Forest Sangha Newsletter July 1995

A Temple Arises; Ajahn Amaro
Conducting the Orchestra of Form; George Sharp
Renunciation & Devotion: Stalk & Fragrance; Ajahn Munindo
Growing the Dhamma Tree; Lay Supporter
Supporting the Project; Krishna Padayachi
Sutta Class: Morality, Transformation & Liberation; Ajahn Sucitto
In Memory of Luang Por Jun: Pt. 1; Sister Sanghamitta
The temple: A space for Right Ritual; Ajahn Sucitto
Signs of Change:
Observance days:

Cittaviveka Events:
Sangha Picnic
On Saturday 12th August lay people will be bringing a picnic for the Sangha and to share amongst themselves. We will be meeting at 10.30 a.m. at the Harting Hill car park on the B2141 road to Chichester (on the South Downs just above South Harting). The Sangha will be walking back afterwards with anyone who wants to join them. For more information phone 01903 812130.
Sutta Study Group
The group has started meeting at Ash House on the 2nd Wednesday of each month between 7-9 pm. and would welcome all interested people. For more information phone 01730 821479.
Hammer Wood Volunteers
With the retirement of Mike Holmes as forest warden we are trying to share some of the work out. A small group of people will be taking on his many responsibilities and they have organised some volunteer weekends to get some of the work done. The tasks are all enjoyable and ones that anyone can help with. The first will be making a proper path beside Hammer pond.
     There is a weekend task planned for each month and they meet at the monastery each day at 12.45. So if you can spare an afternoon and want to spend it in congenial company in Hammer Wood, come along. It is possible to stay at the monastery but please contact the guest nun or monk beforehand.
The contact for the tasks is 01428 707624
The weekends are;
  • July 22/23,
  • Aug. 12/13,
  • Sept 16/17,
  • Oct. 14/15.
  •   Going for Refuge
    Cittaviveka is offering another opportunity for lay people to take part in a formal ceremony on the evening of Asalha Puja, Tuesday 11th July, the start of the Rains Retreat. The last one on January 1st proved to be both popular and very moving. The ceremony is for anyone who wishes to make a formal commitment to the Buddhist path whether or not they wish to join a more detailed upasaka training. If you want to take part be at the monastery for 6.30 and bring a tray of flowers, incense and candles.
         More information phone 01903 812130.
    Upasika Meetings
    To facilitate the Upasika training; with regular gatherings for both those commited to this training and for anyone interested in taking refuge in the Triple Gem. Meetings are every Friday at 8:00 pm in the Bodhinyana Hall. There is an Upasika newsletter providing a bi-annual forum for news and views of activities, and the evolution of the training programme. (S.A.E. to Amaravati for a copy.)

    (Buddhist books for East Europe)
    If you have any spare Buddhist books in your collection, or know of any books surplus to requirements, there will be a van leaving for East Europe on July 23rd. Financial support is also needed. Contact: Dhammadana, Body & Soul Bookshop, 52 Hamilton Pl., Edinburgh, EH3 5AX. Tel/Fax: (0131) 226-3066

    New group in Northampton:
    Meeting every Wednesday at 8:00pm for brief chanting and a forty minute meditation; followed by tea and a: talk/tape/reading/discussion/ conversation. Contact: Tel: 0164 39692

    Amaravati 10th aniversary packs:
    A limited number of the commemorative packs produced for the tenth anniversary celebrations are still available. The pack includes reflections from Ajahns Viradhammo and Sucitto, a transcribed talk by Ajahn Sumedho, "Noticing the Space" information on: the Upasika training programme and the Amaravati Support Network and comments on retreats and children's activities. Please send a stamped (65g. - UK = 29p) SAE (big enough to take A5 folder) to Amaravati.