1. Kapila.-Father of Pippali-mánava, who is better known as Mahá-Kassapa. ThagA.ii.142; but see ThagA., p.73, verses 56, 57.

2. Kapila.-A brahmin, the Bodhisatta born as the chaplain of Upacara, king of Cetiya. The king had promised the post of chaplain to his friend Korakalamba, Kapila's younger brother, and when reminded of his promise, undertook to recover it from Kapila's son who had been given the appointment at Kapila's request. The king, in spite of Kapila's warning, attempted to fulfil his promise by lying, and, as a result, he was swallowed up in Avíci. The king's five sons thereupon sought Kapila's protection, and at his advice they left Ceti and founded five cities: Hatthipura, Assapura, Síhapura, Uttarapañcála, and Daddarapura (J.iii.454ff).

Kapila is sometimes called Kapilatápasa (J.v.273) and Kapila-isi (J.v.267). His encounter with the Cetiya king is evidently a famous legend, and is often referred to. E.g., in the Sankicca Játaka (J.v.267).

3. Kapila.-A brahmin, the Bodhisatta. When the sons of Okkáka went into voluntary exile and were looking for a spot on which to found a city, they came upon Kapila in his hermitage in Himavá by the side of a lake. He was versed in the science of Bhúmicála, and was, therefore, acquainted with the qualities associated with various sites. He knew that any city built on the site of his hermitage would become the capital of Jambudípa and that its inhabitants would be invincible. He therefore advised them to found a settlement there. They followed his advice and named the settlement Kapilavatthu after him (q.v.). A hermitage was built near it for the use of Kapila. DA.i.259f; MT.132f; SnA.ii.353; see also Mtu.i.348ff

4. Kapila.-A monk. He was the younger brother of Sodhana, his mother being Sádhiní and his sister Tápaná. The whole family entered the Order of Kassapa Buddha; Sodhana learnt meditation and became an arahant. Kapila learnt the three Pitakas and, intoxicated with his learning, disagreed with everybody, right or wrong. He would heed no admonition, and followed a life of evil conduct in which he was followed by his mother and sister. One day, when Kapila was reciting the Pátimokkha, none of the other monks gave the responses, and in anger he declared that there was neither Dhamma nor Vinaya. Thus he put obstacles in the way of religion, and was reborn in Avíci.

Later he was born in Aciravatí as a fish, Kapilamaccha. Some fishermen, having caught him, took him to the king of Kosala. At the fish was of golden hue, the king took him to the Buddha, desiring an explanation of his colour. When the fish opened his mouth the whole of Jetavana stank. The Buddha questioned the fish and made him confess his sins. Struck with remorse, the fish died and was reborn once more in hell. DhA.iv.37ff; SnA.ii.305f; SA.ii.152; see also UdA.179f; ThagA.i.356.

5. Kapila.-A sinful monk who lived in a village near Kosambí. He was the friend of Pandaka (q.v.). Vin.iii.67.

6. Kapila.-The Majjhima Commentary (i.75) has a reference to a monk named Kapila, who, because of his greed for possessions, is described as having been reborn with a flaming sangháti-robe (sanghátí pi ádittá hoti). This probably refers to a monk mentioned in the Párájiká (Vin.iii.107), who was reborn as a peta and who could be seen going through the air with his robe aflame.

7. Kapila.-A city, called Kapilanagara, capital of Pañcálarattha. This city once had Cúlani-Brahmadatta as its king (PvA.161; Netti.142). Perhaps it is this city that is mentioned in the Dípavamsa (iii.17; MT.127) as having been the capital of Abhítatta (v.l. Ajitajina) and his eighty-four thousand descendants.

8. Kapila.-A brahmin of Ságala, in the Madda Country, father of Bhaddá-kapilání. Kapila's wife was Sucímatí (ThagA.73; Ap.ii.583). The word Kapiláni is probably derived from his name.

9. Kapila.-A great physician, mentioned in a list of eminent physicians of old. Mil.272.

10. Kapila.-A minister of King Vohárika-Tissa. He was appointed by the king to suppress the Vetulya doctrine and hold the heretics in check. Mhv.xxxvi.41; Dpv.xxii.44.

11. Kapila.-An ancient teacher of philosophy, mentioned together with Kanáda as having taught that the soul was limitless (na antavá) (UdA.339; see also Svetasvatara Upanisad v.2, and Rámáyana i.40). He is probably identical with the founder of the Sánkhya system.

12. Kapila.-An ancient seer, probably of Ceylon, in whose honour Parakkamabáhu I. built the Kapila-vihára near Pulatthipura, with many-storied buildings, frescoes, and other ornamentations. Cv.lxxviii.92ff

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