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Perfection of Forbearance - Khanti Parami
Kiên NhÅn BalamÆt
When the Buddha was born as Candrakumara, he had fulfilled his Supreme Perfection of Forbearance. He was nearly brought down to death several times. But Sakka saved him. Thereafter he was crowned king of Puppavati. Trong m¶t tin kip khi ñÙc PhÆt là Ngài Candrakumara, Ngài th¿c hành hånh Kiên NhÅn BalamÆt. Ngài bÎ Çánh gÀn cht nhiu lÀn, nhÜng vÅn chÎu Ç¿ng. ñ-thích Sakkha cÙu Ngài. Sau Çó, Ngài ÇÜ®c tôn vinh làm vua xÙ Puppavati.
[XuÃt Gia][Tinh TÃn][TØ Tâm][Chí Nguyn][Trí Tu]
[Trì Gi§i][Kiên NhÅn][Xä Tâm][Chân ThÆt][BÓ Thí]
Source: Post Card by S. Dhumphakdi & Sons Publisher, Bangkok, Thailand