
Many thousands of discourses were given by the Buddha and his leading disciples. Here you will find a handful containing key teachings that every Buddhist should be familiar with. They are framed with a coloured decorative border and formatted for printing on a single sheet of A4. If you download the PDF, you can print a copy to put on the wall as a daily reminder.

Map of IndiaThe Buddha spent the rainy season residing in one particular monastery, in the Bamboo Grove at Rājagaha during the first five years of the sāsana, and often at the Jeta Grove donated by Anāthapindiaka in Sāvatthī during the later years. After the rains he would set off on tour with the monks, journeying from town to village on foot. During the last months of his life, he walked from Rājagaha to Kusināra via Pātaliputta and Vesālī.

This Map of India gives some perspective to the life of the Buddha and the monks as they wandered throughout the Ganges valley, or even further afield, to spread the teaching about the path to nibbāna.

For a 300 dpi image (549 Kbytes)
suitable for printing as a wall chart,
click here.

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