Books by Mahāsi Sayādaw

  1. The Progress of Insight (BPS Publication)
  2. Dhammacakka Sutta »» (PDF 1.97 Mbytes)
  3. Brahmavihāra Dhamma »» (PDF 2.46 Mbytes)

Mahasi Sayadaw at Oakenholt in 1979

Electronic & Commercial Publications

The Great Discourse on the Turning of the Wheel of Dhamma
(Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta)

The Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta, the Great Discourse on the Turning of the Wheel of Dhamma, is the Buddha’s First Sermon. Being the First Sermon, it is the most ancient and straightforward of the Buddha’s teachings. Rare is the person, amongst the laity of a Buddhist country such as Burma, who has not heard of this discourse, and many are those who have committed it to memory. There are religious groups, known as “Wheel of Dhamma Reciting Societies,” in almost every town and village in Burma, set up to recite and listen to the Sutta. Buddhist followers regard this Sutta with great esteem and veneration.

(From the Sayādaw’s own Introduction)

Details at Wisdom Books

Portable Document Version

Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw’s Discourse on the Dhammacakka Sutta • A PDF edition published by Sukhi Hotu in 1998, which closely follows the text of the original translation first published by the Mahāsi organization. Click on the graphic to download the PDF file (1.97 Mbytes) from the Buddhanet website.

PDF File of Dhammacakka Sutta

The Sallekha Sutta
(A Discourse on the Refinement of Character)

These editions were published by the Buddhadharma Foundation in Bangkok and are available from Wisdom Books.

In his introduction to the Sutta the Venerable Sayādaw says: “The self-training leading to this goal (the expunging of defilements), forms the subject of the Sallekha Sutta, a sutta that is beneficial to meditators and non-meditators alike, who wish to overcome immoral desires and cultivate wholesome ones.”

(From the Preface by the Translator, U Aye Maung)

Details at Wisdom Books

Brahmavihāra Dhamma

This valuable discourse on the practise of the four Brahmavihāras by Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw runs to 490 pages. This is the original translation published by the Mahāsi Organization. Click on the graphic to download the PDF file (2.46 Mbytes) from the Buddhanet website.

Download from Buddhanet

A Discourse on Dependent Origination

This edition was edited by Bhikkhu Pesala and published by the Buddhadhamma Foundation in Bangkok in 1999. However, I have not been able to trace a supplier. You can read the entire book on my webiste.

Please inform me if you find s supplier in the UK.



The Great Discourse on Not-self

This book was published by the Buddhadhamma Foundation in Bangkok. You can read the entire book on the Biona Website.

Please inform me if you find s supplier in the UK.

Thoughts on Dhamma
Sermons from the late Sayādaw on various suttas.

Details at Wisdom Books

Satipatthāna Vipassanā
Advice from the popular Burmese meditation master.

Details at Wisdom Books

Ups and Downs of Rebirth
The Story of Queen Upari; From Brahma Land to Pig Pen
The Story of Samana Deva; a Story from Sri Lanka.

Details at Wisdom Books

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