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Life of the Buddha
Cu¶c ñ©i ñÙc PhÆt - Tranh Minh H†a

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The Bodhisatta (Buddha-to-be) was invited by Brahma and Four Celestial Kings to be born in the world from Tusita Heaven.

TØ cung tr©i ñâu-suÃt, BÒ-tát ÇÜ®c Phåm thiên và TÙ Thiên vÜÖng thÌnh m©i tái sinh xuÓng th‰.

In the day Sirimahamaya, the Buddha's mother, conceived a child, she had dreamt that there was a white elephant descended from the silver and golden mountains and brought her a lotus.

Khi Hoàng hÆu Maha Ma-da, mË cûa ñÙc PhÆt, thø thai, bà n¢m m¶ng thÃy m¶t voi tr¡ng tØ m¶t ng†n núi vàng båc mang m¶t Çóa hoa sen ljn dâng cho bà.

[Møc Løc][01-02][03-04][05-06][07-08][09-10][11-12][13-14]

Source: Post Cards from S. Dhumphakdi & Sons Publisher, Bangkok, Thailand

[Trª vŠ trang ThÜ Møc]