|  | NEWSUpdated Tuesday, 29 March, 2005 | I received a complementary boxed set of four DVDs of the Dalai Lama's talks on the Six Paramitas Its retail value is said to be €69.
The eight hours of video talks are in Tibetan with subtitles in English, Dutch, and Danish.
Anyone who would like it can come and collect it from Seven Kings,
East London. I don’t wish to be troubled with mailing it and recovering the postage costs. Email me if you want it. I have only one copy, which I will give to
the first person to contact me and then turn up at my doorstep. | Calendar for 2005 Illustrated calendar with month to
a view on A4. Download this high quality PDF (1.5 Mbytes) and print. Includes Uposatha days for Full-moon, Half-moon and Quarter moons. Updated 22/12/2004 with better quality, but smaller size.
| Mogok Vipassana Centre, BecktonTwo new Sayadaws arrived safely from Myanmar on 9th December.
Website | The Debate of King Milinda I have added a new PDF Edition of the Debate of King Milinda (Milinda Pañha) to my publications. This new edition includes improved graphics, and is fully indexed. Bookmarks make it is easy to navigate the PDF in Adobe Reader or your browser (with the Adobe plugin).
The naming and arrangement of chapters now more closely follows the Pali Text. Since this edition is very new, there may be some errors. Please let me know if you find any so that I can correct them as soon as possible. Click on the graphic to load the PDF in your browser or Adobe Reader (1.31 Mbytes). |
CD of Dhamma TalksI have put together a CD of Dhamma Talks by Ajahn Brahmavamso, with the chanting of the Buddhist Society of Western Australia. The talks are too big to host on my webspace, and I don’t have the resources to send CDs to everyone who visits my website,† but you can listen to the chanting and preview the CD and download the talks from the BSWA audio page. † I have a few CDs. If you’re in the UK send me your address and I will post you one.
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 | © You may print any of these books for your own use. However, all rights are reserved. You may not use any of the books, nor any of the copyright graphics, on your own website, nor print them for commercial distribution. To publish them, or
to include an extract, permission must be sought from the appropriate copyright owners. If you post an extract on a forum, please do not link directly to PDF, MP3, or ZIP files, but post a link to the appropriate page. |
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