Writings of Ñánavíra Thera


Editors' Foreword
Abbreviations & Acknowledgements

Notes on Dhamma (1960-1965)

1. A Note on Paticcasamuppáda
2. Paramattha Sacca
3. Shorter Notes
   Na Ca So
4. Fundamental Structure
    I. Static Aspect
   II. Dynamic Aspect
Glossary & Additional Texts
   Additional Texts

Letters (1960-1965)

      Letter 1 : 'to be opened in the event of my death'
      Part I : (L. 2) to Mr. N. Q. Dias
      Part II : (L. 3-5) to Mrs. Irene Quittner
      Part III : (L. 6-8) to Mr. Wijerama    6 | 7-8
      Part IV : (L. 9-34) to Dr. M. R. de Silva    9-11 | 12 | 13 | 14-19 | 20-21
22 | 23-30 | 31-34
      Part V : (L. 35-38) to Mr. R. G. de S. Wettimuny
      Part VI : (L. 39-116) to the Hon. Lionel Samaratunga    39-42 | 43-44
45-48 | 49-52 | 53-54 | 55-59 | 60-66 | 67-69 | 70-74 | 75
76-78 | 79-84 | 85-89 | 90-91 | 92-93 | 94-97 | 98-100
101-106 | 107-109 | 110-113 | 114-116
      Part VII : (L. 117-121) to Mr. Ananda Pereira    117-118 | 119 | 120-121
      Part VIII : (L. 122-145) to Mr. Robert K. Brady    122-128 | 129-134
135-137 | 138-141 | 142-145
      Part IX : (L. 146-149) to Sister Vajirá    146-149
      Letter 150 : 'to the coroner'


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