Kàpilavatthavà,
There are seven thousand yakkhas, ~ Earth gods from Kapilavatthu,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto,
14 ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
14. Chasahassà Hemavatà ~ yakkhà nànattavaõõino,
From Hemavant there are six thousand ~ yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
15. Sàtàgirà tisahassà ~ yakkhà nànattavaõõino,
From Sàtàgira there are three thousand ~ yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
16. Iccete soëasasahassà ~ yakkhà nànattavaõõino,
Like this there are sixteen thousand ~ yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
17. Vessàmittà pa¤casatà ~ yakkhà nànattavaõõino,
From Vessàmitta there are five hundred ~ yakkhas, diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
18. Kumbhãro
15 Ràjagahiko, ~ Vepullassa nivesanaü,
From Ràjagaha there is Kumbhira, ~ who is settled on Vepulla,
16 naü satasahassaü ~ yakkhànaü payirupàsati,
and more than a hundred thousand ~ yakkhas who gather round him,
Kumbhãro Ràjagahiko ~ so pàga samitiü vanaü.
From Ràjagaha there is Kumbhira ~ he also came to the gathering in the wood.
The Four Great Kings
19. Purima¤-ca disaü, ràjà ~ Dhataraññho taü
17 pasàsati,
The Easterly direction, the king ~ Dhataraññha rules over that,
gandhabbànaü àdhipati, ~ Mahàràjà yasassi so,
he is master of the Gandhabbas, ~ he is a resplendent Great King,
20. puttà pi tassa bahavo, ~ Indanàmà mahabbalà,
also there are his many sons, ~ Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
21. Dakkhiõa¤-ca disaü, ràjà ~ Viråëho taü pasàsati,
The Southerly direction, the king ~ Viråëha rules over that,
kumbhaõóànaü àdhipati, ~ Mahàràjà yasassi so,
he is master of the Kumbhaõóas, ~ he is a resplendent Great King,
22. puttà pi tassa bahavo, ~ Indanàmà mahabbalà,
also there are his many sons, ~ Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
23. Pacchima¤-ca disaü, ràjà ~ Viråpakkho taü pasàsati,
The Westerly direction, the king ~ Viråpakkha rules over that,
nàgànaü àdhipati, ~ Mahàràjà yasassi so,
he is master of the nàgas, ~ he is a resplendent Great King,
24. puttà pi tassa bahavo, ~ Indanàmà mahabbalà,
also there are his many sons, ~ Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
25. Uttara¤-ca disaü, ràjà ~ Kuvero taü pasàsati,
The Northerly direction, the king ~ Kuvera rules over that,
yakkhànaü àdhipati, ~ Mahàràjà yasassi so,
he is master of the yakkhas, ~ he is a resplendent Great King,
26. puttà pi tassa bahavo, ~ Indanàmà mahabbalà,
also there are his many sons, ~ Inda by name, ones of great strength,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
27. Purimaü disaü Dhataraññho,
18 ~ Dakkhiõena Viråëhako,
To the East there is Dhataraññha, ~ in the South there is Viråëhaka,
Pacchimena Viråpakkho, ~ Kuvero Uttaraü disaü.
in the West there is Viråpakkha, ~ to the North there is Kuvera.
28. Cattàro te Mahàràjà, ~ samantà caturo disà,
These are the Four Great Kings, ~ from all sides, the four directions,
daddallamànà aññhaüsu ~ vane Kàpilavatthave.
they stood blazing brilliantly ~ in the wood near Kapilavatthu.
29. Tesaü màyàvino dàsà ~ àgu
19 va¤canikà sañhà:
Their deceitful servants came, who are fraudulent and treacherous:
màyà Kuñeõóu Veñeõóu, ~ Viñucca Viñuóo saha,
the deceitful Kuteõóu, Veteõóu, ~ Viñucca, and Viñuóa,
30. Candano Kàmaseññho ca, ~ Kinnughaõóu Nighaõóu ca,
Candana and Kàmaseññha, ~ Kinnughaõóu and Nighaõóu,
Panàdo Opama¤¤o ca, ~ devasåto ca Màtalã,
Panàda and Opama¤¤a, ~ and Màtali, the gods' charioteer,
31. Cittaseno
20 ca gandhabbo, ~ Nalo ràjà Janesabho
The gandhabbas Citta and Sena, ~ the kings Nala and Janesabha
àgu Pa¤casikho ceva, ~ Timbarå Suriyavaccasà.
came, and also Pa¤casikha, ~ Timbaru, and Suriyavaccasà.
32. Ete ca¤¤e ca ràjàno, ~ gandhabbà saha ràjubhi,
These and also other kings, ~ and gandhabbas along with their kings,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
Nàgas and Supaõõas
33. Athàgu Nàbhasà nàgà,
21 ~ Vesàlà saha Tacchakà,
Then came Nàgas from Nàbhasa, ~ and from Vesàli, and the Tacchakas,
Kambal' Assatarà àgu, ~ Pàyàgà saha ¤àtibhi.
the Kambalas, and Assataras came, and (nàgas) from Pàyàga with their kin.
34. Yàmunà Dhataraññhà
22 ca ~ àgu nàgà yasassino,
The Yàmuna, and the Dhataraññha nàgas came, resplendent ones,
Eràvaõo mahànàgo, ~ so pàga samitiü vanaü.
and Eràvaõa, the great nàga, ~ he also came to the gathering in the wood.
35. Ye nàgaràje sahasà haranti
Those who carry away the nàga kings by force
- dibbà dijà pakkhivisuddhacakkhå -
- the divine, twice-born, winged ones, with clear vision -
vehàsayà te vanam-ajjhapattà,
through the air they (came and) arrived in the wood,
Citrà Supaõõà iti tesaü nàmàni.
the Citras and Supaõõas, such are their names.
36. Abhayaü tadà nàgaràjànam-àsi,
But at that time the nàga kings were without fear,
supaõõato khemam-akàsi Buddho.
for the Buddha made them safe from the supaõõas.
Saõhàhi vàcàhi upavhayantà,
Calling on (one another) with gentle words,
nàgà supaõõà saraõam-agaüsu Buddhaü.
the nàgas and supaõõas took refuge in the Buddha.
37. Jità Vajirahatthena, ~ samuddaü asurà sità,
Defeated by Vajirahattha, ~ the asuras live in the ocean,
bhàtaro Vàsavassete,
24 ~ iddhimanto yasassino,
they are brothers of Vàsava, ~ having godly power, resplendent,
38. Kàlaka¤jà mahàbhiüsà, ~ asurà Dànaveghasà,
the very fearful Kàlaka¤jas, ~ the Dànaveghasa asuras,
25 Sucittã ca, ~ Pahàràdo Namucã saha,
Vepacitti and Sucitti, ~ Pahàràda, together with Namuci,
39. sata¤-ca Baliputtànaü, ~ sabbe Verocanàmakà.
and a hundred of Bali's sons, ~ all of them named after Veroca.
Sannayhitvà Baliü senaü ~ Ràhubhaddam-upàgamuü:
Having armed themselves, Bali's army ~ came to lucky Ràhu (and said):
ßSamayo dàni bhaddante, ~ bhikkhånaü samitaü vanaü.û
ßNow is the time, reverend Sir, ~ for the gathering of the monks in the wood.û
40. âpo ca devà Pañhavã ca,
26 ~ Tejo Vàyo tad-àgamuü,
The Water gods, and the Earth gods, ~ the Fire, and the Wind (gods all) came there,
Varuõà Vàruõà devà, ~ Somo ca Yasasà saha,
the Varuõa, and Vàruõa gods, ~ Soma followed by Yasa,
41. Mettàkaruõàkàyikà ~ àgu devà yasassino.
and a host of Friendly and Compassionate gods came, respendlent ones.
Dasete dasadhà kàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
42. iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino.
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent.
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
43. Veõhå devà
27 Sahalã ca ~ Asamà ca duve Yamà.
The Veõhu and Sahali and Asama gods, and the two Yama gods (came).
28 devà ~ Candam-àgu purakkhatvà.
The gods who depend on the Moon came, ~ with the Moon in front of them.
44. Suriyassåpanisà
29 devà ~ Suriyam-àgu 30 purakkhatvà,
The gods who depend on the Sun came, ~ with the Sun in front of them,
Nakkhattàni purakkhatvà, ~ àgu mandavalàhakà.
with the stars in front of them, ~ also the foolish Rain Cloud (gods) came.
45. Vasånaü Vàsavo seññho, ~ Sakko pàga Purindado.
Sakka also came, (who is called) Vàsava, the best of the Vaså, and Purindada.
Dasete dasadhà kàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
46. iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
47. Athàgu Sahabhå devà, ~ jalam-aggisikhàriva,
Then came the Sahabhu gods, ~ blazing forth, like the crest of a fire,
Ariññhakà ca Rojà ca ~ Ummàpupphanibhàsino.
and the Ariññhakas and Rojas ~ and the splendid Ummapuppha (gods).
48. Varuõà Sahadhammà ca, ~ Accutà ca Anejakà,
The Varuõas and Sahadhammas, ~ the Accutas and Anejakas,
31 àgu; ~ àgu 32 Vàsavanesino.
the Såleyyas and Ruciras (all) came; ~ the Vàsavanesi (gods) came.
49. Dasete dasadhà kàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
50. Samànà Mahàsamànà, ~ Mànusà Mànusuttamà,
The Samànas, Mahasamànas, ~ Mànusas, Mànusuttamas,
Khióóàpadåsikà àgu; ~ àgu
33 Manopadåsikà.
and the Khióóàpadåsikas came; ~ the Manopadåsikas came.
51. Athàgu Harayo devà, ~ ye ca Lohitavàsino.
Then the Hari gods came, ~ and those (known as) the Lohitavàsã.
Pàragà Mahapàragà
34 ~ àgu devà yasassino.
The Pàragas, and Mahapàragas came, gods who are resplendent.
52. Dasete dasadhà kàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
53. Sukkà Karumhà
35 Aruõà ~ àgu Veghanasà saha.
The Sukkas, Karumhas, and Aruõas came, with the Veghanasas.
Odàtagayhà pàmokkhà ~ àgu devà Vicakkhaõà.
The excellent Odàtagayhas ~ and Vicakkhaõa gods came.
54. Sadàmattà Hàragajà, ~ Missakà ca yasassino.
The Sadàmattas, Hàragajas, ~ and the resplendent Missakas.
Thanayaü àga Pajjunno, ~ yo disà abhivassati.
Pajjunna came thundering, ~ he who pours down rain in (all) directions.
55. Dasete dasadhà kàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
56. Khemiyà Tusità Yàmà, ~ Kaññhakà ca yasassino.
The Khemiyas, Tusitas, Yàmas,~ and resplendent Kaññhakas (came).
Lambãtakà Làmaseññhà ~ Jotinàmà ca âsavà,
The Lambãtakas, Làmaseññhas, ~ those called the Jotis, and âsavas,
57. Nimmàõaratino àgu; ~ athàgu Paranimmità.
and the Nimmàõaratis came; ~ then came the Paranimittas.
Dasete dasadhà kàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these ten hosts, ten kinds (of gods), who are diverse in colour,
58. iddhimanto, jutãmanto, ~ vaõõavanto, yasassino,
who have godly power, who are bright, ~ beautiful, and resplendent,
modamànà abhikkàmuü ~ bhikkhånaü samitiü vanaü.
rejoicing they have drawn near ~ the gathering of monks in the wood.
59. Saññhete devanikàyà, ~ sabbe nànattavaõõino,
All of these sixty hosts of gods, ~ who are diverse in colour,
nàmanvayena àga¤chuü; ~ ye ca¤¤e sadisà saha:
in conformity with their names came; ~ these along with others similar (thinking):
60. ßPavutthajàtiü akhilaü, ~ oghatiõõam-anàsavaü,
ßWe shall see the casteless (Saïgha), unhindered, ~ flood-crossers, pollution-free,
dakkhemoghataraü nàgaü, ~ Candaü va asitàtigaü.
and the nàga, who is beyond the flood, ~ who, like the Moon, has overcome the darkness.
61. Subrahmà Paramatto ca, ~ puttà iddhimato saha.
Subrahmà and Paramatta, ~ along with the sons of the powerful one (came).
Sanaïkumàro Tisso ca ~ so pàga samitiü vanaü.
Sanaïkumàra and Tissa ~ also came to the gathering in the wood.
62. Sahassaü brahmalokànaü ~ Mahàbrahmàbhitiññhati,
In the thousand brahma worlds ~ a Great Brahma has arisen,
upapanno jutãmanto, ~ bhismàkàyo yasassi so.
a bright one, who stands out, ~ whose awesome body is resplendent.
63. Dasettha Issarà àgu, ~ paccekavasavattino,
The ten Issarà (brahmas) came, ~ who individually wield power,
tesa¤-ca majjhato àga ~ Hàrito parivàrito.
and in the midst of them came ~ Hàrita with his entourage.
Màra and his Army
64. Te ca sabbe abhikkante, ~ sa-Inde deve sabrahmake,
Now when they had all drawn near, ~ Inda with the gods and the brahmas,
Màrasenà abhikkàmi:
36 ~ passa Kaõhassa mandiyaü!
Màra's army also drew near: ~ behold the foolishness of the Dark One!
65. ßEtha gaõhatha bandhatha, ~ ràgena bandham-atthu ve,
ßCome now, seize them, and bind them (he said), ~ let them be bound by passion,
samantà parivàretha, ~ mà vo mu¤cittha koci naü!û
surround them on all sides, ~ do not let anyone of them go free!û
66. Iti tattha mahàseno ~ kaõhasenaü apesayã,
Thus in that place the great army leader ~ sent forth his dark army,
pàõinà thalam-àhacca, ~ saraü katvàna bheravaü,
after striking the ground with his hand, ~ and making a fearful noise,
67. yathà pàvussako megho, ~ thanayanto savijjuko -
like a storm cloud shedding rain, ~ thundering, with flashes of lightning -
tadà so paccudàvatti, ~ saïkuddho asayaüvasã.
but then he retreated, ~ angry, and unable to control himself.
68. Ta¤-ca sabbaü abhi¤¤àya ~ vavakkhitvàna Cakkhumà,
Knowing all that (was happening) ~ the Visionary desired to speak,
tato àmantayã Satthà ~ sàvake sàsane rate:
therefore the Teacher addressed ~ those disciples who delight in the teaching:
69. ßMàrasenà abhikkantà, ~ te vijànàtha bhikkhavo!û
ßMàra's army has drawn near (to us), ~ you should know who they are, monks!û
Te ca àtappam-akaruü, ~ sutvà Buddhassa sàsanaü.
Then (those monks) became ardent, after hearing the Buddha's teaching.
39 ~ nesaü lomam-pi i¤jayuü! 40
They withdrew from the passionless (monks), not one of their hairs was shaken!
Spoken by Màra
70. ßSabbe vijitasaïgàmà, ~ bhayàtãtà
41 yasassino,
ßThey are all victorious in battle, ~ beyond fear, and resplendent,
modanti saha bhåtehi, ~ sàvakà te jane sutàû ti.
those disciples, famous among men, along with (all) beings, are glad.û
24: âlavakasuttaü
The Discourse concerniïg âlavaka
Evaü me sutaü:
Thus I have heard:
ekaü samayaü Bhagavà âlaviyaü viharati
at one time the Auspicious One was dwelling near âlavã
âlavakassa yakkhassa bhavane.
in the domicile of the yakkha âlavaka.
Atha kho âlavako yakkho yena Bhagavà tenupasaïkami,
Then the yakkha âlavaka approached the Auspicious One,
upasaïkamitvà Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
and after approaching he said this to the Auspicious One:
ßNikkhama samaõà!û ti,
ßGet out, ascetic!û
ßSàdhàvusoû ti Bhagavà nikkhami.
ßYes, friendû, said the Auspicious One, and he got out.
ßPavisa samaõà!û ti,
ßGo in, ascetic!û
ßSàdhàvusoû ti Bhagavà pàvisi.
ßYes, friendû, said the Auspicious One, and he went in.
Dutiyam-pi kho âlavako yakkho Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
For a second time the yakkha âlavaka said this to the Auspicious One:
ßNikkhama samaõà!û ti,
ßGet out, ascetic!û
ßSàdhàvusoû ti Bhagavà nikkhami.
ßYes, friendû, said the Auspicious One, and he got out.
ßPavisa samaõà!û ti,
ßGo in, ascetic!û
ßSàdhàvusoû ti Bhagavà pàvisi.
ßYes, friendû, said the Auspicious One, and he went in.
Tatiyam-pi kho âlavako yakkho Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
For a third time the yakkha âlavaka said this to the Auspicious One:
ßNikkhama samaõà!û ti,
ßGet out, ascetic!û
ßSàdhàvusoû ti Bhagavà nikkhami.
ßYes, friendû, said the Auspicious One, and he got out.
ßPavisa samaõà!û ti,
ßGo in, ascetic!û
ßSàdhàvusoû ti Bhagavà pàvisi.
ßYes, friendû, said the Auspicious One, and he went in.
Catuttham-pi kho âlavako yakkho Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
For a fourth time the yakkha âlavaka said this to the Auspicious One:
ßNikkhama samaõà!û ti,
ßGet out, ascetic!û
ßNa khvàhaü àvuso
42 nikkhamissàmi,
ßI certainly will not get out, friend,
yaü te karaõãyaü taü karohãû ti.
so please do whatever it is you must do.û
ßPa¤haü taü samaõa pucchissàmi, sace me na vyàkarissasi,
ßI will ask you a question, ascetic, and if you do not answer me,
cittaü và te khipissàmi, hadayaü và te phàlessàmi,
I will overthrow your mind, or split your heart,
pàdesu và gahetvà pàragaïgàya khipissàmãû ti.
or seize you by the feet and throw you across the river.û
ßNa khvàhaü
43 taü àvuso passàmi,
ßI certainly do not see, friend,
sadevake loke samàrake sabrahmake,
in the world with its gods, Màra, and Brahma,
sassamaõabràhmaõiyà pajàya sadevamanussàya,
in this generation with its ascetics and brahmins, princes and men,
yo me cittaü và khipeyya, hadayaü và phàleyya,
anyone who could overthrow my mind, or split my heart,
pàdesu và gahetvà pàragaïgàya khipeyya.
or seize me by the feet and throw me across the river.
Api ca tvaü àvuso puccha yad-àkaïkhasãû ti.
Still, you may ask what you want, friend.û
Atha kho âlavako yakkho Bhagavantaü gàthàya ajjhabhàsi:
Then the yakkha âlavaka recited a verse to the Auspicious One:
1. ßKiü sådha vittaü purisassa seññhaü?
ßWhat is the greatest wealth for a person here?
Kiü su suciõõo sukham-àvahàti?
What, when accomplished, brings about happiness?
Kiü su have sàdutaraü
44 rasànaü?
What, for sure, is the sweetest of tastes?
Kathaü jãviü jãvitam-àhu seññhan?û ti
Living what life do they say is the greatest?û
2. ßSaddhãdha vittaü purisassa seññhaü.
ßConfidence is a person's greatest wealth here.
Dhammo suciõõo sukham-àvahàti.
The Dhamma, when accomplished, brings about happiness.
Saccaü have sàdutaraü rasànaü.
Truth, for sure, is the sweetest of tastes.
Pa¤¤àjãviü jãvitam-àhu seññhanû-ti.
Living a wise life they say is the greatest.û
3. ßKathaü su taratã oghaü? ~ Kathaü su tarati
46 aõõavaü?
ßHow does one cross over the flood? ~ How does one cross over the sea?
Kathaü su dukkhaü acceti? ~ Kathaü su parisujjhati?û
How does one overcome suffering? ~ How does one become purified?û
4. ßSaddhàya taratã
47 oghaü. ~ Appamàdena aõõavaü.
ßThrough confidence one crosses the flood. ~ Through heedfulness (one crosses) the sea.
Viriyena dukkhaü acceti. ~ Pa¤¤àya parisujjhati.û
Through energy one overcomes suffering. ~ Through wisdom one is purified.û
5. ßKathaü su labhate pa¤¤aü? ~ Kathaü su vindate dhanaü?
ßHow is it one gains true wisdom? ~ How is it one finds true wealth?
Kathaü su kittiü pappoti? ~ Kathaü mittàni ganthati?
How does one acquire good repute? ~ How does one bind friends (to oneself)?
Asmà lokà paraü lokaü ~ kathaü pecca na socati?û
How, after passing from this world to the next world, does one not grieve?û
6. ßSaddahàno Arahataü ~ Dhammaü Nibbànapattiyà,
ßConfident in the Worthy Ones' ~ Dhamma (taught) for attaining Nibbàna,
sussåsà labhate pa¤¤aü, ~ appamatto vicakkhaõo.
one gains wisdom through wanting to hear it, ~ heedfulness, and application.
7. Patiråpakàrã dhuravà, ~ uññhàtà vindate dhanaü.
Doing what is suitable, bearing up, ~ aroused, one finds true wealth.
Saccena kittiü pappoti. ~ Dadaü mittàni ganthati.
Through truth one acquires good repute. ~ (Through) giving one binds friends (to oneself).
8. Yassete caturo dhammà ~ saddhassa gharamesino:
That confident householder who has these four things:
saccaü, Dhammo, dhitã,
48 càgo, ~ sa ve pecca na socati,
truth, Dhamma, courage, liberality, ~ after passing away he does not grieve,
asmà lokà paraü lokaü ~ evaü pecca na socati.
thus, after passing from this world to the next world, one does not grieve.
9. Iïgha a¤¤e pi pucchassu, ~ puthå
50 samaõabràhmaõe,
Come now, ask others also, ~ the many ascetics and brahmins,
yadi saccà damà càgà ~ khantyà bhiyyo na vijjati.û
if there is something more than truth, self-control, liberality, and patience.û
10. ßKathan nu dàni puccheyyaü, ~ puthå samaõabràhmaõe?
ßWhy should I ask (others) now, ~ the many ascetics and brahmins?
Sohaü ajja pajànàmi ~ yo attho
52 samparàyiko.
Today I have come to know ~ what is the next life's true welfare.
11. Atthàya vata me Buddho ~ vàsày' âlavim-àgamã.
Indeed for my welfare did the Buddha ~ come and spend time in âlavã.
Sohaü ajja pajànàmi ~ yattha dinnaü mahapphalaü.
when today I have come to know ~ where that which is given bears great fruit.
12. So ahaü vicarissàmi ~ gàmà gàmaü purà puraü,
I will roam about ~ from village to village, city to city,
namassamàno Sambuddhaü ~ Dhammassa ca sudhammatanû-ti.
revering the Sambuddha ~ and the good qualities of the Dhamma.û
Evaü vatvà
54 âlavako yakkho Bhagavantaü etad-avoca:
After saying this, the yakkha âlavaka said this to the Auspicious One:
ßAbhikkantaü bho Gotama! Abhikkantaü bho Gotama!
ßExcellent, reverend Gotama! Excellent, reverend Gotama!
Seyyathà pi bho Gotama nikkujjitaü và ukkujjeyya,
Just as, reverend Gotama, one might set upright what has been overturned,
pañicchannaü và vivareyya, måëhassa và maggaü àcikkheyya,
or open up what has been closed, or show a path to one who is lost,
andhakàre và telapajjotaü dhàreyya
or bear an oil lamp in the darkness
cakkhumanto råpàni dakkhintã ti,
so that one who has eyes can see forms,
evam-evaü bhotà Gotamena anekapariyàyena Dhammo pakàsito.
just so has the Dhamma been made clear by reverend Gotama in more than one way.
Esàhaü bhavantaü Gotamaü saraõaü gacchàmi,
I go to the reverend Gotama for refuge,
Dhamma¤-ca bhikkhusaïgha¤-ca.
and to the Dhamma, and to the Saïgha of monks.
Upàsakaü maü bhavaü Gotamo dhàretu
Please bear it in mind, reverend Gotama, that I am a lay disciple
ajjatagge pàõupetaü saraõaü gatanû-ti.
who has gone for refuge from today forward for as long as I have the breath of life.û
End Notes
1 CBhp: lokadhàtuhi
2 CBhp: lokadhàtuhi
3 MPP, PPV, PPV2: ujukam-akaüsu
4 CBhp: apàyabhåmiü
5 PPV: desessàmi
6 MPP, PPV2: puthu
7 PPV: Bhãyyo
8 CBhp: ahu
9 CBhp: addaüsu
10 CBhp: ahu
11 CBhp: avekkhitvàna
12 PPV: bhikkhave
13 PPV, MPP, PPV2: Sattasahassà yakkhà
14 CBhp: jutimanto, and so throughout
15 CBhp: Kumbhiro, and two lines below
16 CBhp, PPV: bhãyyo
17 CBhp: omit taü
18 PPV2: Puratthimena Dhataraññho
19 CBhp: àguü, and so throughout
20 Although the grammer suggests that this is the name of one gandhabba, the commentary defines it as two.
21 CBhp: Nàgasà nàgà
22 CBhp: Dhataraññho
23 CBhp: saraõagamaüsu, and omit Buddhaü
24 CBhp: Vasavassete
25 MPP, PPV, PPV2: Vepacitti
26 CBhp: omit 2nd ca
27 MPP, PPV, PPV2: Veõhå ca devà
28 CBhp: Candassupanisà
29 CBhp, PPV2: Suriyassupanisà
30 CBhp: -àguü
31 CBhp, PPV2: Suleyyarucirà
32 CBhp: àguü
33 CBhp: àguü
34 CBhp: Mahàpàragà
35 CBhp: Karamhà
36 PPV: abhikkhamuü
37 CBhp: vo
38 CBhp: apesayi
39 CBhp: Vãtaràgehipakkàmuü
40 CBhp: i¤jasuü
41 PPV: bhayàtità
42 CBhp: Nakkhvàhaü taü àvuso
43 CBhp: Nakkhvàhaü
44 PPV, PPV2: sàdhutaraü, also in next verse
45 CBhp: omit ti, also in next verse
46 CBhp: arati
47 CBhp: tarati
48 CBhp: dhiti
49 MPP: omits this line; PPV2: sa ve pecca
50 MPP, PPV2: puthu, and in the reply below
51 PPV: bhãyyo na vijjatã; PPV2: bhãyyo na vijjati
52 CBhp, PPV: yo cattho
53 CBhp, PPV: âlavim-àgami
54 CBhp: Evaü vutte

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