On-Line Pali Course

Grammar Lessons & Tutorial Guide

Colloquial Pali Lessons

Word explanations

(Note: the following lessons are transcribed from Ven.Narada's grammar. The Tutorial Guides were written by Prof. Dhammavihari, Sri Lanka.)


 Lesson I A. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Nom. & Acc. Cases B. Conj. of Verbs - Pres. Tense. Act. Voice, 3rd person - Tutorial Guide I

 Lesson II A. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Instr. & Dat. Cases B. Conj. of Verbs- Pres. Tense. Act. Voice, 2nd person - Tutorial Guide II

 Lesson III A. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Abl. &. Gen. Cases B. Conj. of Verbs- Pres. Tense. Act. Voice, 1st person - Tutorial Guide III

 Lesson IV A. Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Loc. & Voc. Cases B. Full Conj. of Verbs- Pres. Tense Act. Voice - Tutorial Guide IV

 Lesson V Full Decl. of Nouns ending in " a " - Tutorial Guide V

 Lesson VI A. Nouns ending in " ii " B. Infinitive - Tutorial Guide VI

 Lesson VII Aorist (Ajjatani) Act. Voice Possessive Pronouns - Tutorial Guide VII

 Lesson VIII A. Nouns ending in " ii " B. Indeclinable Past Participles - Tutorial Guide VIII

 Lesson IX A. Feminine Nouns ending in " i " B. Future Tense (Bhavissanti) - Tutorial Guide IX

 Lesson X A. Nouns ending in " ii " B. The Formation of Feminines - Tutorial Guide X

 Lesson XI A. Decl. of Nouns ending in " u " & " è " B. Verbs- Imperative & Benedictive Mood (Pa–cam´) - Tutorial Guide XI

 Lesson XII A. Personal Pronouns B. Conditional Mood (Sattam´)

 Lesson XIII Relative Pronouns The Interrogative Pronoun

 Lesson XIV Participles - Tutorial Guide XIV & XV

 Lesson XV A. Demonstrative Pronouns B. Adjectives

 Lesson XVI Numerals Ordinals

 Lesson XVII A. Some Irregular Nouns ending in " a " B. Conjugations

 Lesson XVIII A. Declension of " Satthu " B. Causal Forms (KŒrita)

 Lesson XIX A. Decl. of " go " B. Perfect Tense (H´yattan´)v

 Lesson XX Compounds (SamŒsa)

 Lesson XXI Indeclinables (Avyaya)

 Lesson XXII Taddhita- Nominal Derivatives

 Lesson XXIII Kitaka- Verbal Derivatives

 Lesson XXIV Rules of Sandhi (Combinations)

 Lesson XXV Uses of the Cases

 Lesson XXVI Passive Voice



 Story of Buddheni

 Story of the Giver of Water

 A Pauper's Charity

 Story of Sumanaa Devi

 Various selections from the Dhammapada




  VOCABULARY: Pali-English

 VOCABULARY: English-Pali

 Guide to Exercises

Colloquial Pali

Glossary of Colloquial Pali Terms

Dialogue 1

Dialogue 2

Word Explanations

pa.ticca (1)

pa.ticca (2)
