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The Buddha's Ten Perfections (Paramis)
MÜ©i Hånh Ba-la-mÆt cûa ñÙc PhÆt

Perfection of Generosity - Dana Parami
BÓ Thí BalamÆt

bala10-generosity.gif (55274 bytes)

When the Buddha was born as Vessantara, he had fulfilled his Supreme Perfection of Generosity. He gave away his possession, including white elephant, children, and wife. Failing to reconcile disputes and conflicts, he volunteered to leave his kingdom in exile. He stayed in Vanktagiri for nine and a half months. Thereafter he was invited to return home and became king.

Trong m¶t tiŠn ki‰p khi ñÙc PhÆt là Ngài Vessantara, Ngài th¿c hành hånh BÓ Thí BalamÆt. Ngài Ç‹ låi gia tài m†i sª h»u, k‹ cä voi tr¡ng, gia Çình. Không th‹ hòa giäi các xung Ƕt, Ngài tình nguyŒn r©i bÕ xÙ sª Ç‹ sÓng lÜu vong. Ngài sÓng tåi núi Vanktagiri chín tháng rÜ«i. Sau Çó, Ngài ÇÜ®c m©i vŠ Ç‹ ti‰p tøc làm vua.

[XuÃt Gia][Tinh TÃn][TØ Tâm][Chí NguyŒn][Trí TuŒ]
[Trì Gi§i][Kiên NhÅn][Xä Tâm][Chân ThÆt][BÓ Thí]

Source: Post Card by S. Dhumphakdi & Sons Publisher, Bangkok, Thailand

[Trª vŠ trang ThÜ Møc]