Books by Other Authors

Mahāgandhayon Sayādaw

This Sayādaw was the Principal of the Pāli University in Mandalay called Mahāgandhayon. Monks from all over Burma studied under him.

Sayādaw U Silānanda

The Sayādaw is a senior meditation master who has resided in the USA for many years. He is the spiritual director of the Theravada Buddhist Society of America.

Sayādaw U Pandita

  1. »» On the Path to Freedom (PDF 2.31 Mbytes)

The Sayādaw was a senior meditation master and teacher of foreign meditators at Mahāsï Yeikthā, and has his own meditation centre — Panditārāma — in Rangoon.

Chanmyay Sayādaw U Janaka

Sayādaw U Janaka was appointed as a meditation teacher by Mahāsi Sayādaw in 1967. He interpreted for him on his foreign missions to the USA and Europe in 1979-1980. He moved to »» Chanmyay Yeiktha in 1977.

Sayādaw U Kundalābhivamsa

  1. »» Dhamma Discourses (PDF 336 Kbytes)

A senior disciple of Venerable Mahāsi Sayādaw with his own meditation centre — Saddhammaramsi Yeikthā — in Rangoon.

Bhikkhu Visuddhācāra

Bhikkhu Visuddhācāra practised at Mahāsi Yeikthā in Rangoon, where he met Daw Hla Myint, who was caring for sick meditators. Her remarkable story forms the subject of his book.

Terry Shine

  1. Honour Thy Fathers (Archived PDF 1.34 Mbytes)
    RIGHT CLICK: and Save target as… to download and save to disk.

An accolade to the Venerable Kapilavaddho, and a brief history of the development of Theravāda Buddhism in the UK. Also describes the early years of the English Sangha Trust. (Updated 26/7/2004)

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