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Mangala Sutta - Blessings


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Buddha’s Discourse on Blessings

          1. Many gods and men
          Have pondered on auspicious signs
          Wishing for blessings.
          Please tell us the most auspicious signs.

          2. Not to associate with fools
          But to associate with the wise
          And to honour those worthy of honour,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          3. Living in a suitable locality
          And good deeds done in the past,
          To set oneself in the right course,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          4. Great learning and skill in work
          A highly trained discipline
          And well-spoken speech,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          5. Looking after one’s mother and father
          Caring for one’s wife and children
          And unconfused actions,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          6. Generosity and a righteous life,
          Caring for one’s relatives
          And blameless actions,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          7. To abhor and avoid all evil,
          Abstention from intoxicants
          And diligence in righteousness,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          8. Reverence, humility,
          Contentment and gratitude.
          Hearing the Dhamma at the right time,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          9. Patience and compliance
          And seeing the monks.
          Opportune discussion of the Dhamma,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          10.  Self-restraint and a holy life,
          Seeing the Four Noble Truths
          And realising nibbæna,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          11.  When affected by worldly conditions,
          If one’s mind remains unshaken;
          Sorrowless, stainless and secure,
          This is the most auspicious sign.

          12. Those who perform such auspicious deeds
          Are undefeated by all enemies
          And gain happiness everywhere,
          These are the most auspicious signs.”

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