Forest Sangha Newsletter July 1995

A Temple Arises; Ajahn Amaro
Conducting the Orchestra of Form; George Sharp
Renunciation & Devotion: Stalk & Fragrance; Ajahn Munindo
Growing the Dhamma Tree; Lay Supporter
Supporting the Project; Krishna Padayachi
Sutta Class: Morality, Transformation & Liberation; Ajahn Sucitto
In Memory of Luang Por Jun: Pt. 1; Sister Sanghamitta
The temple: A space for Right Ritual; Ajahn Sucitto
Signs of Change:
Observance days:
Ajahn Sumedho's Sunday Afternoon Talks
Amaravati July - September 1995 at 2:00 pm
  • 6 August - Life is Love
  • 13 August - All Suffering is Born of Desire
  • 20 August - Freedom Now
  • 27 August - The Greatest Teacher
  • 3 September - Watch Your Mind
  • 10 September - Desire & Fear & Self
  • 17 September - Surrender & Renunciation (Ajahn Viradhammo)

  • Tea and discussion follow each talk. All are welcome.
         Please note: There are less talks than usual scheduled this year as Ajahn Sumedho will be in California during July for the funeral of Master Hua. Because of this he will not be at Amaravati for his birthday (27th July).

    Amaravati road closure
    There will be a major traffic diversion for vehicles coming to Amaravati in late July and August. The diverted route will be through the village of Nettleden - follow the diversion signs to 'Longford's Children's Farm'; 'Blain's Tyres'; 'Amaravati'. If you are coming to Amaravati you should allow extra time (up to half an hour.)

    Lay residential opportunities at Amaravati
    What we offer:

  • The chance to live at Amaravati, Joining in as part of the community.
  • Time for group and private practice and retreat, with a variety of Dhamma friends.
  • Six-hour, five day week work in a supportive (yet challenging) environment.
  • A modest stipend if necessary.

  • What we ask:
  • Adherence to the practice and precepts, and respect for the style of training offered.
  • The ability to live and work harmoniously with others.
  • Commitment for a year.
  • Competence in your area of responsibility.

  • Vacancies Occur Throughout the Year.
    Existing Vacancies:
        Maintenance Coordinator
    Supervises daily and long-term maintenance of buildings and plant, manages projects, external contractors, etc. Good management and 'hands-on' skills.
        Maintenance Officers (2)
    Provide routine maintenance, repair and renovation of buildings and plant. Manual skills needed. One position may be available part-time, focussing on the Retreat Centre. A driving licence would be useful.
        Office Coordinator & Administative Assistant (2)
    Oversee and undertake many types of organisational support for the Sangha and the monastery. Good organisational and communication skills are required, and previous managerial experience an advantage.
        Retreat Centre Manager
    To take responsibility of the Retreat Centre and running of retreats. We are looking for someone with basic organisational and office skills and an ability to get on with people. Some word processing knowledge, basic D.I.Y skills and driving license would be an advantage.
        Assistant Retreat Centre Manager
    To assist and work with the manager in all the above areas and to take responsibility in managing the kitchen. Some word processing knowledge, basic D.I.Y skills and driving license would be an advantage.
    (For the two above positions some word processing knowledge, basic D.I.Y. and driving skills would be an advantage.)
    Possible Future Vacancies:
        Gardener & Groundsperson (1 or 2)
    Maintenance & development of lawns, gardens and grounds.
        Kitchen Coordinator
    Ensures smooth operation of the kitchen, coordinating work of cooks and kitchen helpers, overseeing the larder etc. - Unflappable.
        Office Assistants
    Varied tasks: e.g, answer phones, process enquiries, maintain records etc. Requires receptionist skills and pleasant demeanour.
    The 'Keeper of the Books' looks after the 10,000 plus volumes in the library, assisting Sangha and visitors with queries, etc.
        For more information and/or application please write to the Secretary at Amaravati.

    The Nothing Times
        T.N.T.   is.....
    A light hearted monthly publication for children

  • Dhamma
  • Poetry
  • Stories
  • Jokes
  • Puzzles
  • Drawings

  • Produced in conjunction with the regular Dhamma classes held at Amaravati. If you wish to receive a copy please write to Venerable Kusalo at Amaravati. The only requirement is that you participate in the production - usually by way of an occasional contribution that can be printed.

    Kathina dates
  • Ratanagiri - 15th October
  • Devon Vihara - 22 October
  • Cittaviveka - 29th October
  • Amaravati - 5th November
  • Switzerland
  • Dhammapala - To be advised
  • Italy
  • Santacittarama - To be advised