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The Buddha's Ten Perfections (Paramis)
MÜ©i Hånh Ba-la-mÆt cûa ñÙc PhÆt

Perfection of Morality - Sila Parami
Trì Gi§i BalamÆt

bala06-morality.gif (49020 bytes)

When the Buddha was born as Bhuridatta, he had fulfilled his Supreme Perfection of Morality. He was caught by brahmin named Alambayana and his bones were crushed. However he did not injure him.

Trong m¶t tiŠn ki‰p khi ñÙc PhÆt là Ngài Bhuridatta, Ngài th¿c hành hånh Trì Gi§i BalamÆt. Ngài bÎ ngÜ©i bàlamôn tên là Alambayana b¡t và ngÜ©i Ãp Çánh gäy xÜÖng ngày. Tuy nhiên, Ngài không phän Ùng làm håi ngÜ©i Çó.

[XuÃt Gia][Tinh TÃn][TØ Tâm][Chí NguyŒn][Trí TuŒ]
[Trì Gi§i][Kiên NhÅn][Xä Tâm][Chân ThÆt][BÓ Thí]

Source: Post Card by S. Dhumphakdi & Sons Publisher, Bangkok, Thailand

[Trª vŠ trang ThÜ Møc]