Pali Proper Names
- A -
- Agada.-Cakkavatti, sixteen times in
succession; Subáhu Thera in a previous birth. ThagA.i.124.
- Agahya Sutta.-Devas and men delight
in objects, sounds, etc., but, through the instability of these, they live in
sorrow. S.iv.126f.
- Ágantuka
- Ágantuka Sutta
- Ágára Sutta.-Like a guest-house to
dwell in which come folk from all quarters, noblemen and brahmins, commoners
and serfs, so, in the body, divers feelings arise, pleasant, painful and
neutral, carnal (sámisa) and non-carnal. S.iv.219.
- Agárava Sutta
- Agáriya Vimána.-A palace in the
Távatimsa world, occupied by a couple who, as humans in
Rájagaha, had done
many deeds of piety.; VvA.286-7.
- Agati Sutta.-Three discourses on agati and gati - here defined as wrong action done under the influence of
desire, hate or delusion and its opposite, right action. A.ii.18f.
- Aggabodhi
- Aggabodhi-padhána-ghara.-A building
erected by Aggabodhi IV. for the use of the Thera Dáthásiva. Several villages
were made over for its maintenance. Cv.xlvi.11ff.
- Aggabodhi-parivena.-A building
belonging to the Jetavanáráma of Anurádhapura and erected by Potthasáta,
general of Aggabodhi IV. Cv.xlvi.23.
- Aggadhamma Sutta.-On the six
qualities requisite for the attainment of arahantship, which is the highest
state (aggadhamma). A.iii.433-4.
- Aggadhanuggaha-pandita.-See Cúla Dhş.
- Aggalapura.-A city where
Revata went
on his way from Soreyya to
Sahajáti, prior to the Council of
- Aggálava Cetiya
- Aggáni Sutta.-The four perfections:
of virtue, concentration, wisdom and release. A.ii.79; see GS.ii.88, n.2.
- Aggańńa Sutta
- Aggapandita
- Aggapíthaka-pásáda
- Aggappasáda Sutta
- Aggapupphiya Thera.-One of the
arahants. In a previous birth he had offered flowers, from the top of a tree,
to Sikhí, hence the name. In later birth he was a Cakkavatti named Amita.
- Aggasávaka Vatthu.-The
chronicle of Sáriputta and
Moggallána. DhA.i.83-114.
- Aggavamsa
- Aggavatí Parisá Sutta.-On the three
kinds of companies: the distinguished, the discordant and the harmonious.
- Aggi Sutta
- Aggi-Bhagava
- Aggibrahmá.-Nephew of Asoka and
husband of Sanghamittá. He entered the Order on the same day as Tissakumára,
Asoka's brother. Mhv.v.169; Sp.i.51; Mbv.102.
- Aggidatta
- Aggideva
- Aggika Játaka (No. 129)
- Aggika Sutta
- Aggika-Bhárádvája
- Aggika-Bháradvája Sutta.-Another name
for the Vasala Sutta.
- Aggikkhandopama Sutta
- Aggimála (Aggimáli).-A mythological
sea, which stands like a blazing bonfire and is filled with gold
(J.iv.139-40). It is one of the seas crossed by the merchants mentioned in the
Suppáraka Játaka.
- Aggimittá.-One of the nuns who
accompanied Sanghamittá to Ceylon. Dpv.xv.78; xviii.11.
- Aggimukha.-A species of snake; bodies
bitten by them grow hot. DhsA.300; Vsm.368.
- Agginibbápaka.-(v.l. Agginibbápana),
a Cakka-vatti of eighty-six kalpas ago; a previous birth of
Mánava Thera (ThagA.i.162f), also called (in the Apadána i.158-9)
- Aggisáma.-See Abhisáma.
- Aggisama.-The Thera Pupphathúpiya was
born sixteen times in succession as Cakka-vatti and ruled under this name.
- Aggisikha.-The name borne by the
Thera Gatasańńaka when in previous births he was
Cakka-vatti three times in
succession. Ap.i.127.
- Aggismim Sutta.-The five evil
qualities of fire. A.iii.256.
- Aggivacchagotta Sutta (Aggivaccha
- Aggivaddhamánaka.-A tank made by King
Vasabha of Ceylon (Abhi°). Mhv.xxxv.95.
- Aggivessa.-One of the guards of King
Eleyya (A.ii.181). Is this a gotta name? (See below.)
- Aggivessana
- Aghamúla Sutta.-On the root of pain.
- Ágháta Sutta 1.-On nine things which
cause enmity to be born. A.iv.408.
- Ágháta Sutta 2.-On the nine ways of
getting rid of feelings of enmity. A.iv.408-9.
- Ágháta Vagga.-The seventeenth chapter
of the Pancaka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. It contains ten suttas on
various topics, including a dispute between Sáriputta and Udáyi
- Ághátavinaya Sutta
- Ahaha.-One of the purgatories
mentioned in the Sutta-Nipáta list (p.126). It is the name given to a period
of suffering in Avíci and is equivalent in duration to twenty
(SnA.ii.476; S.i.152).
- Áhára Sutta
- Ahicchatta
- Ahidípa.-The old name for Káradípa,
near Nágadípa. Akitti spent some time there. J.iv.238.
- Ahigundika Játaka (No. 365)
- Ahimsaka Bháradvája
- Ahimsaka Sutta.-Records the interview
between the Buddha and Ahimsaka Bháradvája (S.i.164).
- Ahimsaka.-The earlier name of
- Ahinága.-Dr. A. K. Coomaraswamy
suggests that the word "Ahinága," appearing in Vinaya (i.25), is a proper
name, like Ahicchatta. For a discussion see JAOS. vol. 55, 391-392 (notes).
- Ahinda Sutta
- Ahipáraka
- Ahipeta
- Ahirika Sutta
- Ahirikamúlaká cattáro Sutta.-Four
suttas based on the fact that like coalesces with like, the shameless with the
shameless, etc. S.ii.162f.
- Ahogangá
- Áhuneyya Sutta/Vagga
- Ajacca.-One of the disciples
mentioned in the Sílavímamsana Játaka as having tried to win their teacher's
daughter and failed. J.iii.19.
- Ajagara
- Ajajjara Sutta.-See Ajara Sutta (see below).
- Ajakalápaka
- Ajakaraní
- Ájáni Sutta
- Ájániya Sutta.-Three discourses
identical, in the main, with the Ájańńa Sutta (1), but the fourth quality
(good proportions) is omitted. The suttas differ from one another in the
definition of "speed" in the case of the monk. A.i.244.
- Ájańńa Játaka (No. 24)
- Ájańńa Sutta
- Ajapála.-Son of the chaplain of King
Esukárí. He renounced the world with his three elder brothers. He was
Anuruddha in the present age (J.iv.476ff).
- Ajapala-nigrodha
- Ajara Sutta.-The Buddha teaches the undecaying and the path thereto (Ajajjara).
- Ajarasá Sutta.-Preached to a deva in
praise of wisdom. S.i.36.
- Ajatasattu
- Ajelaka-Sutta.-Many are those who do
not abstain from accepting goats and sheep. S.v.472.
- Ajinadáyaka.-A Thera who later became
arahant. He gave a piece of antelope skin to Sikhí Buddha. Five kappas ago he
was a Cakka-vatti, Sudáyaka. Ap.i.213-14.
- Ajita
- Ajitajana. A king of the race of
Mahásammata. His descendants reigned in Kapilapura. MT.127; Dpv.iii.17 calls
him Abhitatta.
- Ajitakesakambala (Ajitakesakambalí)
- Ajitańjaya.-King of Ketumati. He was
a previous birth of Todeyya Thera.
- Ajitapuccha or Ajitapańhá.-Second
sutta of the Paráyanavagga of the Sutta Nipáta. See
- Ajitarattha (Addika- or
Addila-rattha).-The country in which the setthi
Ghosita was born, in a
previous life, as a poor man named Kotúhalaka. DA.i.317; DhA.i.169f.
- Ajita-Thera
- Ájívaká
- Ájívaka Sutta
- Ajivaka.-Given as a possible name.
- Ajjhattikanga Sutta.-The name given
in the Sutta Sangaha (No. 77) to a sutta of the Itivuttaka on the virtues of
yoniso-manasikára. Itv.9f.
- Ajjhohára.-One of the six huge
mythical fishes of the Great Ocean. It was five hundred yojanas in length and
lived on the fungi that grow on rocks. J.v.462.
- Ajjuhattha-pabbata.-See
Ambahattha-pabbata (??).
- Ajjuka
- Ajjuna
- Ajjunapupphiya Thera.-Probably
identical with Sambhúta Thera.
- Akalanka.-A Cola officer who fought
against the Singhalese army of Parakkamabáhu I. during the latter's invasion
of the Pandu kingdom. Cv.lxxvii.17, 55, 80, 90.
- Akálarávi Játaka (No. 119)
- Akanitthá devá
- Ákankha Vagga
- Ákankheyya Sutta
- Akarabhanda.-A village in Ceylon
dedicated by King Kittisirirájasíha to the Tooth-relic. Cv.c.23.
- Ákása Sutta
- Ákásacetiya
- Ákásagangá
- Ákásagotta. See Sańjaya-Akásagotta.
- Ákásagotta.-A physician of Rájagaha
who lanced the fistula of a monk. Meeting the Buddha, he told him of the
lancing, trying to make fun of it. The Buddha, having made inquiries, declared
the performance of such an operation a thullaccaya offence (Vin.i.215-16).
- Ákásánańcáyata-núpagá-devi
- Ákásukkhipiya Thera.-An arahant. In a
previous birth he had offered a lotus flower to the Buddha Siddhattha and had
thrown another up into the sky above him. Thirty-two kappas ago he was a king
named Antalikkhacara. Ap.i.230.
- Akatańńu Játaka (No. 90)
- Akatti.-See Akitti.
- Akatuńńatá Sutta 1.-One who is of bad
conduct in deed, word and thought, and is ungrateful; is born in purgatory.
- Akatuńńatá Sutta 2.-Same as above.
- Akhilá.-Chief woman disciple of Sikhí
(Bu.xxi.21); the Commentary calls her Makhilá. BuA.204; also J.i.41.
- Ákińcańńa Sutta
- Ákińcáyatanúpagá-devá.-A class of
devas born in the Ákińcáyatana, the third Arúpa world (M.iii.103). Their life
term is sixty thousand kappas. AbhS.23.
- Akitti (v.l. Akatti)
- Akitti Játaka (No. 480)
- Akitti-dvára.-The gate through which
Akitti left the city. J.iv.237.
- Akitti-tittha.-The ford by which
Akitti crossed the river after he left Benáres. J.iv.237.
- Akkamaníya Sutta.-The uncultivated
mind is an intractable thing and conduces to great loss; the cultivated mind
has the opposite qualities. A.i.5f.
- Akkamaníya Vagga.-The third section
of the Eka Nipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. A.i.5-6.
- Akkantasańńaka Thera.-An arahant. In
a previous birth he gave his ragged garment to the Buddha Tissa. Once he was
born as a king named Sunanda. Ap.i.211f.
- Akkhakhanda.-A section of the
Vidhurajátaka which deals with events leading up to the surrendering of
Vidhura by the king, when the latter lost his wager with Punnaka.
- Akkhakkháyika
- Akkhama Sutta.-The qualities which an
elephant used by the king should have and similar qualities that should be
possessed by a monk. A.iii.157f.
- Akkhana Sutta.-On the eight
inopportune occasions for the living of the higher life. A.iv.225f.
- Akkhana-Kosa.-See Ekakkhara Kosa.
- Akkhanti Sutta 1.-The five evil
results of the want of forbearance. A.iii.254.
- Akkhanti Sutta 2.-The same as above
with slight variations in detail. A.iii.255.
- Akkharamálá.-A short treatise in Páli
stanzas on the Páli and Singhalese alphabets, by Nágasena, a Ceylon scholar of
the eighteenth century. P.L.C.285.
- Akkharavisodhaní.-A late Pali work
written in Burma. Sás.154.
- Akkhipújá
- Akkosa Sutta/Vagga
- Akkosaka Bháradvája Vatthu.-The story
of Akosaka-Bháradvája. DhA.iv.161f.
- Akkosaka Vagga.-The twenty-second
section of the Páńcakanipáta of the Anguttara Nikáya. A.iii.252-6.
- Akkosaka-Bháradvája
- Akodha-avihimsá
Sutta.-On mildness and kindness, the verses being put into the mouth of Sakka.
- Akodhana Sutta.-See Accaya-akodhana
- Ákotaka
- Akusala Sutta.-The man who is sinful
in action of body, speech and mind is born in purgatory. A.i.292.
- Akusaladhamma Sutta.-On the
unprofitable and profitable states. S.v.18.
- Akusalamúla Sutta.-On the three roots
of demerit: greed, malice and delusion. A.i.201; cf. M.i.47, 489.
- Alagaddúpama Sutta
- Alagakkonára
- Alagvánagiri.-A locality in South
India, captured by the forces of Parakkamabáhu I. Cv.lxxvii.12.
- Áláhana-parivena
- Alajanapada
- Alaka
- Alaká.-The town of the god Kubera
(Cv.lxxiv.207; lxxx.5), evidently another name for Álakamandá.
- Alakadeva
- Álakamandá
- Alakhiya-ráyara.-One of the Tamil
generals who fought on the side of Kulasekhara against Parakkamabáhu I.
- Alakkhí.-The goddess of Ill-luck. She
delights in men of evil deeds. J.v.112-14.
- Álamba
- Álambagáma.-A tank in Ceylon built by
Jetthatissa. Mhv.xxxvi.131.
- Álambanadáyaka Thera.-An arahant. In
a past birth he gave an álambana (prop?) to the Buddha
Atthadassí. Sixty
kappas ago he was born three times as king under the name of Ekápassita.
- Álambara
- Álambáyana
- Alambusá
- Alambusa Játaka (No. 523)
- Alandanágarájamahesí
- Alankáranissaya.-A scholiast on
Sangharakkhita's Subodhálankára, written by a Burmese monk in A.D. 1880. Bode,
op. cit., 95.
- Alára
- Álára Káláma
- Álára.-See Alára.
- Alasaka.-The name of a disease, of
which Korakhattiya died (D.iii.7). Rhys Davids translates it as "epilepsy" and
suggests that its name is a negative of lasiká, the synovial fluid.
Dial.iii.12, n.2.
- Alasandá
- Aláta
- Alattúru.-Name of two Damila chiefs
in the army of Kulasekhara. They took part in various battles and were
eventually conquered by the forces of Parakkamabáhu I. Cv.lxxvi.140, 184, 214,
217, 220, 305.
- Álava Sutta.-Records the conversation
between the Buddha and Álavaka Yakkha (q.v.) at Álavi. S.i.213-15.
- Álavaka (Sutta)
- Álavaká (v.l. Álaviká)
- Álavaka-gajjita.- Mentioned in a list
of works considered by Buddhaghosa to be heretical. SA.ii.150; Sp.iv.742.
- Álavaka-pucchá
- Álavandapperumála
- Álaví
- Álavi-Gotama
- Álaviká 1.-See Álavaká.
- Álaviká 2. A nun. See Selá.
- Álaviká Sutta.-Contains the
conversation between Álaviká (Selá) and Mara which ended in the latter's
discomfiture. S.i.128f.
- Áligáma.-A stronghold in the Álisára
district on the banks of the modern Ambanganga. Here Parakkamabáhu's forces
fought a decisive battle with those of Gajabáhu. Cv.lxx.113ff, and Geiger's
note thereon in the Cv.Trs.i.296, n.4.
- Alínacitta Játaka (No. 156)
- Alínacitta.-King of Benares; one of
the lives of the Bodhisatta. He was so-called ("Win-heart") because he was
born to win the hearts of the people. He was consecrated king at the age of
seven. His story is related in the Alínacitta Játaka.
- Alínasattu
- Álindaka.-Probably the name of a
monastery in Ceylon where lived the thera Mahá Phussadeva. SA.iii.154;
- Álisára
- Allakappa
- Áloka Sutta.-There are four lights:
of the moon, the sun, of fire and of wisdom, the light of wisdom being the
chief. A.ii.139.
- Álokalena
- Alomá (Aloná?)
- Áluvadáyaka Thera.-An arahant.
Thirty-one kappas ago he gave an áluva (fruit?) to the
Pacceka Buddha Sudassana, near Himavá. Ap.i.237.