Books by Ledi Sayādaw

  1. Cow Dhamma (64pp)

Electronic Books

Several of the Sayādaw’s books can be found on the publications page of the »» IMC-UK website. His expositions are invaluable to those intent on developing insight.


Ledi Sayādaw

Commercial Publications

The Manuals of Dhamma

Available from »» Insight Books (about £9.00) A collection of the Venerable Ledi Sayädaw’s most important expositions on Dhamma:

  • Manual of Insight (Vipassanā Dīpanī)
  • Manual of Conditional Relations (Patthanuddesa Dīpanī)
  • Manual of Right Views (Vipassanā Dīpanī)
  • Manual of the Four Noble Truths (Catusacca Dīpanī)
  • Manual of the Factors of Enlightenment (Bodhipakkhiya Dīpanī)
  • Manual of the Constituents of the Path (Magganga Dīpanī)
  • Five Kinds of Light (Alin Kyan)
  • 5 Questions on Kamma; Anattanisamsā

Details at Wisdom Books

The Manual of Insight

Wheel Publication No. 31/32

Details at Insight Books

Requisites of Enlightenment

Insight Books

Details at Insight Books

Buddhist Philosophy of Relations

Wheel Publication No 331/333

Download from Buddhanet

Manual of Mindfulness of Breathing

Wheel Publication No 431/432

Details at Wisdom Books

A Manual of the Excellent Man

Buddhist Publication Society

Details at Wisdom Books

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