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Bala, Bal¤ni


Sangiti Suttanta in Pali

PTS: Dialogs of the Buddha III, #33: The Recital, T.W. and C.A.F. Rhys Davids, trans., pp201

WP: The Long Discourses of the Buddha, #33: The Chanting Together, M. Walshe, trans., pp479

Pali MO Hare Horner Punnaji Bodhi Nanamoli Rhys Davids (Mrs)Rhys Davids Thanissaro Walshe Woodward
ability, power power power power


Pali Text Society, Pali English Dictionary:

Bala: [Vedic bala, most likely to Lat. de-bilis "without strength" (cp. E. debility, P. dubbala), and Gr. be/ltistos (superl.)=Sk. balis.Āha the strongest....1. strength, power, force D II.73; A I.244...(one of the 4 blessings, viz. ¤yu, va¼¼a, sukha, bala...)...- adj. bala strong...2. an army, military force...- Eight bal¤ni or strong points are 1. of young children (ru¼¼a-balaµ). 2. of womanhood (kodha-). 3. of robbers (¤vudha-). 4. of kings (issariya-), 5. of fools (ujjhatti-). 6. of wise men (nijjhatti-). 7. of the deeply learned (paĀisankh¤na-). 8. of sama¼as & br¤hma¼as (khanti-)... -- Five bal¤ni of women are: r¬pabalaµ, bhoga-, ¾¤ti-, putta-, sØla-... The five-fold force (balaµ pa¾ca-vidhaµ) of a king...consists of b¤h¤balaµ strength of arms, bhoga- of wealth, amacca- of counsellors, abhijacca- of high birth, pa¾¾¤- the force of wisdom; in the religious sense five bal¤ni or powers are commonly enumd: saddh¤balaµ, viriya-, sati-, sam¤dhi-, pa¾¾¤- A III.12; D II.120; M II.12, III.296; S III.96, 153; IV.366, V.219, 249... They correspond to the 5 indriy¤ni and are developed with them...they are cultivated to destroy the five uddhambh¤giy¤ni saµyojan¤ni S V.251. They are freq. referred to in instructions of the Buddha about the constituents of the "Dhamma," culminating in the eightfold Path, viz. catt¤ro satipaĀĀh¤n¤, samappadh¤n¤, catt¤ro iddhip¤d¤, pa¾cindriyani, p. bal¤ni, sattabojjhang¤ni, ariyo aĀĀhangiko maggo e. g. S III.96... Two bal¤ni are specially mentioned A I.52 (paĀisankh¤nabalaµ and bh¤van¤-), also D III.213, followed here by the other "pair" satibalaµ and sam¤dhi-. There are four bal¤ni of the ariyas¤vaka, by which he overcomes the five fears (pa¾ca bhay¤ni q. v.); the four are pa¾¾¤balaµ, viriya-, anavajja- sang¤ha- A IV.363 sq., as given at A II.141, also the foll. 3 groups of catt¤ri bal¤ni: -- (1) saddh¤balaµ, viriya-, sati-, sam¤dhi-, cp. D III.229. -- (2) sati- sam¤dhi-, anavajja-, sang¤ha-. (3) paĀisankh¤na-, bh¤van¤-, anavajja-, sang¤ha-. -- For 4 bal¤ni see also D III.229 note... The ten bal¤ni of the Tath¤gata consist of his perfect comprehension in ten fields of knowledge A V.32 sq.; M I.69...In a similar setting 10 powers are given as consisting in the knowledge of the PaĀiccasamupp¤da at S II.27, 28. ... There are seven bal¤ni D III.253, and seven khؼ¤sava-bal¤ni 283 i. e. saddh¤balaµ, viriya-, sati-, sam¤dhi-, pa¾¾¤-, hiri- and ottappa-.

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