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ISSN 1076-9005
Volume 6, 1999


In Defense of Dharma: Just-War Ideology in Buddhist Sri Lanka. By Tessa Bartholomeusz.
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A Buddhist View of Women: A Comparative Study of the Rules for and Bhik.sus Based on the Chinese PrĀ By In Young Chung.
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Altruism and Reality: Studies in the Philosophy of the BodhicaryĀvatĀra. By Paul Williams. Reviewed by John W. Pettit.
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A Response to John Pettit. By Paul Williams.
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Changing the Way Society Changes: Transposing Social Activism into a Dramatic Key. By Peter D. Hershock.
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Attitudes to Euthanasia in the Vinaya and Commentary. By Damien Keown.
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Damming the Dhamma: Problems with Bhikkhuniis in the Pali Vinaya. By Kate Blackstone.
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Vinaya Principles for Assigning Degrees of Culpability. By Peter Harvey.
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Buddhist Case Law on Theft: the viniitavatthu on the second pĀrĀjika. By Andrew Huxley.
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Buddhist Fundamentalism and Minority Identities in Sri Lanka. Edited by Tessa J. Bartholomeusz and Chandra R. de Silva. Reviewed by Mavis L. Fenn.
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Land of No Buddha: Reflections of a Sceptical Buddhist. By Richard P. Hayes. Reviewed by Martin Baumann.
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Philosophical Meditations on Zen Buddhism. By Dale S. Wright. Reviewed by Steven Heine.
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The Snow Lion and the Dragon: Tibet, China and the Dalai Lama. By Melvyn C. Goldstein. Reviewed by Toni Huber.
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Ma.n.dala and Landscape. Edited by Alexander W. Macdonald. Reviewed by Cathy Cantwell.
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Compassion and Benevolence: A Comparative Study of Early Buddhist and Classical Confucian Ethics. By Ok-Sun An. Reviewed by Damien Keown.
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Buddhisten in Indien heute: Beschreibungen, Bilder und Dokumente. By Detlef Kantowsky. Reviewed by Oliver Freiberger.
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The Faces of Buddhism in America. Edited by Charles S. Prebish and Kenneth K. Tanaka. Reviewed by Franz Aubrey Metcalf.
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Prisoners of Shangri-La: Tibetan Buddhism and the West. By Donald Lopez, Jr. Reviewed by Tsering Shakya.
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American Buddhism. Methods and Findings in Recent Scholarship. Edited by Duncan Ryuken Williams and Christopher S. Queen. Reviewed by Martin Baumann.
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The Dragon in the Land of Snows: A History of Modern Tibet Since 1947. By Tsering Shakya. Reviewed by Martin A. Mills.
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Interpreting Amida: History and Orientalism in the Study of Pure Land Buddhism. By Galen Amstutz. Reviewed by Charles B. Jones.
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Absence of the Buddha Image in Early Buddhist Art: Towards its Significance in Comparative Religion. By Kanoko Tanaka. Reviewed by Elizabeth J. Harris.
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Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Nonviolence in Religious Traditions. Edited by Daniel L. Smith-Christopher. Reviewed by Paul Waldau.
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Japanese Mandalas: Representations of Sacred Geography.  By Elizabeth ten Grotenhuis. Reviewed by Ian Harris.
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Emptiness in the Mind-Only School of Buddhism: Dynamic Responses to Dzong-ka-ba's The Essence of Eloquence: I. By Jeffrey Hopkins. Reviewed by Paul G. Hackett.
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Nirvana and Other Buddhist Felicities: Utopias of the Pali imaginaire. By Steven Collins. Reviewd by James P. McDermott.
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Die Vorschriften für die Buddhistische Nonnengemeinde im Vinaya-Pi.taka der TheravĀdin. By Ute Hüsken. (Monographien zur Indischen Archäologie, Kunst und Philologie, edited by Marianne Yaldiz, Vol. 11). Reviewed by Eva K. Neumaier.
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Bouddhisme et Occident: La diffusion du bouddhisme tibétain en France. By Lionel Obadia. Reviewed by Elke Hahlbohm-Helmus.
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Luminous Passage: The Practice and Study of Buddhism in America. By Charles S. Prebish. Reviewed by Franz Aubrey Metcalf.
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Being Good: Buddhist Ethics for Everyday Life. By Master Hsing Yun; translated by Tom Graham. Reviewed by Damien Keown.
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Buddhism in Taiwan: Religion and the State, 1660-1990. By Charles Brewer Jones. Reviewed by André Laliberté.
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Life Ethics in World Religions.  Edited by Dawne C. McCance. Reviewed by Damien Keown.
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The Way to Buddhahood: Instructions from a Modern Chinese Master. By Venerable Yin-shun. Translated by Wing H. Yeung, M.D. Reviewed by Erik Braun.
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Soka Gakkai in America: Accommodation and Conversion. By Phillip Hammond and David Machacek. Reviewed by Jane Hurst.
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The Resonance of Emptiness: A Buddhist Inspiration for a Contemporary Psychotherapy. By Gay Watson. Reviewed by Daniel Capper.
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Preliminary Call For Papers: Sixth International Conference Society For Buddhist-Christian Studies Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington August 5-12, 2000.
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Boston Research Center Book Launch Reception: American Academy of Religion Annual Meeting. Saturday, November 20, 7:30 ­ 9:00 PM, Sheraton Hotel Ballroom ­ Republic A.
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Bukkyo University Presents - Footsteps to Enlightenment: Zen, Numbutsu & The Dharma.
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Copyright 1999

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